It views them as cartels that drive up unemployment.
But is that really accurate??
But since then, less-skilled workers have been leaving unions, while mostly skilled workers remain in them.
The union wage premium is now mainly due to skills composition; union workers are now just higher-skilled workers, in general, who command higher market wages.
Anti-union laws and anti-union regulators might be to blame.
But the American type of unions (focused on raising wages instead of preserving competitiveness) might also have simply collapsed in the face of global competition.
If globalization is the reason unions collapsed, this won't work.
But it MIGHT work. And if it DOES work, unions could be just the medicine our economy needs right now.
So we should try it!!!
There's a good chance that unions were like a vaccine that prevented rich countries from going communist.
And with support for capitalism in free fall, it might be time for a booster shot.