Juha Keskinen Profile picture
Jul 22, 2019 579 tweets 1293 min read
"Media find out how easily Putin’s cronies get UK Golden Visas. According to consultants, employees of the migration service are poorly trained and bypassing anti-corruption checks will be 'easy-peasy'”
"The house that Trump built. Russian billionaire nearly lost millions in a deal with future US President. Billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev managed to get back the money paid to Donald Trump"
"Oligarch Boris Mintz complained about living at £10,000 per week. A former member of the Forbes list is asking the High Court of London to lift restrictions on spending for his family"
Dmitry Rybolovlev's yacht Anna 7/21/19 Bergen-Molde
Oleg Deripaska's yacht Elden and it's support vessel Severnaya Ten in Fraenfjorden, near Molde. Elden sails often to Fraenfjorden when Deripaska is on it. That's where he took Prikhodko, Nastya Rybka and the 'models' in 2016
Lord Ashcroft yacht Lady M II has been missing (AIS off) since 7:49am 7/21/19 after it departed Volgodonsk, Russia and was heading to Rostov-on-Don
Ashcroft's other yacht Atlantic Goose 7/20/19 Hvar-Vis, Croatia
Dmitry Rybolovlev's other yacht Anna I 7/18-7/20/19 Dubrovnik-Vis🤔
Dmitry Rybolovlev's yacht Anna I (1) and Lord Ashcroft's yacht Atlantic Goose (2) in Vis, Croatia 7/20/19
Is that Louise Mensch sailing past Ashcroft's Lady M II?😁
Dmitry Rybolovlev's yacht Anna I 7/21/19 Vis-Hvar, Croatia
Lord Ashcroft's yacht Atlantic Goose 7/21/19 Vis-Skardin, Croatia
Both yachts to Vis 7/20/19🤔
Rybolovlev's other yacht, also Anna, is in Molde, Norway and Ashcroft's other yacht is sailing dark somewhere on Don, Russia
Roustam Tariko's (Russian Standard Group) VP-BRT 7/19/19 Middle East-LA 7/20/19 LA-Indianapolis
Haven't seen him in Indianapolis before
Tariko and Trump have known each other since mid-2000s and met private during the Miss Universe 2013 in Moscow
"The game is up: police to lose ability to track criminals with 5G. Such a warning was made by the Head of the European Police Agency Europol Catherine De Bolle"
"Limited money transfers abroad for Russians. Western Union has introduced a limit on cross-border transfers at 600 thousand rubles ($9,522) per month for a single client"
"For the first six months of 2019, there have been attempts to steal over 24 billion rubles ($381 m) from the accounts of the largest Russian banks. Fraudsters tried to withdraw money from the accounts in Sberbank, VTB and Alfa Bank"
"Abramovich's ex-wife Dasha Zhukova to marry Greek billionaire (Stavros Niarchos). Dasha Zhukova divorced the Russian oligarch two years ago"
"Ex-head of Magomed Daudov’s security team dies in car accident after he gets degree of MIA’s Management Academy. Head of the Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Shalinsky district and police major Tamerlan Musaev has failed to control the car"🤔
"'Iʼm not MacLeod (Highlander). I donʼt have 10 lives.' Arrested ‘thief in lawʼ Shishkan foresees his death in prison. The ‘thiefʼ is convinced that if heʼs going to be sentenced to a term, itʼs going to be a ‘one way ticketʼ for him"
Jeffrey Epstein's (convicted child molester) N120JE 7/23/19 Atlanta-Jackson Hole or Idaho Falls
There are rumors that the jet was sold recently, but until confirmed, I consider it as Epstein's
"Jeffrey Epstein’s Financial Trail Goes Through Deutsche Bank"
Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N671LE Stewart Int-Gabreski (~30m)-East Hampton (~10m)-Teterboro (~20m)-Stewart Int
Looks like N671LE picked someones up from Long Island
Koch's N345K 7/22/19 Wichita-Stewart Int
Blavatnik's N761LE 7/23/19 Stewart Int-Teterboro-Nice
"North Korea seizes Russian ship with 17 sailors aboard. According to the company that owns the ship, it happened on July 17, but the information was posted only on July 23"
"Ex-State Duma deputy Konstantin Borovoy applies for US political asylum. The politician said that he decided to leave Russia because of surveillance. He plans to open his business in the USA or teach mathematics"
"Ramzan Kadyrov ('Putin's monster') shoots in leg of militant brought to his residence. The person accused of attacking the National Guard fighters reported about torture"
"Russia demands from UK and US deportation of Oboronenergosbyt case defendants. We are talking about Alexander Zmihnovsky and Robert Khakimov"
"Assassination attempt on Belarusian diplomat committed in Turkey. According to preliminary data, the shooter was a neighbor of Poganshev; they have a long-standing domestic conflict"🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "'The shittiest place in the world,' Canadian hockey player (Maxim Talbot) about Magnitogorsk. The holder of the Stanley Cup did not dare to walk in the Russian city at night"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Putin’s alleged daughter tied to SOGAZ’s nuclear medicine center. Investment in the project will amount to about $475 million"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Investigation team raids oppositionist Dmitry Gudkov. Navalny was arrested, and the FBK director was searched within this case"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Igor Sechin’s Rosneft has spent €1.3 million on designer clothes for its employees, reports Baza. The oil workers ordered personal tailoring from an Italian designer Roberto Girombelli"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Gennady Lisovichenko, the former director general of the Antipinsky Oil Refinery, who is wanted in an office abuse case, filed a lawsuit against the company, demanding to pay him almost $12.000.000"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Baza published a photo of the pool with the image of the so-called 'thieves' star' in the house of kingpin Shishkan. However, Oleg Shishkanov himself said that “he rents the house, and the star was the before.” An interesting coincidence, isn't it?"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Salzburg prosecutor's office reveals details of wanted GRU officer work. The GRU officer and the Austrian ex-colonel have cooperated since 1987"
Fun fact: Igor Shuvalov, now head of Vensheconombank (VEB), has been renting a castle in Salzburg for years
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Russian Parliament new bill may lead Apple departure from Russia. The authorities are ready to adopt a list of domestic apps that should be pre-installed on gadgets sold in the country"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "List of arrested property pieces of oligarch Boris Mints made public. The arrest was imposed on a Scotland castle and several estates in England, as well as a high-rise in Israel"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Ex-head of banking department of FSB’s Dept 'K' may be linked with Aslan Gagiev’s gang. After the 2005 meeting of Gagiev and Frolov, banker Slesarev was killed along with his entire family"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Uzbek took it. Investigation canʼt find money stolen during attack on office of Metallurg bank by Federal Security Service. Most of the money was taken by a person who had tipped off the victims"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "'Highjacking king' extradited from Slovenia to Russia. The investigation considers Andrey Palamar to be the leader of a group specializing in hijacking expensive cars"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Individual-1's private jet (Dumb Jr?) N725DT 7/25/19 LaGuardia-D.C. (~7h landing)-LaGuardia
That was the day after Mueller hearing. Did the WH staffers call Dumb Jr. because his daddy was out of control?🤔
"Russia investigation did not exonerate Trump"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone) N113CS 7/23/19 Waterbury-Salisbury, MD 7/24/19 Salisbury-Bedford
Bedford is the home field for Robert Kraft's N616KG. They are close friends and both have direct line to Trump
"Kraft reportedly has direct line to Trump"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural committee) N284CC 7/24/19 Aspen-Fargo, ND 7/25/19 Fargo-Nice
"(Barrack) Sought to Profit From Connections to Administration, Foreigners"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone) N113CS 7/25/19 Bedford-St Tropez
Charles Simonyi's (Hungarian immigrant/Microsoft/Trump & GOP donor) N786CS 7/24-7/25/19 Seattle-St Tropez
His yacht Skat sailed from La Seyne sur Mer to St Tropez 7/24-7/25/19
Barrack's N284CC flew to Nice 7/25/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Other interesting yachts in St Tropez:
Dmitry Pumpyansky's (OAO TMK/Oil & gas pipelines) Axioma
Robert Tchenguiz's (SCL Group) My Little Violet
Belize registered yacht K.G.B (Unknown owner). That would be too obvious, wouldn't it?😁
'Berxit bad boys' have strong links to Belize
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Lord Ashcroft's Lady M II went dark 7/26/19 1:16pm UTC when it was heading towards Kerch Strait
Found another interesting 'coincidence' in Lady M II's Russian tour: Lady M II sailed from Batumi, Georgia to Sochi 7/6/19, on the same day as Vladimir Lisin's (Novolipetsk) Socrat 🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N761LE 7/26/19 Nice-Moscow
ICYMI Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte)N284CC flew from Aspen to Nice 7/25/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Sheldon Adelson's (Las Vegas Sands) VP-BMS 7/25/19 Tel Aviv-Palermo (~1h 30m landing)-Genoa
Adelson's yacht Queen Miri 7/25-7/26/19 Palermo-Panarea
For a 'critically ill' guy he flies and sails a lot
"Adelson Being Treated for Cancer"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Sheldon Adelson's (Las Vegas Sands) Queen Miri 7/27/19 to Capri Anchor
Rob Thielen's (Elbrus Capital, Russia) Elixir 7/27/19 to Capri Anchor
Vladimir Lisin's (Novolipetsk) Socrat 7/27/19 to Capri Anchor
Vincent Tchenguiz (SLC Group) Veni Vidi Vici 7/27/19 to Capri Anchor
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Sheldon Adelson's (Las Vegas Sands) Queen Miri 7/27/19 Capri Anchor to Castellemmare di Stabia
Vincent Tchenguiz (SLC Group) Veni Vidi Vici 7/27/19 Capri Anchor to Castellemmare di Stabia
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Vladimir Lisin's (Novolipetsk) Socrat 7/28/19 Capri Anchor to Sorrento Anchor
Rob Thielen's (Elbrus Capital, Russia) Elixir 7/28/19 Capri Anchor-Sorrento Anchor
