Good use of all lowercase to emphasize your connection to the common man.
Areas for growth: content is, er, light. And you’ll have to work harder on composing an insult that really upsets people. “Bitch” is pretty boring.
Overall score: D- you’re bad at this

Good use of a diminutive to lend yourself unearned superiority.
Areas for growth: gif game ineffective, and your dig doesn’t logically follow from the post you’re responding to.
Overall score: C- below average troll

Good attempt to appeal to my own privilege.
Areas for growth: Visual game is weak, hyperbole saps the effectiveness of the overall approach, and telling someone who’s never spoken to you to “Fuck off” is...irrational, at best.
Overall score: D+ almost average

Good use of gendered language to reinforce your perceived authority.
Areas for growth: random kitchen sink approach to topics is confusing & reduces the overall insult level. You might also try sentences with verbs.
Overall score: C- average & boring

Good use of pseudoscience to simulate good-faith debate.
Areas for growth: the diminutive reduces effectiveness of your good faith debate position. Grammar distracts from overall message. Weak visuals.
Overall score: C+ troll has potential but this one failed

Good: picture & text go together.
Areas for growth: meme is dated. The target (me) enjoyed the meme, which saps effectiveness of the insult. You also haven’t established I do those things, so it’s too left-field to hurt.
Overall score: F, ineffective & dated