Thread of live tweets starts here…

Soon Russian ambassador met Trump, invited him on expenses paid luxury trip to Moscow. Three weeks later Trump announces for first time he’s interested in running for president
(Luke was Guardian correspondent in Moscow and learned there were even video bugs in his own apartment)
(Aside: Luke says the FSB like to mess with you, so would make it very obvious when they broke in to his apartment. One day they left a Russian sex manual by his bed with a bookmark in chapter on orgasms!!)
They think Trump couldn’t work in the UK, but what works here is a kind of laddish, Top Gear style, approach - Arron Banks, Farage and Andy Wigmore.
They even invited the Russian ambassador and their FSB handler to LeaveEU campaign hq on results night!
It’s not known if the £9m banks gave to leaveEU is his or from ‘elsewhere’
A: Think the intelligence services are well aware. The problem is moral cowardice in political leaders they report to. House committee wrote to May, no action
So we’re left with no powerful law enforcement agency in the UK able to work independently in the public interest to investigate such massive and complicated crime #BylineFest
The audience gives them a long standing ovation.
#BylineFestival #BylineFest