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort)P4-GEM 7/25/19 Kiev-Vienna (~7h landing)-Nice (~30m Landing)-Kiev
A lot of flights from the East to Vienna after Firtash's extradition was approved🤔
ICYMI Tom Barrack's N284CC flew to Nice 7/25/19, landed b4 P4-GEM
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM 7/27/19 Kiev-Vilnus-St Petersburg (~3h landing)-Pula, Croatia 7/28/19 Pula-Dubrovnik
His yacht Royal Romance is in Brijuni, near Pula
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Russian Special Flight Det's RA-96014 7/23/19 Moscow-Havana 7/24-7/25/19 Havana-Rio De Janeiro 7/26/19 Rio-Zanderij, Suriname 7/27-7/28/19 Zanderij-Moscow
ICYMI Wagner mercs were apparently flown first to Cuba and then to Venezuela on commercial flights
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Roustam Tariko's (Russian Standard Group) VP-BRT 7/24/19 Indianapolis-Landed near Denton, MD
Tariko and Trump have known each other since mid-2000s
ICYMI Stephen Schwarzman's N113CS flew to Salisbury, MD 7/23/19 and took off from there 7/24/19 abt 1h 30m after VP-BRT landed
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Jeffrey Epstein's (convicted child molester) N120JE 7/27/19 Idaho Falls or Jackson Hole-Atlanta
There are rumors that the jet was sold recently, but until confirmed, I consider it as Epstein's
"Jeffrey Epstein’s Financial Trail Goes Through Deutsche Bank"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Oleg Deripaska's yacht Elden 7/27-7/28/19 Molde-Alesund
Elden's support vessel Severnaya Ten followed 7/29/19
Dmitry Rybolovlev yacht Anna 7/29/19 Oye-Alesund
There were a couple unidentified private jets in Alesund 7/28-7/29/19. Working to find out who own them.
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Dmitry Rybolovlev yacht Anna 7/30/19 Alesund-Geiranger
Oleg Deripaska's yacht Elden 7/30/19 Alesund-Geiranger
Elden's support vessel Severnaya Ten stayed in Alesund
You don't see them two together too often🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Oleg Deripaska's yacht Elden 7/30/19 Geiranger-Sailing back to Alesund
Elden sailed ~4 hours (one way) to Geiranger for 43 minute stay🤨
Dmitry Rybolovlev yacht Anna sailed to Geiranger earlier today
Deripaska is investing $200M in #MoscowMitch's Kentucky, is Rybolovlev involved?
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone) N113CS 7/29/19 St Tropez-Bedford (touch & go)-Teterboro-Savannah
N113CS made ~1h 30m landing in Bedford on it's way to St Tropez 7/24-7/25/19. Apparently it picked up someone and dropped them of yesterday. Anyone seen Robert Kraft lately?
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Lord Ashcroft's Lady M II went dark on July 26 when it entered in Kerch Strait, ~50 miles from Anapa, Russia. On the same day Yury Trutnev's 9H-TOR flew from Moscow to Anapa and back to Moscow on 28th. Trutnev was in charge of Alrosa when Jim Mellon and Banks had business with it
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Yury Trutnev's (former head of Alrosa)9H-TOR 7/29-7/30/19 Moscow-London (55m landing)-Moscow
9H-TOR was in Anapa 7/26-7/28/19. Lord Ashcroft's Lady M II is 'missing' somewhere near Anapa
"details of exclusive Russian deal offered to Banks in Brexit run-up"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Ilan Shor left the territory of Moldavia despite the travel abroad ban. Moldavia’s MIA has put a spouse of a Russian pop singer Jasmin - a Moldavian politician and a businessman Ilan Shor"
His M-ILAN flew from Vienna to Moscow on 7/28/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Vor Tsyrkach to be added to Interpol database. He may be in Central America. The Investigative Committee is about to submit the relevant documents"
Trump would welcome him at the southern border of the US if he came up with a 'caravan'
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Forest fire area in Krasnoyarsk reached Montenegro size. Governor Uss says putting it out is 'no use'. The fire has covered more than 1 million hectares (~2.5 million acres)"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "State Statistics Service: 21 million citizens earn less than cost of living. The share of the poor increased, according to a new method of counting real incomes of the population"
No wonder they protest...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "‘Pocket investor’ Rakishev to fall into disuse? After the resignation of Nursultan Nazarbayev as the President of Kazakhstan and election of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the power balance in the national political elite started changing"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Ex-head of ‘K’ directorate of FSB returns to Russia against guarantee of security and bears testimony"
He's trusting on Kremlin's 'guarantees'?? Watch out for windows...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Ex-head of banking department of ‘K’ directorate of FSB to be checked for ties to Jako’s killers gang. Eyewitnesses report that Dmitry Frolov accused of swindling and taking bribes was likely to communicate with Gagiev in 2004-2005"
Is 'K' for Korrupt?🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Court convicts former Kremlin official who exposed corruption in the FSB. Thanks to Gorbatov’s testimony, investigators were able to reach organized criminal group of former and current high-ranking officers of FSB’s 'K' department"
'K' is for Korrupt...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Former deputy head of Federal Penitentiary Service Korshunov sentenced to seven years in prison. The defendant and his accomplices will have to pay almost $ 4.1 million rubles"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Ex-police officer convicted for high treason opened up about cooperation with CIA. In 2014 he infiltrated the supporters of the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics and fed the USA with information about the conflict"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Sasha Kushner lost title of main Belarusian thief in law. 'Crown' promised for his head. Oleg Mumu has become the new criminal leader of the country"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Len Blavatnik's (Access Ind) N761LE 7/30-7/31/19 Moscow-Barcelona
His yacht Odessa II is in Ibiza
Richard LeFrak's (CEO of LeFrak/Trump's Infrastructure Adviser) N212LF 7/29/19 HPN-Gabreski-Ibiza
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Koch brothers' N265K 7/30/19 Wichita-D.C. (~1h 30m landing)-Salt Lake City 7/31/19 Salt Lake City-D.C.
"Koch Network Plans To Spend Millions Backing Trump’s Court Pick (Kavanaugh)" 6/27/18
Did Kochs' pay Kavanaugh's outstanding debts?🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Roman Abramovich's (Evraz/Millhouse) P4-MES 7/31/19 Olbia-Nice
Abramovich's LX-GVI 7/31/19 Nice-Salzburg
Andrei Skoch's (Metallo Invest/Solntsevskaya gang/With Erik Prince in Seychelles) P4-MGU 7/31/19 Olbia-Sochi
"As Mueller probes Seychelles meetings..."
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Taras Kozak's (Ukrainian bandit/Medvedchuk) T7-BRG 7/31/19 Moscow-Vienna (~1h landing)-Pula, Croatia (~6h landing)-Minsk (~30m landing)-Moscow
Medvedchuk's yacht Royal Romance is in Brijuni, near Pula and his P4-GEM flew from Pula to Dubrovnik 7/28/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Prigozhin's troll factory is trying to spin the Russian journalists murders in CAR and blame Khodorkovsky...
"Media: troll factory came up with official version of Russian journalists murder in CAR"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Queen of Great Britain turns out to own luxury apartments in Moscow. 4 apts located not far from the apartments of billionaire Deripaska and ex-minister Abyzov in Moscow turned out to be registered in the name of the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Corsican with knife attacks yacht with Russian businessman’s family on board. Crew members disarmed the perpetrator and caused him several injuries with which the offender was hospitalized after the police arrived"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Сourt arrests Spanish hotel belonged to Moscow region district Head. The Klin City Court has arrested the Spanish hotel Roger de Flor Palace, owned by Alexander Postrigan"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Novosibirsk United Russia office put on fire"
United Russia is Putin's party
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Russia to allocate half $ 7.8 million to Deripaska’s plant to fight garbage-pollution in Africa. The GAZ Group will deliver 200 trucks to Sierra Leone free of charge"
I'm sure they're doing it out of goodness🙄
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Close friend of Shoigu earns $102 million on transactions with Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Emergency Situations. A complete namesake of the businesswoman was previously an adviser to the Emergencies Ministry for the aviation unit"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "St. Petersburg police detained the head of the Norman construction company, Vladimir Smirnov, reported Znak. com with reference to shareholders who went on a hunger strike five days before the arrest of the top manager"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Employees of the "K" Department of the FSB Dmitry Frolov and Kirill Cherkalin, who are accused of bribery and swindling, met with bankers in expensive restaurants and discussed cooperation and problems arising from it"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Moscow Hockey Federation president fled Russia after FSB officers’ arrest. Sergey Mendeleyev is also suspected of involvement in the withdrawal of money from Russia by the owners of 1520 Group of Companies, who were backed by Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Billionaire colonels of FSB intended to siphon-off $190 million abroad. 12 billion rubles ($190 million), found during searches at the head of the 'banking' department of the 'K' Department of the FSB, Kirill Cherkalin, and two of his alleged accomplices"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Bank-cover scheme of FSB K Directorate officers unveiled. Security officials received a percentage of funds withdrawal, or fixed kickbacks and bribes for specific violations"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Accomplice in Politkovskaya’s murder turns out to be valuable witness in shooting of Forbes chief editor Paul Klebnikov (American citizen). The convicted ex-employee of the Moscow police department, Dmitry Pavlyuchenkov, was taken under state protection"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution FBI's N616RK 7/29-7/30/19 Manssas-Dulles-Warsaw 7/31-8/1/19 Warsaw-Amman, Jordan (~1h landing)-Warsaw (~1h landing)-Dallas (~3h 30m landing)-Manassas
