Ama ni matunda ya handshake? 🤔
Almost as good as PLO who has got the continent believing that he is a pan-Africanist because he quotes all the right people.
After attributing a non-existent social agenda to the handshake, he asks doctors (oh my God) to abandon unionism and embrace the handshake as "a better way of achieving their desired goals for an improved and rewarding working conditions."
Now I'm impressed.

Another screenshot here because it's just awesome!

But before you celebrate, he throws a missile at doctors: you're more privileged than most Kenyans, and your strikes punish wananchi.
Wow. Just wow.
Of course doctors are key players in the privatization of healthcare. Rotich told us that's why they don't want to pay public doctors well.
Once again, we see the crisis of language: neoliberalism has adopted the language of we who fight it.