अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवं ऋत्विजं |
होतारं रत्नधातमम् ||
I venerate Agni, the priest [purohita] who is the light {devam] and invoker [ṛtvij] of the sacrifice, the one who chants [hotṛ] and bestows treasure. (ṚV. 1.1.1)
Agni is the embryo of the waters.
Three functions of Agni are: witness (Jātavedas), protector of the house, and the slayer of foes. Why do we need to invoke Agni? Because it is normally hidden.
The frog, the elephant, and the parrot do the same in other places.
Each of these covers two realms.