Anyone interesting connected to all those places? Normally N616RK returns straight to D.C. from abroad, now it flew to Dallas 1st
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "UK Army readying to battle ‘Russian trolls’. The British Army has created a new division to engage in cyber warfare against the so-called Russian trolls and Twitter terrorists, the Telegraph reports"
Meanwhile in the US #MoscowMitch does nothing...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "A1 announces award for information about assets of runaway banker Bedzhamov. A1, structure of Alfa Group, is ready to pay those who reveal the foreign assets of banker. The company secured $1.75B worth of property seizure in the High Court of London"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "London court unfreezes Norebo assets of Russian fish king. The 350-million-dollar claim of Tugushev’s former partner was regarded as significantly lower than the value of the frozen assets"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Head of Bankers’ Association says bankers flee Russia due to issues within industry. Garegin Tosunyan believes that the state takes part in the banking industry too much"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "The Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) has found property worth 6.5 billion rubles ($101.4mn) owned by First Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Natalya Sergunina. Sergunina is said to be responsible for the election campaigns in Moscow"🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Shadow banker familiar with FSB Colonel Cherkalin declared wanted. Oleg Belousov is accused of embezzling 3.5 billion rubles ($ 54.7 m). According to operational data, he is in Cyprus"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "The father of a man named in the case of the FSB officers that stole $2.1 m from an unemployed person under the guise of operational activities, 51-year-old Alexey Chikvin has lodged a statement with the police about the abuse of authority"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution “'The Urals must pay.' Thief in law Guli's emissary back in Sverdlovsk region. Sari Gadzhiyev left the Urals after a skirmish involving shooting"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Jeffrey Epstein's (convicted child molester) N120JE 8/1/19 Atlanta-Nassau
There are rumors that the jet was sold/transferred recently, but until confirmed, I consider it as Epstein's
"Jeffrey Epstein’s Financial Trail Goes Through Deutsche Bank"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural committee) N284CC 8/2/19 Nice-Fargo (~20m landing)-Aspen (~30m landing)-LA
"Tom Barrack, a Trump ally with fingers in many pies. Colony Capital founder under fire for mixing private diplomacy with business"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N737LE 8/1/19 Stewart Int-D.C.
Jonathan Gray's (President & COO of Blackstone) N898MJ 8/1/19 Minneapolis-D.C.
"TRUMP, KUSHNER, RUSSIA — AND THE BLACKSTONE MYSTERY: Something More for Robert Mueller to Investigate?"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Len Blavatnik's N761LE 8/2/19 Barcelona-Ibiza-Gabreski-Springfield, MA
Richard LeFrak's (CEO of LeFrak/Trump's Infrastructure Adviser) N212LF 8/2/19 Ibiza-Gabreski-HPN
Jonathan Gray's (President & COO of Blackstone) N898MJ 8/2/19 D.C.-Gabreski-Teterboro🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Lord Ashcroft's Atlantic Goose 8/2/19 Rovinj-Venice
His other yacht Lady M II went dark in Black Sea 7/26/19
Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) Royal Romance 8/2/19 Brijuni-Venice
Rupert Murdoch's Vertigo 7/30-7/31/19 Rovinj-Venice
His jets are in US
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution Lord Ashcroft's Atlantic Goose and Viktor Medvedchuk's Royal Romance arrived in Venice less than 1/2 hour apart 8/2/19. Rupert Murdoch's Vertigo arrived 7/31/19. Vertigo and Atlantic Goose moored near each other, Royal Romance further away.
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Revenues of Russian oligarchs increased by $ 36 billion. The most wealthy were the co-owners of Novatek and Norilsk Nickel"
Poor Deripaska is still struggling to make the list. But no worries, #MoscowMitch helps him to get back on it...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Execution list. Arrests in Astrakhan region – continuation of sweeping purge in Dagestan? The almost entire Council of Ministers of the Astrakhan Region is currently held in a pretrial detention facility"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "Governor Drozdenko's way out: stone ghetto, deceived interestholders and oligarchs. The blacklist of governors who are waiting for rotation and resignation hits the Internet and the Leningrad region political circles"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution "In Bakhmut, security officers busted a gathering of crime bosses in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, the press service of the Strategic Investigation Department of the National Police of Ukraine reports"
@Prizrak_opery @OfeliyaDD @JohnnOwl @BorisenkoBoris
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N737LE 8/3/19 D.C.-Naples
His yacht Odessa II is in Palma, Spain
"How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Sheldon Adelson's yacht Queen Miri 8/3/19 Monaco-St Tropez
Adelson's VP-BMS 8/3/19 Genoa-Looks like it was descending to St Tropez when it suddenly changed the course and headed SE before disappearing. Medical emergency? Heading to Israel? Adelson's time is nigh?🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Aleksandr Frolov's (CEO of Evraz) D-ARKO 8/2/19 Moscow-Chicago
D-ARKO visits US very rarely despite Evraz having a lot of business there. Evraz's HQ is in 71 S. Wacker Drive
Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60606
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Lord Ashcroft's Lady M II reappeared (AIS on) 8/3/19 sailing from Anapa, Russia towards Turkey.
It went dark 7/26/19 when it entered in Kerch Strait, ~50 miles from Anapa. Yury Trutnev's (formed head of Alrosa/Jim Mellon/Arron Banks) 9H-Tor was in Anapa (Vityazevo) 7/26-7/28/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N737LE 8/3/19 D.C.-Naples (~1h landing)-Rome 8/4/19 Rome-Bangor-Stewart Int
His yacht Odessa II is in Palma, Spain
"How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Lord Ashcroft's yacht Atlantic Goose 8/3/19 Venice-Split, Croatia
Rupert Murdoch's yacht Vertigo 8/4/19 Venice-Rovinj, Croatia
Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM 8/4/9 Dubrovnik-Venice-Nice-Venice
His yacht Royal Romance is in Venice
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Spanish prosecutors subpoena Russian oligarch Fridman (Alfa Bank) to court. According to the prosecutor, Fridman worsened the financial status of the Spanish Zed WorldWide to buy it at a price below the market"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "According to the Spanish Prosecutor's Office, the Russian billionaire (Mikhail Fridman Alfa Bank) achieved “financial strangulation” of the Zed WorldWide technology group and acquired it at a price much lower than the market"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Ukraine launches case over Poroshenko's trip to the Maldives using fake passport. The National Bank leadership is summoned for interrogation as part of an investigation into the withdrawal of money from Ukroboronprom to offshore"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Russian court arrests Moldova's richest man. Vladimir Plakhotnyuk is accused of organizing a scheme for withdrawal of billions from Russia, as well as drug trafficking and attempt at murder. According to the FSB, Plakhotnyuk is in Miami"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Prosecutor-General’s Office gets access to overseas accounts of Russian officials. The oversight agency will be able to get information through the Central Bank"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs Main Directorate for Countering Extremism decided against looking for the creators of the homophobic hitlist called 'saw against LGBT', which encouraged people to 'hunt' LGBTQ activists down"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Kadyrovs' business partner won control over Chechnya's garbage market. Movsadi Alviyev's company has become an operator for the removal of municipal solid waste in the republic for the next eight years"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Alexey Frenkel to expose the Magomedov brothers. A financier intends to tell about the involvement of the Magomedov brothers in a contract killing and money laundering"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "In one touch. Crash of Yandex shares, ‘beer' lobby, and other initiatives of Deputy Gorelkin. Most people consider Deputies featureless executors of ideas developed on Stararya square – but every rule has an exception"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Hearing in 'FSB gang' case held behind closed doors due to new defendant. According to the investigation, the former prosecutor’s office employee, Konstantin Zharov, who became the eighth defendant in the case"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "China vows to retaliate should US deploy its missiles in Asia. Earlier, the head of the Pentagon, Mark Esper, announced his intention to deploy medium-ranged ground-based missiles in Asia"
From trade war to hot war...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 8/4/19 LA-Portland, MA
Portland is about an hour from Portshmouth, NH where Westinghouse Electric (Saudi nuclear deal) has three locations westinghousenuclear.com
"Barrack tried to buy Westinghouse"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 8/5/19 Portland, MA-New Bedford, MA (~30m landing)-Aspen
Unusual destinations for him🤔

