In case it’s useful, here’s a way to write LaTeX table code within Stata and export to .tex
I learned this from @sacksdaniel
Also, many of the repetitive lines can be streamlined with loops
If those give you exactly what you need, don’t use my method.
I usually need to make slight modifications to tables that take forever to implement within other commands. This gives me complete control over the table layout.
The data that was made as follows:
set obs 30
gen sample = ceil(_n/10)
gen x = _n
gen e = runiform()
gen y = sample*x + e
The entire code is pasted above in the images. If someone wants to transcribe, go for it
Relative to my case, you’d just need to know how to make variable values into macros, e.g. `=b[1]’
h/t: @maibennett