1pm Glu from 3.7 to 5.6 over 60min and made me hungry+++
Second ‘hump’ after 2pm was the other half #couldntresist

50:50 mix of heavy cream with @Breyers #lowcarb ice-cream is both delish and #flatlineish
I’m not one for treats (and don’t wish to re-awaken my sugar-cravings) but this is good to know #cgm

22g CHO as maltodextrin/60ml
Recommended dose 1-3x per hour
I’d need ?20x for 100k (that’s 1200ml to carry/digest) 😳

I expect Libre interstitial #cgm response to be delayed, and peak blunted, cf capillary blood

Soon after starting 12km easy run (20h fasted), glu peaks 6.6mmol (peaked BEFORE eating 50g cashews) thereafter drops back to 4.1 by end of run - no additional ‘spike’
GI tolerable, no dry mouth. Real food for late hunger #100knosugar

(the banana and the tailwind glucose sachet are backups, just in case I’m wrong)
#100knosugar #LOOKNOSUGAR #RTTS2019

Last pre-run meal today 1pm at ‘Shellfish Cow’ Wallingford UK 💥💥💥💥💥
...starting fasted tomorrow 7.30am #100knosugar #LOOKNOSUGAR

*Flag ✅
*Ketones ✅
*Recovery food ✅
Run starts 07:30
I’ll be posting updates 2-3hourly
Please retweet! #100knosugar #LOOKNOSUGAR #RTTS2019

Attention-Seeking Hyperactivity Disorder? 😂
Shout out for @PHCukorg @realfoodrocksUK 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Skipped first base; first stop at 2nd base for water and zero-cal elecs
See pinned tweet for sponsor info

Feeling strong, this is so normal
Next checkpoints at 50& 60k
Not hungry yet

Glu 2.0 Ket 7.2 😳
@lowcarbGP banana is still safe
And in other news, I have had a pee, all #golden, not lysing any muscle yet
Might snack some cashews before next check-in, but not hungry yet...

Some batteries running low, but not my #fatbattery #going forever #100knosugar #LOOKNOSUGAR
Checking Glu&Ket at 80

FFA for muscle
Ketone for brain
Glycerol for gluconeogenesis
#physiologyrocks #forgottenwisdom
(also, Unwin’s ‘Everlast Banana’ is still intact)