"Barrack’s Middle Eastern connections run deep. Here’s how they’ve boosted his real-estate business"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte)N284CC 8/7/19 Aspen-Teterboro (~30m landing)-Nice (airport for Monaco
Yacht Solandge 8/6-8/7/19 Portofino, ITA-Monaco
Apparently Solandge was bought by Saudi Royal Family in March 2017
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Ronald Perelman's (MacAndrews & Forbes/Revlon ) N838MF 8/5/19 Teterboro-Nice or St Tropez
His yacht C2 is in St Tropez
Perelman and Jeffrey Epstein go way back as does Tom Barrack, who flew to Nice 8/7/19

@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Sheldon Adelson's (Las Vegas Sands) VP-BMS 8/5/19 Nice-Boston 8/6/19 Boston-Portsmouth 8/7/19 Portsmouth-Boston
Tom Barrack was in Portsmouth 8/4-8/5/19
"The Adelson Story The Media Forgot" MediaMatters 2014
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Sheldon Adelson's (Las Vegas Sands) 8/5/19 Marseille-Tel Aviv 8/6/19 Tel Aviv-Genoa
His yacht Queen Miri is in Ajaccio, Corsica
James Simons' (Renaissance Technologies/Robert Mercer) yacht Archimedes 8/4-8/7/19 Livorno-Genoa
His N773MJ flew to Livorno 8/3/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Alexander Abramov's (Evraz) D-ALEX 8/4-8/5/19 Munich-Corsica-Shannon-LA
Aleksander Frolov's (CEO of Evraz) D-ARKO 8/6/19 Chicago-London
Evraz's D-ALXX 8/6/19 Split, Croatia-Moscow-London
"Evraz shareholders Abramovich, Abramov and Frolov on 'Putin list'
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Andrei Skoch's (Metallo Invest/Solntsevskaya gang/With Erik Prince in Seychelles) P4-MGU 8/5/19 Sochi-Olbia
Rinat Akhmetov's (Ukrainian bandit/Manafort) P4-RLA 8/5/19 Nice-Olbia (~2h landing)-Kyiv
P4-MGU and P4-RLA landed in Olbia a few minutes apart
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM 8/5/19 Venice-London (57m landing)-Nice 8/7/19 Nice-Pula, Croatia
His yacht Royal Romance went dark in Rovinj, near Pula 8/5/19
What can you do 57 minutes in London🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Alexander Mashkevich's (ENRC) M-AAAL 8/6/19 Ibiza-Dalaman, Turkey
His yacht Lady Lara is in Gocek, near Dalaman
Ihor Kolomoysky's (PrivatBank) OE-IOE 8/6/19 Geneva-Bodrum, Turkey 8/7/19 Bodrum-Geneva
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Russian Vladimir Kuznetsov, arrested in the United States on suspicion of illegally sending small arms components to Russia, was released on bail. Kuznetsov, who lives in Brooklyn, and other conspiracy members mailed items to Russia since February 2017"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "UK authorities trying to force cryptocurrency exchanges to disclose client data. Britain’s tax authority is pressuring Coinbase, eToro and CEX. IO to provide their customer data and transaction histories"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Massive explosion hits Copenhagen tax office in 'deliberate attack', police looking for witnesses"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "BBC: Russian authorities fell back on mobile internet service shutdown during rally. Providers are obliged to disconnect the Internet at the request of security officials, but cannot report this"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Special forces burst into the house of former Kyrgyz President Atambaev. Atambaev is accused of corruption, promoting the illegal land conversion, and involvement in the release of thief in law Aziz Batukaev using fake medical certificates"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Tumgoev’s case: director of largest factory for repair of submarines accused of bribe taking. The investigation theory is that Chernechenko had received money for assisting structures of an Ingush tycoon Tumgoev in receiving of governmental contracts"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Number of crimes committed by Rosgvardiya employees surges by nearly 300%. The figure is 70% for the FSB"
Rosgvardiya is only answerable to Putin, basically his private army
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "TV host of Russia 24 Nailya Askerzade turns out to own $45 million land property in Rublyovka. The land property was registered in the name of the TV host a year ago, however she states she does not own it"🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Creditors of Georgy Bedzhamov, a former co-owner of Foreign Economic Industrial Bank, who has absconded – initially to Monaco and then to the UK – launched a hunt for his assets a la classic western movie"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "The Dorogomilovsky District Court of Moscow sentenced masters of various martial arts, who worked as security guards for Summa Group’s Ziyavudin Magomedov, to a year and eight months in prison for beating sambo wrestler Shamil Kuramagomedov"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Sasha Sever asserts Krug's murderers are dead while there is investigative experiment with suspects going on. All his killers are already dead. 'Take the word of the thief in law for it!'"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Tverskie Volki’s hitman sentenced to life admits to murdering Mikhail Krug. Aleksandr Ageev made a sincere acknowledgement after a confrontment with the leader of the Tverskie Volki OCG’s armed wing, Aleksandr Osipov"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Suspect in Mikhail Krug murder strangled two cellmates. 'Ageev committed the murder of his two cellmates. He’s like a killing machine, a musclehead, he strangled them, and that’s all'"
'That's all...'🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Taganskaya gang killer got 19 years for slaying lawyer. Marat Yanbukhtin was found guilty of the murder of Natalya Vavilina"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Sweatboxes for prisoner tortures and video reports found in Kresty-2. On the instructions of investigators, the ‘activists’ torture and beat prisoners, force them to give false testimonies, refuse claims, and extort money"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Massive blast hits Mayor’s office in Sweden’s Landskrona. A strong explosion rocked the town of Landskrona in southern Sweden"
Yesterday there was a massive explosion at Copenhagen (Denmark) tax office🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Ten Russians arrested in Poland due redistribution of powers. They are charged with participating in an organized armed criminal group, attempted beating, illegal possession of weapons and drug trafficking"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Special forces soldier killed during Kyrgyz ex-Head's mansion storm. The siloviki undertake a new assault on the residence, Atambayev’s supporters run together from the regions"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Kyrgyzstan ex-President vowed to release special forces soldiers taken hostage yesterday. Authorities accused the politician of violating the constitution while showing armed resistance to law enforcement officers"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Baza says Rosneft wiretaps its phones after article about Sechin’s '$306mn residence'. Baza employees believe they are under surveillance and their phones are tapped. The security service of Rosneft is responsible for this"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris "Member of Pichuga’s OCG Paramon sentenced to 9 years and $12k fine. He has confessed to murder and attempt at murder"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris Dmitry Rybolovlev's M-KATE 8/7/19 Stavanger-Oslo 8/8/19 Oslo-Kokkola/Jacobstad, Finland (~4h landing)-Vienna 8/9/19 Vienna-Bern
His yacht Anna is in Stavanger
Kokkola/Jacobstad is very odd destination for M-KATE
cc @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen Taras Kozak's (Ukrainian bandit/Medvedchuk) T7-BRG 8/8/19 Zadar, Croatia-Pula (2h 25m landing)-Moscow
Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM 8/8/19 Pula, Croatia-Nice 8/9/19 Nice-Moscow
His yacht Royal Romance went dark (AIS off) near Rovinj, CRO
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen SBK Holding's (Sezgin Baran Korkmaz) TC-YYA 8/6/19 Istanbul-Moscow 8/7-8/8/19 Moscow-Caracas, Venezuela (~15h landing)-Moscow 8/9/19 Moscow-Istanbul
"Korkmaz is known for giving testimony in the investigation of Special Counsel Mueller"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen Missed this flight earlier...
Andrey Pannikov's (Putin's old buddy from KGB) M-LION 7/31/19 Cyprus-Biggin Hill, London
cc @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews
"How Arron Banks’s campaign ‘ambassador’ made his millions in Russia"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "$2m worth of cocaine found washed ashore in New Zealand. Following a storm, batches of cocaine worth about $2 million were washed ashore on a wild beach in New Zealand, local police report"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ukraine allows Russian aircraft into airspace for first time in four years. The aircraft circumvented a thunderstorm"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Case against thief in law Shakro Molodoy stalls. No one wants to investigate the seizure of Moscow-based casinos Crystal and Golden Palace"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Wanted businessman (Igor Polchenko) from Russia detained in Cyprus. He owed more than 7 billion rubles ($107 million) to banks, including Sberbank and VTB"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian suspected of stealing yacht worth €3.5mn. The Spanish Civil Guard has found a yacht at the coast of Turkey, which was stolen in early April at the port of Palma in the Balearic Islands"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "UK blackout leaves nearly one million people without electricity. Power went off in different parts of the UK, affecting transport, hospitals and much more"🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Over 1mn hectares burning in Krasnoyarsk region: mainland fire reaches Arctic. The number of hot spots increases by 13 per day"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Lyubov Sobol detained before sanctioned rally in Moscow. The politician was broadcasting live when the police came"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "47,000 people attend opposition rally in Moscow. In Moscow, an agreed rally of solidarity with opposition candidates not admitted to the elections to the Moscow City Duma is taking place on Sakharov Avenue"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Rosneft heads get $361mn including bonuses for six months. The top managers received 300 million rubles more than in 2018"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Former police major and former commandos sentenced to 3 years for trying to kill investigator. The Supreme Court of Crimea sentenced the defendants in the attack on the head of the investigation department for Alushta of the Crimean ICR Directorate"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Andrey Guryev's (PhosAgro) OE-LJG 8/10/19 Nice-D.C
First time I see him in D.C.
"How Putin’s 'wallets' launder money in the West"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Sándor Csányi's (banker to Hungary’s oligarchs/Orban) HA-LKZ 8/11/19 Budapest-Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
"Putin's bank moves to Budapest. Hungary will be obliged to provide diplomatic immunity to those dealing with the bank"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Andrey Pannikov's (Putin's old buddy from KGB) M-LION 8/11/19 Biggin Hill, London-Cyprus
"How Arron Banks’s campaign ‘ambassador’ made his millions in Russia"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Vitaliy Khomutynnik's (Ukrainian 'businessman'/politician) VP-CVH 8/8/19 Ibiza-Tel Aviv 8/9/19 Tel Aviv-Nice 8/10/19 Nice-Ibiza
"MP Khomutynnik jointly with Kolomoisky is co-owner of Ukrnaftoburinnia"
FBI is investigating Kolomoisky for money laundering
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Young Norwegian shoots parishioners of a mosque near Oslo. Mosque parishioners detained the shooter. There are no fatalities or people injured"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Unnatural causes: technical expert on new version of journalist Dorenko's death. An independent technician studied all the videos with Dorenko’s crash on a motorcycle and the events a few minutes before the accident and pointed to a strange stream of gas"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Roskomnadzor warns Google about serious consequences if rally ads reappear on YouTube. The Service demanded that the American company stop advertising illegal events on the territory of the Russian Federation"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "New rails for Tambov drug trafficking. In the dashing 90s, the criminal group of the 'night governor' Vladimir Barsukov-Kumarin controlled the largest cocaine supply channel from Colombia, passing through the port of Lomonosov"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ulyanovsk: 30 OCG members tried to recapture their friend from National Guard. As a result, about 21 police cars, and later OMON special police, arrived on the scene, Ulyanovsk 73 reports via VKontakte. About 30 people have been detained"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Ronald Perelman's (MacAndrews & Forbes/Revlon/Epstein/Trump) N838MF 8/11/19 Nice-Teterboro
Perelman's N636MF 8/11/19 Teterboro-Nice
The jets departed Teterboro and Nice almost at the same time
His yacht C2 is in St Tropez
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews DeVos' (Amway/Spectrum) N252DV 8/11-8/12/19 Grand Rapids-St Petersburg
Coincidentally Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum are in St Petersburg
N252DV landed at around same time as Huckabee/Santorum arrived

