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Feb 14th 2023
📭 Ya está abierta la votación del público del 3º Concurso #CIBERER de #fotografía📷 sobre #investigación en #enfermedadesraras
🖼️Vota aquí👉 Image
...🧵¿ya has votado tu foto favorita?
Te presentamos todas las fotos del #concurso
👉Empezamos hilo con la #foto "Horizonte de esperanza para VHL"
📌Aquí la #descripción y #votaciones👉
#InvestigarEsAvanzar #RareDiseaseDay #ER Image
🎞️ "No todo son #neuronas" es el título de esta nueva #foto del #concurso de #ER
📌Si te gusta vota aquí👉
#InvestigarEsAvanzar #RareDiseaseDay Image
Read 9 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
¿Cómo debemos sospechar #aortitis y cuándo sospecharla?
Dr. Javier Loricera García
#25TenTopicsBCN #TenTopics
¿Cómo debemos sospechar #aortitis y cuándo sospecharla? Etiologías
#25TenTopicsBCN #TenTopics
¿Cómo debemos sospechar #aortitis y cuándo sospecharla? #Aortitis #infecciosa
#25TenTopicsBCN #TenTopics
Read 14 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
It's time for new job signing by final-year residents. A non-compete is one of the important discussion points

It should be totally removed from Hospital-based physicians. It's a big win-win for health systems and physicians.

Why? read this thread.

#MedTwitter #healthcare Image
Non-compete agreement --> it is meant to prevent physicians to compete with their old employers.

#ER Docs
#Neurologists based at hospitals & others

These specialties don't compete or take patients with them once they leave their current job.

Why? Image
How patients chose ED/Hospitals in an emergency?

- Most of the time it is chosen for patients.
- Based on critical illness, location, a nearby hospital, capabilities of that hospital, and related factors

- ED room is not chosen based on ED doc or hospitalist or ICU doc.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 9th 2022
On today’s mini edition of #shiftpERspectives, I’m going to arm you with pro tips on how to navigate an ER visit 🧵

1. Most importantly, if you need the ER, we are here for you. We will do our best to see you as quickly as possible. Please be patient with us. /1
2. Write things down - if your BP has been high, write down the numbers. If your kid has a fever, write down the temp and when their last dose of meds was.

3. Remember times - how long was the seizure? How long was the person unconscious? What time did the chest pain start? /2
4. Take photos! This might sound gross, but photos of poop and vomit or whatever you’re coughing up are VERY helpful. Rashes/infections too!

5. Similarly, take videos! Seizure? Weird movements? They help!

6. Bring your med list with you if you have it handy. /3
Read 8 tweets
May 26th 2022
.@MacEmerg Virtual Regional Rounds: Thankful for the opportunity to share about #DEI in #MedEd and practice #upstander skills to address #microaggressions within the #ER.

🗣️#MedTwitter: Here's a #Tweetorial of how you can be an #upstander! Image
.@MacEmerg Virtual Regional Rounds: #DEI in #MedEd: Being an #upstander!

💭Why does #DEI matter? Many benefits, here are just a few:
🗺️Improved cultural competence
🏥Expanded delivery of health care to low resource settings
🗨️Improved intellectual discussion in MedEd Image
.@MacEmerg Virtual Regional Rounds: #DEI in #MedEd: Being an #upstander!

💭The issue is that Racism exists on all levels. And because its so embedded in our societies, it's hard to recognize and even harder to change. Image
Read 21 tweets
Mar 28th 2022
Respecto a lo de Chris Rock con Will Smith, yo he estado en los dos lados de la historia: he agredido por un chiste y me han agredido por un chiste... Y, si tuviera que elegir, no digo orgulloso, pero me da menos vergüenza lo segundo.
Will Smith queda como un gilipollas por sentirse en la obligación de hacerse el machito cuando el chiste ni siquiera iba con él sino con su mujer. Y Jada queda igual de gilipollas por poner esa cara ridícula de ofendidita por un chiste que no sonrojaría ni a una niña de primaria.
Pero el que de verdad queda como un puto imbécil que le corría a guantazos de aquí a Tijuana es Chris Rock por haberse dedicado a la comedia en vez de al boxeo...TENER MANDÍBULA PARA ENCAJAR ASÍ DE BIEN ESE GOLPE SÓLO ESTÁ A LA ALTURA DE LOS MEJORES CAMPEONES DE LOS PESOS PESADOS
Read 10 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
I got home this morning after an overnight shift in the pediatric emergency department.

I rarely share personal reflections based on my clinical work as a #pediatrician via @twitter, but I'm allowing myself this exception.

#omicron #COVID19Qc #N95sForAll

A thread 🧵 1/21...
2/ I started my winter holiday stretch of shifts by working on #Christmas evening and finished it by ringing in the #NewYear last night while taking care of sick & injured children with a phenomenal (but overworked & somewhat demoralized team) at the children's hospital.
3/ Let me re-iterate at the outset that I've always been opposed to @francoislegault @coalitionavenir's imposition of the #curfew because of its harmful impacts on many of the most marginalized people in society.…
Read 22 tweets
Feb 22nd 2021
1/🧵We developed new in vivo #ILC models injecting intraductally ER+ #ILC lines and freshly dissected ER+ ILC tumors @EmboMolMed…
2/🧵#ILC cells establish themselves at the ductal tips #microenvironment and form grape-like structures reminiscent of #TDLUs of the human breast.
3/🧵We show that in these models, the tumor cells grow slowly, invade forming hILC histologies, and metastasize in a similar way as they do in patients in clinical relevant organs including ovaries, brain-meninges, adrenal gland, GI tract, liver, and lung.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 15th 2020
#USA 🇺🇸💉🦠

As the #US rolls out the #Pfizer#BioNTech vaccine, let’s have a look... how’s your state doing? Share a 📷 or a thought/perspective as we battle back against the #coronavirus / #covid19? Thread.

