Turns out it shows up a lot. The more you think about, it the more places you notice it.
Tweetstorm 👇
A symmetric flower is hard to grow and sustain under influence of rain, wind, etc. But checking flower symmetry is a low cost op to the kinds of neural nets that process visual inputs in animals.
Sure it's about getting to know someone, but mostly connecting to person X is just a cheaply verifiable way of signalling I have enough money/power/influence/hustle that I was able to connect to person X
Yes it has other value too, but if "I deferred my entry into the workforce by 4 years for this credential" doesn't say PoW, I don't know what does
(It's possible to "complete" most MOOCs with minimal work, so credentialing signal is lower there.)
Now here's the fun part...
Just ask Tinder, Indeed, LinkedIn. Swiping, applying, and connecting are low commitment actions that don't mean much. High volumes - but no PoW.
While in olden times, just receiving a paper letter was a form of PoW
Provide your PoW - and quality increases like magic
Because PoW is the irreducible price of trust - and by extension, of quality - on a network.
But I really wonder how much energy we spend on PoW everywhere else. I've got a hunch it dwarfs crypto
But when you see blockchain PoW energy by the numbers, it sure looks shocking by itself