"Trump Tower, Spectrum, Alfa Bank server connection"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Andrey Pannikov's (Putin's old buddy from KGB) M-LION 8/12/19 Cyprus-Rivne, Ukraine

"Firms linked to Jim Mellon were involved in a number of deals with politically exposed Russian oligarchs including an ex-KGB officer, Andrey Pannikov"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The Netherlands: strangers with Russian lilt nightmarize military pilots wives. Calls were received by women from hidden numbers in 2017. The newspaper claims that Moscow tried to spy on a German military base at the time"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "FSB General Tkachev brings another investigator to hospital. Last week, Bastrykin was hospitalized"
Two high ranking officers investigating FSB General hospitalized in a week🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Black cash. Money embezzled from Rostec surface in Montenegro. Detained professor Anatoly Filachev, ex-General Director of Orion Scientific and Production Association, owns real estate in Montenegro"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Grandson of CEC member buys $7.6mn apartment at the age of four. FBK journalists have exposed the real estate of the grandson of CEC member, Boris Ebzeev, Artur, who owns an apartment worth 500 million rubles ($7.6mn) and a house on Rublevka"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Potanin's ex-wife set to take away oligarch's main asset by court action. It is possible that Natalya will get a substantial stake in Nornickel"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Billionaire Igor Kesaev accused of seizure of former partner’s assets. MIA initiated a criminal case into defamation aformer deputy Minister of Emergency Situations, civil defence, and cure of effects of natural disasters of the Russia Sergey Khetagurov"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Baza named the policeman who punched a woman detained after the Moscow rally on August 10. According to the publication, it was Sergey Tsyplakov. Policeman’s coworkers gave the information"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ukraine: major gang headed by thief in law Sharik uncovered. The gang had operated in the territory of Crimea, Kherson, Nikolaev, Odessa and Zaporozhe regions"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Participant in Mikhail Krug’s murder kills cell mate in sweatbox. In prison, a member of the Tverskie Volki OCG, Aleksandr Ageev, was an ‘activist’ of the Federal Penitentiary Service"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews DoJ's DHC-8-402 N721AL 8/11/19 Manassas-Newark-Ft Lauderdale-Charlotte Amalie, USVI
"FBI agents swarm Jeffrey Epstein's private Caribbean island"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian Su-27 pushes NATO jet fighter from Defense Minister Shoigu’s plane. The Defense Minister was returning to Moscow after a working visit to Kaliningrad"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "NATO explains rapprochement to Shoigu’s plane. The pilot did not know who was on board the Russian aircraft. The EF-18 fighter approached the plane to identify the aircraft"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Permanent Representative of the UK to UN announces violation of Ukrainians' rights in Crimea. They have no access to essential services as they refused to change citizenship"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Yalta administration officials caught in bribery, including the Head of the land and urban control department, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Crimea reports. The day before, a workplace of the suspect was searched"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian investigators detect extremism in the Old Testament. According to linguists, it demonstrates 'inferiority propaganda' based on religious affiliation"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Pamfilova says it’s all smear campaign to discredit CEC. Earlier, FBK revealed a four-year-old millionaire grandson of an employee of the Central Election Commission"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ex-deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol region Andrey Murga has been detained in Spain in a criminal case into swindling. The source says Murga was detained in Spain where his spouse has a mansion"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Trace of nephew of thief in law Yaponchik found in case into burglars from FSB. ‘Authority’ Lyona Assiriysky is being checked into involvement in a robbery of an office of Metallurg bank"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Andrei Skoch's (Metallo Invest/Solntsevskaya gang/With Erik Prince in Seychelles) P4-MGU 8/14/19 Olbia-St Petersburg

DeVos' N252DV flew to St Peterburg 8/12/19, still there
Mike Huckabee's cruise is in Helsinki, Finland (according to it's itinerary)
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Maleth Aero's (Frontier Service Group/Eric Prince) 9H-AVA 8/13-8/14/19 Nice-D.C. (11h 32m)-Nice
I don't know who was on 9H-AVA
Maleth is also connected to Timur Kulibayev, son-in-law of Nursultan Nazarbayev
"Erik Prince is all over the map. Literally."
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Interesting coincidence...
Robert W Lourie's (head of Futures Research at Renaissance Technologies) N770MK 8/10/19 MacArthur-Brac Island, Croatia
Lőrinc Mészáros (Hungarian politician/Orban) OE-LEM 8/10/19 Thessaloniki-Brac Island (1h 23m)-Budapest
The jets landed 5 minutes apart
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Ronald Perelman's (MacAndrews&Forbes/Revlon/Epstein/Trump) C2 8/14/19 to Portofino, Italy
Arkady Rotenberg's (Putin's judo buddy) Rahil 8/14 to Portofino
Isabel Dos Santos' (Angola's President's daughter) Hayken 8/13 to Portofino
Alexander Khloponin's Eminence 8/13 to Portofino
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Christchurch mosque shooter responsible for 51 deaths in New Zealand sends 'call to arms' letter to Russia from jail. Despite tight security and no apparent access to the outside world, the white supremacist managed to send a letter"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Militants in Syria have started a real hunt for the founder of the public volunteer movement against slavery Alternative, Oleg Melnikov. He stopped getting in touch a few days ago, but, according to his assistant, he is alive and is now in refuge"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "US FAA issues flight ban on exploding MacBook Pro laptops. Recalled MacBook Pro laptops have been banned from US flights due to fire risks"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "An American federal court sentenced Ukrainian citizen Olena Kalichenko to 20 years in prison for sexual exploitation of a child as well as producing and distributing child pornography on 13 August"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "First deputy head of FSB to stand down against background of arrests at intelligence service. Bortnikov’s right hand man has repeatedly been caught up in a scandal"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "FSB carries out major searches in case related to theft of funds from Russian Railways. Damage to be estimated at $4.5 billion. The defendants are the main contractor of the RUS Railways and high-ranking employees of MIA and the Federal Security Service"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Thief in law Kutsu detained in Ukraine. The National Police of Ukraine 'kindly asked' the thief to leave the country"
'Kindly asked'😄
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews DoJ's DHC-8-402 N721AL 8/14/19 Charlotte Amalie, USVI-Ft Lauderdale (1h 18m landing)-Newark (1h 47m landing)-Manassas
The feds spent less than 48 hours on Jeffrey Epstein's island
"FBI seized computers in raid at Jeffrey Epstein’s Virgin Island home"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews DeVos' (Amway/Spectrum Health) N252DV 8/15/19 St Petersburg-Grand Rapids, landed a few minutes ago

"Was There a Connection Between a RUS Bank and Trump Campaign (and Spectrum Health)?"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian Railways and Gazprom largest contractors use the same 'laundries'. Yesterday, searches were carried out in the offices of bankers Ivan Stankevich and Sergey Mendeleev. The bankers left Russia as soon as they felt unsafe"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Petrukha’s 'wallets' earn millions on governmental contracts. The interests of this 'mafioso' from Balashikha expand far beyond the boundaries of the city"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Machine guns, rifles, grenades and mines: wide range of weaponry seized from Tver organized crime group. Tver police located two illegal workshops for the manufacture of weapons belonging to bandits"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ten wealthiest people in the world lost almost $18 billion per day. The ten wealthiest businessmen in the world lost $18 billion per day against the backdrop of falling stock indices in the United States"
Thoughts and prayers...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Radioactive iodine detected in air samples in Norway after Severodvinsk explosion. the Norwegian Directorate for Radiation Protection emphasized that these facts may not be related. 'The level is deficient and safe for people or the environment'"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian National Guards posts job for sniper to serve at political events. The department called the news fake and deleted the message about the vacancy. The account that posted the vacancy was verified on the site and posted 717 jobs"
Not good...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Individual-1's private jet (Dumb or dumber) N725DT 8/15-8/16/19 Waterbury-Morristown (~4h landing/Trump Bedminster golf course)-Jackson Hole(?)
"Trump family’s alleged tax evasion would be triple the typical evasion among the superwealthy"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Richard LeFrak's (CEO of LeFrak/Trump's Infrastructure Adviser) N212LF 8/15/19 HPN-Athens 8/16/19 Athens-HPN
First time in Athens. Doesn't look like a vacation flight🤔