First up. New York. Image
#USA 🇺🇸💉🦠 #Illinois

Doug Meyer, 38 respiratory therapist, airway manager @OSFHealthCare @PeoriaIllinois is among the 1st #Illinois healthcare workers to receive the #COVID19Vaccine. Ht @BlueRoomStream

#USA 🇺🇸💉🦠 #RhodeIsland

A Latino doctor, Dr. Christian Arbelaez, was the 1st person in Rhode Island to get the #COVID19 vaccine. Now he wants to be an example for his community.… @DanMcGowan reports. Image
Read 58 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
(1/22) Acute PE treatment. An ever evolving landscape.

How about a #tweetorial on acute pulmonary embolism (#PE) and how to use mechanical #thombectomy with @InariMedical #FlowTriever?? Lets goooooo!

#InariFellowsEdition #IRad #IC #cardiotwitter
Pic credit @Jonathan_PaulMD Image
2/ From @CDCgov data one American dies of a blood clot every....? #VTE #PE @PERTConsortium #InariFellowsForum
3/ Acute #PE stats

📊100,000–180,000 PE-related deaths annually in US

📊PE is the most preventable cause of death among hospitalized patients

📊3rd leading cardiovascular cause of death after coronary disease and stroke

⏱ 1 American dies of a blood clot every 6 seconds Image
Read 25 tweets
Mar 14th 2020
This is a MUST SEE video on the #Coronavirus in Italy. The #ICU intensivist explains the epidemic and treatment- Report From The Front Lines @JAMA_current - YouTube #Covid_19 #COVIDー19 #COVID
This is a good summary but somewhat inconsistent to what we have been hearing on #twitter about #italy. The question about triaging those sick and above 60 yo was NOT answered directly. He said the goal was for everyone to get an ICU bed but was that successful? 1/
There are many pictures of hazmat suits which is somewhat different and more aggressive than the reports we have been hearing about #coronavirus in Lombardy 2/
Read 19 tweets
Feb 23rd 2020
#COVID19 #CoronaVirus

🇮🇹#Italia Superspreader #Cluster THREAD 1/7🏨

Drew a #dataviz diagram based on available data* about the #Lombardy cluster, which as of EOD 2/22/20 had 54 cases, including 2 in #Milano, & still an unknown Patient 0.

*plz excuse any possible errors
2/7 This cluster has developed quite rapidly in the town of #Lodi, near #Milan, in the #Lombardy region of #Italy.

The story has shifted several times on Patient 0, but somehow Patient 1 - a 38 y/o male in Lodi - contracted the #COVID19 virus.

When Patient 1 had symptoms...
3/7 ...he went to the #ER at the local Codogno #hospital multiple X, but was sent home with only #antibiotics (which don't work on #COVID19italia)

He then infected his pregnant wife & friends.

Of the 1st group of ~6, all were in serious condition.…
Read 11 tweets
Dec 9th 2019
It’s amazing how different outcomes are when a #patient is treated humanely and listened to. My daughter just got off phone w me. She was in tears describing the care she was receiving. Tears of thankfulness. She said that she felt listened to by the physicians 1/
have been caring for her. They have also answered her questions and not dismissed her concerns. Months ago I told @SanfordHealth that I feared they were not adequately caring for my daughter and were dismissing her to implicit biases as well as blatant judgements. I was 2/
assured by patient relations that was not case. Obviously it was the case as the physician at the hospital she is currently in are dumbfounded this was not caught much earlier. How you treat patients matter. It’s critical as physicians you are not making judgements 3/
Read 6 tweets
May 11th 2019
1/ It’s been a week.

It’s well into Friday evening & I just got off the phone with a patient who had urgent radiology results. This was after spending > 40 min on the phone w another patient discussing the same this afternoon.

(18 more to come; stick with me.)
2/ I only got 2 items on today’s long “to do” list done — but that’s on me. I was finally able to sit down for a couple hours uninterrupted and dig deep into a few patient cases from the week.

(And I “don’t work” on Fridays.)
3/ As I hung up the phone, I reflected on how #directprimarycare has enabled me to get to the heart of medicine & the doctor-patient relationship.

During that call, my patient’s spouse broke down and — through sobs — simply said: “Thanks for being so kind.”
Read 19 tweets
Feb 6th 2018
Watching first season of #ER again (aired 1994). Noticed a few things:
1) medical diagnoses and work ups are quite normal and accurate for a tv show,
2) diversity displayed same as today. However the 2 trauma surgeons are African American (incl 1 woman). Only 2 women mds on show of 10-12 men. And female er doc’s decision making is questioned more than men’s.
Read 6 tweets

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