1️⃣ The absolute divine source, where neither the prophet (PBUH) nor his companions have the right to legislate, nor can they or any one else claim to be the author of the Qur'an.
2️⃣ #Islam has Neutrality and absolute rejection of racism of all kinds.
3️⃣ The Qur’an challenges all mankind with falsification tests like in scientific field so it goes with science. #Logic
4️⃣ #Islam through The Qur’an, covers all human life aspects. From fundamental doctrines to major legislation, politically, militarily, economically and socially, to small details such as how to eat, drink, dress, walk, sleep, wake up, ride and clean.
5️⃣ #Islam also covers All major moral issues, such as protection of religion, soul, mind, progeny & property, and the protection of freedom of belief & human rights.
6️⃣ #Islam reconciles mind and heart as integration is essential for individuals & society to be set right.
7️⃣ #Islam is free of contradiction, where beliefs, legislation, teachings and instructions are integrated and consistent, all of which are also consistent with the rationality and good common sense.
8️⃣ #Islam protect society from the major poisons:
A. Drugs
B. Alcohol
C. Gambling
D. Sexual immorality
E. Interest dealing.
9️⃣ #Islam cares much to maintain individuals needs in circumstances under force majeure, like childhood, madness, sickness, disability, necessity, poverty, prison, pregnancy, menstruation, childbirth, puerperium, extreme fears, disasters.
🔟 #Islam is the religion of unity, and recognizes all messengers and prophets (PBUT) such as Moses and Jesus and the believing in them is essential in #Islam.
So Muslims must acknowledge and believe in Moses and Jesus (PBUT).
🔟 #Islam is the religion that Allah has chosen to humanity since Adam and Eve passed through Noah, Hood, Abraham, Lot, Saleh, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Zakaria, Mary, Jesus, and finally Muhammad. (peace be upon all of them).
1️⃣1️⃣ #Islam is the religion all the time, but human nature tends to forgetting, distorting, twist, illusion.
🔴 The first step to be a Muslim is to believe in heart and mind, and declare this (I bear witness that no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the last Messenger of Allah).
🔴 Then believe in The whole Qur’an.
1️⃣3️⃣ Then, start to learn #Islam teachings step by step through The Qur’an & the Sunnah.
The Qur’an is the absolute revelation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
The Sunnah is the biography of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to explain how to understand The Qur’an & more details.
✅ The message of all prophets to humanity was this:
Dr. @0khalodi0 accurately and remarkably linked between the history and the present with regard to the political extremism of the Ikhwani and Shiite origin with the support of the Khomeinists and the Ottomans.
📌لعلنا نستعرض هذا الثريد بالعربية، ولعلي أترجم هذا الاستعراض للإنجليزية.
1️⃣ تربى على النصرانية. تحول للإلحاد معللاً ذلك بأزمة الكنيسة، ثم عمم تصوره عن النصرانية على بقية الأديان، مدعياً أن الزعومات النصرانية مماثلة لزعومات بقية الأديان، ومن بينها الإسلام بالطبع.
3️⃣ وأزعم أن الإلحاد المستشري هو نتيجة فساد اللاهوت النصراني، منذ المجرم الاول ."بولس الرسول" كما يلقبه النصارى، الذي توفي بعد المسيح ﷺ، 65 ميلادية حيث أفسد الإسلام الذي جاء به عيسى ابن مريم ﷺ من الله ﷻ، وأتذكر مؤلَّفاً أو مقالاً بعنوان "كيف أفسدت النصرانية العالم"،
قالها أحدهم بما يشبه الفخر ونشوة الانتصار، وكأنه إعلان لإنجاز يستحق الاحترام والتقدير.
والمؤسف بالفعل أن يصدر هذا التصريح الصارخ من شخص ينتمي لهذه الأرض منبع الإسلام ومهبط الوحي، والشعب الضارب في التاريخ والجغرافيا وصيرورة العالم القديم والحديث.
2️⃣ كثير من المستلبين للأفكار والمذاهب الفكرية، لا يعرفون ماهية ما يعتنقون، أو على الأقل لا يعرفون المقتضيات الضرورية واللازمة لما يعتنقون، وهذا ينطبق على كثير من المسلمين والنصارى واليهود ومختلف الأديان بل وحتى الملحدين.
3️⃣ وأزمة غالب هؤلاء المستلبين، أنهم لا يعرفون ماهية التوحيد ولا مقتضياته اللازمة والضرورية أيضاً، وهذا بسبب ضعف وعدم منهجية التأسيس العقائدي والفكري، والغرق في النظرة المادية للكون والحياة والمنشأ والمآل.
2️⃣ An overwhelming reason, which is what happens in the Middle East must reflect negatively or positively on the American citizen, whether from the political, economic or military side, even from the angle of the continuity of the US as the leader of the new world.
3️⃣ USA needs to increase the commercial market for its goods, this’s necessary to sustain the stability of the US economy & generate jobs. M East & N Africa is a developing market. It is still for a long time to come, capable of expanding, importing and producing a lot.