"Trump Ties to Infrastructure Advisers Roth, LeFrak Run Deep"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Las Vegas Sands' (Sheldon Adelson) N108MS 8/16/19 Las Vegas-Nice
His yacht Queen Miri sailed from Monaco to St Tropez 8/16/19
"EPA Signs Agreement With Israeli Company (owned by Russian-Israeli Mikhael Mirilashvili) Recommended by Sheldon Adelson" 2018
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Steve Wynn's (Sexual abuser/RNC donor/Trump) N711SW 8/16/19 Rome, NY-Genoa
His yacht Aquarius sailed from Genoa to Portofino 8/16/19
"Steve Wynn Absent But Far From Forgotten At $2.6B Encore Boston Harbor Opening"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Alexander Abramov's (Evraz) D-ALEX 8/15/19 Los Angeles-Las Vegas 8/16/19 LV-LA
"Under Trump, Made in America Is Losing Out to Russian Steel. An oligarch-owned steel company is winning pipeline contracts, and foreign steel imports are up 24% this year" 2017
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Vitaliy Khomutynnik's (Ukrainian 'businessman'/politician) VP-CVH 8/16/19 Zadar-Vienna (~30m landing)-Molde
Oleg Deripaska's yacht Elden and support vessel Severnaya Ten 8/16/19 Molde-Fraenfjorden
Deripaska sails to Fraenfjorden when he wants to have quiet meetings (Prikhodko)
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM 8/14/19 Anapa-Chisinau (15m landing)-Kyiv 8/16/19 Kyiv-Chisinau (15m landing)-Anapa
"Court rules to run forensic language test for Medvedchuk’s speech in Russia"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "One of world’s largest arms traffickers detained in Portugal. Jacques Monsieur, 66, was arrested in Portugal after nearly a year of being on the run. According to Belgian federal police, he was caught at a large farmhouse close to a town called Evora"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Vasil Hrytsak, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), is suspected of falsifying evidence of guilt in a criminal case. Hrytsak faces up to ten years in prison"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Nadezhda Stasyuk helping Andrei Kostin launder money through London-based VTB Capital. Read the full story on our website on Thursday"
It's only Friday...😞
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Former deputy minister tells court FSB asked to badmouth Internal Affairs leaders. Back in 2017, FSB officers tried to get incriminating evidence against high-ranking officers from the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Western Administrative District"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian oil companies earn extra $ 1 billion due to US sanctions. Sanctions against Iran and Venezuela increased demand for Russian oil"
Trump's policies fail again... Or maybe that was the purpose🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Chairman of Moscow City Duma Aleksey Shaposhnikov turns out to own 7-room penthouse worth of $1.4 million. According to the 2017 income declaration, Shaposhnikov earned 5.5 million rubles ($83 thousand) in 2017"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews “Author Zakhar Prilepin makes boast of many murdered in Donbass. 'They are just under the ground. They were just murdered. And there are many of them. All we did is barefaced lawlessness'.😡
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Moscow police departments face mass resignations. Most employees of the Criminal Investigation Department, the Department of Economic Security and the Anti-Corruption and Drug Control of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate are to be dismissed"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "One city – one 'authority'. General Muzraev 'covered-up' 'criminal king' Kadin. The CrimeRussia obtained new information about the high-profile case against Mikhail Muzraev, ex-Head of the Investigations Directorate in the Volgograd Region of the ICR"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Clumsy assault by special forces becomes viral video. Eventually, the window was simply opened to them from the inside"
Very 'special' forces😂
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural committee) N284CC 8/16-8/17/19 Nice-Beirut, Lebanon (~9h landing)-Nice, landing now

"Trump Pals Pushed Nuke Firm That Wanted to Undercut Protections Against a Saudi Bomb"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Update on Tom Barrack's recent flight...
Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural committee) N284CC 8/16-8/17/19 Nice-Beirut, Lebanon (~9h landing)-Nice (~8h landing)-Malaga
Sky Prime Aviation’s (Saudi) HZ-SK6 flew from D.C. to Malaga 8/13/19, still there
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "In Finland, two Estonian nationals have been charged with laundering more than 100 million euros belonging to a Russian organized criminal group. Estonian citizens claim that the money was intended for a road construction project in Karelia"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "SBU employees suspected of helping drug lord to escape. Amos Silver escaped from special services at the Boryspil airport during an attempt to extradite him to Israel. 3 SBU, who were suspected of assisting in the escape, were detained along with Silver"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Roman Plugin’s fresh blood. The closer autumn is, the more severe the morale of the employees of the St. Petersburg Interior Ministry. Plugin is busy - he is dragging comrade’s detachments from Moscow taking away apartments from the waiting list fighters"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ukrainian businessman Mkrtchan sentenced to 9 years in Russia, court recovers $3bn. The Moscow City Court announced the verdict to the General Director of the Industrial Union of Donbass Corporation, the former owner of the Kuban football club Mkrtchan"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Jeffrey Epstein's (deceased convicted child molester) N120JE 8/17/19 Atlanta-Martha's Vineyard 8/18/19 Martha's Vineyard-Atlanta
Has Alan Dershowitz been complaining about loneliness, again🤔
"Dershowitz Says Martha’s Vineyard Is ‘Shunning’ Him Over Trump"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews If you do a Twitter search with "N120JE" you'll see something funny...
Conspiracy theorists think that Epstein's N120JE flew 7/23/19 to ANTARCTICA!!🤣🤣🤣 It actually flew from Atlanta to Jackson Hole. The dot over Antarctica is just a common error on the tracker. See the times.
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Iurii Luncașu, a business partner and the son-in-law of Vladimir Plahotniuc, who had fled from Moldova, has killed himself. His body was found on R-6 with a gunshot wound to the head. So far, investigators have not identified the cause of suicide"🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "State Duma Speaker Volodin and billionaire Viktor Vekselberg have traveled to the new Saratov Airport. The expenses of the company owned by Vekselberg for the Saratov project amounted to $123 million; $150 million more were allocated from the budget"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Persecution of thieves in Russia to end in bloody lawlessness by DPR rebels? Experts speak about redivision of criminal world. After Shishkan was imprisoned, the 'Slavic wing' came under pressure"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "'Kutaisians' once again fail to vet Artur Molodoy and lose support of Guli. An attempt to promote Atabekyan into the family of thieves demoted Alfasona’s authority"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "'Shadow Governor of Volgograd'. It's been 8 years since murder of crime boss Vladimir Kadin. Killer shot the crime boss at a restaurant in front of his guards"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The US declassifies intelligence report on Chernobyl nuclear power station accident. American intelligence agency reports on higher death toll than the USSR has claimed"
USSR lied? No way🙄
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ukrainian intel services have detained an employee of the strategic plant MiGremont, who is suspected of spying for Russia. It is noted that the police seized a flash drive, a laptop with an 'encryption program and two phones that could not be tracked'"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Chechens and Dagestanis stage mass brawl on state border. Tensions between residents of the two republics intensified after the words of the Chechen leader about Imam Shamil"
As I said before, they're one step away from war...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The United States tested a non-nuclear ground-base cruise missile, which was banned under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Putin noted that Moscow cannot ignore the state of affairs after the US withdrew from the agreement"
Here we go...🙄
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Chief of British General Staff says they’re ready to challenge Wagner PMC in Africa. According to Nick Carter, Britain needs to strengthen its military presence in the region in order to prevent Russia from adding it in its sphere of influence"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The staff of a Florida Irish pub Salty Shamrock put whiskey produced by UFC fighter Conor McGregor into the toilet showing disapproval of the way the athlete had treated an elderly man for refusing to drink his whiskey"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Special helicopter delivered to France for Putin to travel around country. The President of the Russian Federation travelled to meet with Macron on an aircraft from the special detachment 'Rossiya'"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "'Poklonskaya was pushed out, too'. Judicial Department seizes health resort in Crimea a la ‘turbulent 1990s’. Officers of notorious Crimea-based Dragovit Private Security Company were directly involved in this seizure"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ex-heads of Rosgosstrakh suspected of withdrawal of funds. MIA investigators are checking the transactions of the company before the reorganization of Otkrytie Bank. Some sources say assets have been withdrawn"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "British Typhoon fighters intercepted two Russian Su-30 aircraft that flew over the Baltic Sea. Typhoon deployed at Emari military airfield in Estonia as part of the NATO program"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Military man tells about explosion of rocket engine with radioisotopic power source on training range near Severodvinsk. The video of the meeting of the military man and the citizens of Nenoksa settlement was recorded by hidden camera"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Moscow City Duma MP’s son purchases $60m-worth mansion and $8.9m-worth apartment. The young man is listed as deputy director of the cognac factory controlled by the Federal Property Management Agency"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Amount of damage in case into Jugra bank grows from $112 million to $3 billion. None of the defendants in the case - including an ex-head of the bank Aleksey Khotin - pleads guilty"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "MIA increases amount of damage in Magomedov brothers’ case to $165 million. Co-owner of Summa group and his brother have been additionally charged of two instances of swindling"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "‘King of cash-out’ Grigoriev and his accomplices from Doninvest get sentences for embezzlement. More than 2.18 billion rubles ($30 million) owned by Doninvest and Zapadny banks were stolen"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Promsvyazbank demands to dissolve Aleksey Ananiev’s marriage contract through legal action. Two months before the bailout, the bank’s ex-owner transferred all his real estate to his spouse. The bank demands a compensation of $4.2B from the businessman"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The first deputy head of the National Police, Vyacheslav Abroskin, claims that Russia annexed Crimea because the criminal leaders who were in the Crimean Verkhovna Rada, the government and law enforcement agencies of Crimea, actively contributed to this"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Are the feds raiding Epstein's Zorro Ranch🤔
DoJ's DHC-8-402 N721AL 8/19/19 Manassas-Memphis-Albuquerque-Tucson 8/21/19 Tucson-Albuquerque

The feds used N721AL to fly to Epstein's island at USVI. Zorro Ranch's airstrip would be too short for N721AL.
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews DoJ's DHC-8-402 N721AL 8/22/19 Albuquerque-Albuquerque, 1 hour flight. Looks like a test- or surveillance flight, it's altitude didn't cross 15,000ft. N721AL is Bombardier but I didn't find any maintenance shops for them in Albuquerque. It didn't fly over Epstein's Zorro Ranch.
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Las Vegas Sands' (Sheldon Adelson) N108MS 8/19/19 Las Vegas-D.C. 8/20-8/21/19 D.C. Las Vegas

Never a good sign when Adelsons go to D.C...

