Armor is light 1, medium 2 or heavy 3- plus 1 for shield.
Roll over difficulty number (armour) to score a success (owie).
Weapons give +1 or +2 dice.
Difficulty is 1 (very easy) to 5 (hard)- depending on what they want to do spell on- area or duration. Dice hits equals spell power to break.
Mana and health Potions restore 3 points.
Healing spells heal 1 owie per hit.
Goblin: fighting 2 armour 2
Orc: fighting 3 armour 3
Skeleton: fighting 2 armour 2- armor 5 against stabbing
Ghost: fighting 1 armor 5- armor 1 against spells and blessed or magic weapons
Red dragon: fighting 8, firebreath 4, armor 5
3 owies healed when resting a night.
Difficulty is 3.
Pookie has 2 dice on sneaking. But she gets 1 die for wearing a pair of McRibbonygibbon's Super Soft Stealth Slippers (tm)
She rolls 2,5 and 6. That's 2 hits! She bery bery sneaky.
Difficulty therefore goes
1 2 3 4 5 6
6+2 6+3 6+4 6+5
Pookie has 3 fighting. She rolls 5 dice. 2,2,3,4,6 so does 3 owies with a mighty swing.
The goblin has 2 owies, so is chopped in two!
Movement is 5 squares, minus your armor.
If you don't have an ability for something, just roll 1d6
10 silver =1 gold
10 copper = 1 silver
So 231 coins is 2 gold, 3 silver and 1 copper coins. A gem is 1000 copper.
I might get some quotes in January and do a Kickstarter to pay them their worth.