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Eric Lipton @EricLiptonNYT
7 years ago, 7 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
FOLLOW ALONG HERE: So just what is the EPA IG still examining when it comes to Scott Pruitt? (Relevant on a day when we learned that ex-HHS Sec Price violated travel rules repeatedly) Here is the list, from EPA IG of OPEN and STILL MOVING investigations.
Protective Service Detail - Report: Management Alert - Controls Failed to Prevent Employee From Receiving Payment in Excess of Statutory Limit
Using an obscure provision of federal law to hire senior aides--like Nancy Beck formerly of American Chemistry Counsel--and put them into key positions without Senate confirmation or normal civil service rules
Examining if Pruitt and others at EPA properly maintained and released via FOIA federal government records that the public and news media have a right to see
Examining payments to Pruitt's 24-7 security detail.
And here is an interesting WILDCARD. Are there criminal investigations that might result? EPA IG to reporters: We cannot say.
SO HOW ABOUT CHICK-FIL A, the USED Mattress, the $50 a night CONDO, flights home to OK and other stuff we all in the news media wrote about? No clear answer on this. Might they all be dropped? Here is all we know. Any follow ups u can direct to members of Congress or the EPA IG>
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