"Meet Dr Miriam Adelson: the record-breaking Republican donor driving Trump's Israel policy"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Vladimir Potanin's (Norilsk Nickel) OE-IPE 8/19-8/21/19 Bucharest-Constanta-D.C. (~20h)-Constanta-Bucharest

ICYMI Sheldon Adelson's N108MS was in D.C. N108MS took off form D.C. ~1 hour before OE-IPE

Potanin bought a MD election company ByteGrid in 2015
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Alexander Abramov's (Evraz)D-ALEX 8/20-8/22/19 LA-Paris-Newark

Russian flights to the US have increased after McCONnell lifted Deripaska's business sanctions🤔
Andrey Guryev's (PhosAgro)OE-LJG was in D.C 8/10-8/13/19
Vladimir Potanin's (Norilsk Nickel)OE-IPE was in D.C. 8/20/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews BK Holding's (Sezgin Baran Korkmaz) TC-YYA 8/20/19 Istanbul-Moscow 8/22/19 Moscow-Caracas

TC-YYA has been to Venezuela several times, almost every time via Moscow🤔

"Korkmaz is known for giving testimony in the investigation of Special Counsel Mueller"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews John Rosatti's (Colombo crime family/John Staluppi/Trump Cadillacs) N1JR 9/19/19 Palm Beach-Bratislava (~1h landing)-Salerno (~1h landing)-Olbia
Very unusual flight for Rosatti.
"Trump Limos' developer's first licensing deal was with mafioso"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Son of escaped banker is second deceased in plane crash in Greece. Pavel Akulinin is the son of Dmitry Akulinin, the former first deputy chairman of the Bank of Moscow, who was charged with money laundering and embezzlement and then disappeared abroad"🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "High ranking anti-corruption officer owns undeclared 200-million-ruble apartment. The cost of the apartment is Vladimir Regnatsky’s 40 annual salaries"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Naila Asker-zade (a Rossiya 1 host) sells Rublevka land that was never in her ownership, she said. According to journalists, the land is valued at 2.8 billion rubles"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "All 340 employees have been fired for the reorganization of the economic security department of the Central Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg, but most will be rehired"🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The Armenian police are looking for the murderer of thief in law Andranik Arutyunyan, known as Ando Khromoy, who turned out to be a Russian citizen, 32-year-old resident of Grozny. The murder was contract"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Blackmailing, extortion, and torture in Kresty-2. Reports about tortures in prisons, penal colonies, and pretrial detention facilities come from different parts of Russia on a regular basis"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Epidemiologists warn Russians of a serious threat mosquitos pose after some 161 people were infected with hemorrhagic fever in Penza region. The mosquitos spread along the entire Black Sea coast and appeared in Crimea due to global warming"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "18-million-rubles’ worth of buggies: Rosgvardiya pays 150% of the price. The purchase was carried out in 2018–2019"
Rosgvardiya has read 'The Art of the Deal'...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Rosgvardiya proposes to oblige authorities to give it buildings and lands. According to the document, buildings, premises or land plots may be given to Rosgvardiya 'for the period of preparation and fulfillment of military and service missions'"🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Deutsche Bank fined for employing relatives of Russian officials. The bank will have to pay $16 million"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The bankruptcy manager of the Russian Film Group (RFG) has demanded to recover 216.6 million rubles from the Chinese China Film Group, as well as from actors Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Chechen shot dead in drug spot in Berlin. The police detained the suspect; the incident is allegedly related to organized crime"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Islamist killed in Berlin took part in Chechen war, his murderer detained. The murdered Islamist was a participant in the Chechen war and events in the Lopota Gorge"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The former CEO of Antipinsky Oil Refinery, suspected of embezzlement and abuse of power, was put on the international wanted list, reports URA.ru. According to investigators, the wanted man flew from Moscow to Bulgaria on June 6"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Alfasona decides to take over gangland businessman's hotel in Thailand, but miscalculates. The details of the criminal case against thief in law Gochi Alpaidze (Antipov), known as Alfasona, about extortion of a Thai hotel, became known"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Details of mass fights of special forces and detectives in Elista disclosed. Local crime boss Tyulya organized the shootout"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Ronald Perelman's (MacAndrews & Forbes/Revlon/Epstein/Trump) N838MF 8/24/19 Teterboro-Ibiza-Valencia
His N636MF flew from Teterboro to Palma 8/19/19
His yacht C2 is in Ibiza
DeVos' N252DV 8/23/19 Grand Rapids-Palma
Trump Tower/DeVos/Alfa Bank server👇
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 8/25/19 Malaga-Lyon
First time in Lyon. Interpol HQ is there🤔
Barrack flew to Europe 8/7/19. It's unusual for him to stay abroad for this long.
"Trump cuts off one of his closest friends"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N761LE 8/24/19 Springfield-Gabreski 8/26/19 Gabreski-London
Blavatnik's N737LE 8/25/19 Gabreski-Miami 8/26/19 Miami-London
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Roman Abramovich's (Evraz) LX-GVI 8/17/19 Nice-Tel Aviv 8/21/19 Tel Aviv-Nice 8/24/19 Nice-Jersey Is (~1h landing)-Nice
Jersey is a tax haven in English Channel
"How Roman Abramovich Became the Second-richest Israeli"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Leonid Mikhelson's (Novatek/Sanctioned by the US in 2014) T7-ARC 8/24/19 Moscow-Salzburg
Igor Shuvalov's (Head of Vnesheconombank, VEB) LX-MOW 8/23/19 Moscow-Salzburg 8/24/19 Salzburg-Cyprus (~2h landing)-Salzburg
Roman Abramovich's (Evraz) LX-GVI 8/25/19 Nice-Salzburg
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Leonid Mikhelson's (Novatek/Sanctioned by the US in 2014) T7-ARC 8/19/19 Moscow-Istanbul (~5h landing)-Murmansk 8/20/19 Murmansk-Barcelona (~2h landing)-Moscow

