But it will not survive postmodernist, cynical, thoughtless dismissal.

Blogpost: theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

left…bad: protecting/enabling fascists
right…bad: protecting/enabling terrorists
right…good: protecting/enabling conservative political discourse, commerce, individuality, …
both…bad: protecting paedophiles, exploiters, serious criminal activity
But I feel like nobody every gets around to the "both…good" aspect of privacy, BUT THAT'S THE REALLY IMPORTANT ONE, BECAUSE IT SCALES.

"Who Voted For You To Change How Your API Works?!?"
…and the:
"All this would be better in XML"
The threat model shifts from "someone hacked my account" to "I accidentally dropped my entire life down the toilet."
I'm not saying "don't be critical", I am saying "don't dismiss."

Hypocrites. <FIN>