At the microprocessor scale, moving data and computation are not actually different things. You’re always moving bits. You’re sometimes changing them.
Bits may fly straight to RAM and back, or spin inside the CPU. Either way, distance traveled.
Coding is routing.
Faster clocks? Bits don’t have to fly as far. Less power per bit. Lighter spins faster.
Time/Memory is City vs. Highway driving. It’s routing.
City traffic. Nothing happening inside a chip is not a bit in motion, routed as necessary and possible.
Sometimes there’s traffic. If you must never be delayed by someone else, find a city where there is no one else.
It’s security domain, which is not really encoded systemically. It’s what would say a JS sandbox is not a renderer. It’s the boundaries being claimed.
Was still a driver, could still do anything if it wanted. But it at least had to want to! And know how!
There are so many ways to not deliver to a user. Most of them involve moving parts — pieces of a system mismodeling others.
So, stable interfaces are exposed.
They’re not security boundaries. They’re what a peer can expect.
I’m sure someone has, but.
Engineers do call and ask why ssh is down. Or some web server. DNS. Much DNS.
That their road -- their computation, their branch -- was never taken.
I think the analogy works, and wonder where it goes. OK, it's valid and explanatory, what does it predict?
OK, that's pretty cool. I just saw this post, how random weights to working AI networks perform much better than random.
Especially in the context of AI/Neural Architecture Search, this makes perfect sense. Weights are some of the routes, not all.