"Floating nuclear power plant leaves Murmansk for Russia’s eastern Arctic" 8/23/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Dmitry Rybolovlev's M-KATE 8/23/19 Basel-Bern (~1h landing)-Riga 8/25/19 Riga-Stavanger
Alexander Mashkevich's (ENRC) M-AAAL 8/23/19 Riga-Chisinau-Riga 8/25/19 Riga-Mykonos
Both have financial ties to Trump
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Ihor Kolomoysky's (PrivatBank) OE-IOE 8/24-8/25/19 Geneva-Athens 8/26/19 Athens-Barcelona
ICYMI Sheldon Adelson's (Las Vegas Sands) N804MS 8/22/19 Genoa-Barcelona
His yacht Queen Miri sailed to Barcelona 8/25/19
"Kolomoisky Under Investigation by FBI"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM 8/25/19 Anapa-Chisinau-Kyiv
P4-GEM was in Anapa 10 days. Unusually long stay for it🤔
Taras Kozak's (Ukrainian bandit/Medvedchuk) T7-BRG 8/23/19 Kyiv-Minsk-Moscow-Anapa-Surgut 8/24/19 Surgut-Anapa
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Rinat Akhmetov's (Ukrainian bandit/Manafort) P4-RLA 8/23/19 Kyiv-London (~1h landing)-Olbia 8/24/19 Olbia-Kyiv 8/25/19 Kyiv-Olbia (~5h landing)-Kyiv
"Ukrainian tycoon denies requesting or receiving 2016 polling data from Manafort"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "European intelligence services detects political motives in islamist Khangoshvili's killing. Intelligence agencies in several NATO countries do not exclude the involvement of Russian agents"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "‘Entrance fee’. Fugitive deputy minister Bazhanov accuses FSB general Voronin of raidership. Aleksei Bazhanov, ex-Deputy Minister of Agriculture is currently hiding from the Russian law enforcement authorities in London"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Banker-recidivist accused of embezzling $10mn from depositor. Earlier, former Deputy Chairman of the bankrupt Alta Bank, Aleksandr Kitbalyan, was convicted of misappropriation of $303,140 and the sale of unsecured bills to another client"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "St. Petersburg fraudulent bankers get suspended sentences for laundering over ₽3 billion. The convicts illegally made 24 million rubles and will pay a fine of 1.5 million rubles"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The assistant to the head of the FSB Directorate for Moscow and Moscow Region, to whom the media referred as the paymaster of the criminal case against journalist Ivan Golunov, has been assigned to the security service of Gazprom's subsidiary Mosenergo"🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Distinguished pillows and candlesticks. Head of VTB spends $2.1 million on interior design. The customs papers feature 664 items, including pillows worth of $30 thousand"
And we thought Ben Carson's $30k dinner table was extravagant...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "'Its absolutely outrageous they can provide no evidence': Australian writer charged with espionage in China after 7 months of detention. Yang’s wife, who is an Australian permanent resident, was barred from leaving China as well"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ukrainian former health (who escaped from the country in 2014) minister detained on return to the country. The former official worked in Viktor Yanukovych’s team and is suspected of embezzlement of state money"
What made her think it was safe to return🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Moscow Rosgvardia looking for Special Police Force officers for suppressing riots. The vacancy was published immediately for 52 regions of Russia"
Looks like Putin is expecting trouble...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "‘Laundromat’ for primary contractors of Russian Railways and Gazprom. The investigators continue unraveling a tangle of criminal ties exposed after the arrest of MIA colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "In Turkey, hereditary Kutaisi thief in law Guram Chikhladze (Kvezhoevich) was beaten. This happened during a meeting with Nadir Salifov (Guli), at which the parties clarified some issues"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone) N113CS 8/26/19 Teterboro-Anchorage (~1h landing)-Beijing
Trade war related?
"Trump’s China whisperer: How billionaire Stephen Schwarzman has sought to keep the president close to Beijing"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N761LE 8/27/19 London-Moscow
"How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews News Corp's (Rupert Murdoch) N898NC 8/26-8/27/19 Los Angeles-London
"21st Century Fox's London office raided in market abuse inquiry" Apr 2018
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Roustam Tariko's (Russian Standard Group) VP-BRT 8/27/19 Georgetown, DE-Olbia (~1h landing)-Moscow
VP-BRT flew to Georgetown 7/24/19
Tariko and Trump have known each other since mid-2000s and met privately in Moscow 2013
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Leonid Mikhelson's (Novatek/Sibur/Sanctioned by the US in 2014) T7-ARC 8/26/19 Salzburg-Moscow
Roman Abramovich's (Evraz) LX-GVI 8/26/19 Salzburg-Geneva
Abramovich's P4-MES 8/27/19 Salzburg-Moscow
"Roman Abramovich sells his assets to avoid sanctions"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Sándor Csányi's (banker to Hungary’s oligarchs/Orban) HA-LKZ 8/26/19 Budapest-Moscow (~1h landing)-Budapest
"Putin's bank moves to Budapest. Hungary will be obliged to provide diplomatic immunity to those dealing with the bank"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Ronald Perelman's (MacAndrews & Forbes/Revlon/Epstein/Trump) N838MF 8/28/19 Valencia-Ibiza-Teterboro
His yacht C2 sailed from Ibiza to Palma 8/28/19
ICYMI DeVos' N252DV flew from Grand Rapids to Palma 8/23/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Alexander Abramov's (Evraz) D-ALEX 8/27/19 Newark-Paris
"Under Trump, Made in America Is Losing Out to Russian Steel. An oligarch-owned steel company is winning pipeline contracts, and foreign steel imports are up 24% this year" 2017
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Eugene Shvidler's (Chairman of Millhouse LLC/Abramovich) LX-FLY 8/28/19 Nice-Jersey Is (~30m landing)-Nice
Jersey Island is a tax haven in the English Channel
ICYMI Abramovich's LX-GVI made exactly the same flight 8/24/19
Igor Shuvalov & Shvidler investigated by US 2011
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM 8/26/19 Kyiv-Nice (1h 12m landing)-Moscow 8/27/19 Moscow-Vilnus-Kyiv
"Court rules to run forensic language test for Medvedchuk’s speech in Russia"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "German intelligence agencies shared their version of homicide of Shamil Basayev's accomplice in Berlin"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "No entry: China denies US Navy warship’s request to visit Qingdao. This is the second time China has refused US ships entry in the past month"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "US military wants to make tanks running on hydrogen. Hydrogen-based fuel cells could make combat vehicles more efficient, stealthy and eco-friendly"
Ec0-friendly killing machine...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Forbes names 10 richest families in Russia. Compared to last year, the aggregate wealth of the families has not changed"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Krasnoyarsk investigators launched an investigation into the death of the 16-year-old model Sofya Lanshakova in Turkey, whose parents suspect a willful killing of their child to sell her organs"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Anonymous letter worth $3 billion. Who turned in Aleksei Khotin and other suspects in ‘Ugra case’?"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Prosecutor General’s share in development company decreases as his friend becomes shareholder. The founder of the Iron Birds motorcycle club, Alexander Kitaev, has gotten a 2% stake in Tri Es Property Development LLC"🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Guli gives back ‘crown’ to Arman Kaluzhsky who had been ‘uncrowned’ 20 years ago. Arman Kaluzhsky was ‘crowned’ again. It happened during the meeting when Kvezhoevich was beaten up"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Two of the three victims of the explosion near Severodvinsk died of acute radiation sickness, Der Spiegel was told by one of the Arkhangelsk doctors. Two died on the way to the airport, from where they were going to be delivered to Moscow"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russia’s concealed spending reaches almost 5 trillion rubles. Money spends on weapons, research and software development"
Software development? US 2020 elections are around the corner...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "“They poured some mud on me.” Lyubov Sobol accused 'Progozhin’s bastards' of attack. The incident near her house was caught on video"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "FBK: Moscow City Duma vice-speaker owns business illegally. When speaking in court, a motor dealer employee referred to the Moscow leader of United Russia as the company head"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Investigators clarify accusations against ex-head of Antipinsky oil refinery. The investigation theory is that Gennady Lisovichenko sold an approach railroad to the Antipinsky oil refinery at an undervalue, and then took on lease from it"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "From economic crimes division to the streets. General Plugin terminates all officers of the Directorate for Economic Security and Combating the Corruption"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Contracted soldier blew up regiment’s headquarters upon return from Syria to invite attention. He was sentenced to 5 years for hooliganism and arms trafficking"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Sheldon Adelson's (Las Vegas Sands) VP-BMS 8/29/19 Las Vegas-Barcelona
Las Vegas Sands' (Sheldon Adelson) N804MS 8/29-8/30/19 Barcelona-Stewart Int (~1h 30m landing)-LV
VP-BMS landed ~2h before N804MS took off from Barcelona
His yacht Queen Miri is in Barcelona
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews DeVos' N252DV 8/29-8/30/19 Palma-Warwick, RI-Grand Rapids
Yacht Liberty (rumored to belong to Liberty Global chairman John Malone) 8/29/19 Palma-Barcelona
ICYMI Sheldon Adelson's VP-BMS flew from LV to Barcelona 8/29/19 and his yacht Queen Miri is there
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone) N113CS 8/29-8/30/19 Beijing-Gabreski (~30m landing)-Waterbury
"Trump’s China whisperer: How billionaire Stephen Schwarzman has sought to keep the president close to Beijing"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Jeffrey Epstein's (deceased convicted child molester) N120JE 8/30/19 Atlanta-George Town, Grand Cayman
Did Epstein have offshore account/entities in Cayman?
"The Fall of Icarus"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Trace of Russian special services found in murder of Chechen man in Berlin. The shooter passed the border control but the Rospasport base has no info on him"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Valeria Gontareva, ex-head of National Bank of Ukraine, hit by a car in London. Earlier, Kyiv police launched a criminal investigation against her about a $6-million embezzlement. The police are working to establish whether the incident is an accident"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Serbs want to open shopping mall in former (Nazi) death camp. Serbian government intends to thwart that plan with their new bill"
How can anyone even suggest to build a mall in a Nazi death camp??😡
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Global Safe Group president’s body found in Moskva River. Investigators are looking into the circumstances of the incident. Global Safe Group is engaged in smart security systems"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Former State Duma deputy Mikheev arrested in absentia for embezzlement of 172 million rubles. An Interpol arrest warrant has been issued for him; his whereabouts are unknown"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Fugitive billionaire Mints paid off debts with pension funds. This is stated in the materials of a court of Cyprus, considering the dispute of the oligarch with former senator Sergey Gordeyev"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The investigation indicted Mikhail Vasyuk, who is already serving time for participation in a criminal group, in a criminal case of the assassination of the chief editor and owner of the newspaper New Wheels Igor Rudnikov"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Krasnoyarsk: searches carried out at IDGS of Siberia offices. The company reports law enforcers are seizing the papers"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 8/31/19 Lyon-Dijon-Naples-Rome
Flavio Briatore's yacht Force Blue departed Naples shortly after N284CC landed and is now in Capri
Barrack, Briatore and Manafort had a yachting vacation in Aug 2016👇
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N761LE 8/30/19 Moscow-Nice
Blavatnik's N737LE London-Nice
His yacht Odessa II sailed from Antibes to Saintjean Cap Ferrat 8/30/19
"How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Roman Abramovich's (Evraz) LX-GVI 8/31/19 Geneva-Nice-Moscow
Andrei Skoch's (Metallo Invest/With Erik Prince in Seychelles) P4-MGU 8/31/19 Nice-Moscow
Vladimir Potanin's (Norilsk Nickel) OE-IPE 8/31/19 Nice-Moscow
Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries)N737LE 8/31/19 Nice-Venice-D.C.
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Roman Abramovich Socialized With Kushner and Ivanka
Andrei Skoch was in Seychelles w/ Erik Prince
Vladimir Potanin bought a Maryland election company
Blavatnik funneled money to GOP
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Robert Mercer's yacht Sea Owl to Seattle 8/29/19 moored again next to Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence Institute
Mike Potter's (Former owner of Cognos, business intelligence software company) Seawolf to Settle 8/29/19 moored next to Sea Owl
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Deputy Head of Central Election Commission Bulaev got apartments worth $2.32mn from government. In addition, the daughter of Bulaev, who works as a notary, in 2019 bought herself an ($1mln) apartment"
How elections are won before elections...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "In St. Petersburg, a criminal case has been initiated into the murder in connection with the disappearance of the boyfriend of a local bank’s top manager. He owned the production of corrugated paper and cardboard. Aug 5, he lost his business due to debts"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Lord Ashcroft's (Brexit/Tax evader) VP-BZE 8/27/19 Dalaman-Warsaw (~1h landing)-Reykjavik 8/29/19 Reykjavik-Newfoundland (~3h)-Quebec 8/31/19 Quebec-Teterboro
He was in D.C. for Trump's inauguration and in Palm Beach Thanksgiving 2017 (Trump in Mar-a-Lago)
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Western media link arrest of Bashar al-Assad’s cousin to Putin. His assets have been promptly confiscated. Media put forward the version that Russian President Vladimir Putin had demanded to return $3 billion of debt, and Assad thus decided to return it"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Lord Ashcroft's yacht Lady M II to Palma 9/1/19
His jet VP-BZE flew from Quebec to Teterboro 8/31/19
Jim Mellon's M-ELON Ibiza-Palma (5h 13m landing)-Ibiza
First time I see M-ELON in Palma, it landed shortly after Lady M II arrived

@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Jeffrey Epstein's (deceased convicted child molester) N120JE 9/2/19 George Town, Grand Cayman-Atlanta
"Jeffrey Epstein’s model-scouting pal (Jean Luc Brunel) has ‘disappeared without a trace’'"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N761LE 9/2/19 Nice-London
Blavatnik's N737LE 9/2/19 D.C.-London

ICYMI N737LE flew from Nice to D.C. 8/31/19. Bunch of Trump/Russia connected oligarchs flew from Nice to Moscow on the same day
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Lord Ashcroft's (Brexit/Tax evader) VP-BZE 9/2/19 Teterboro-Belize
"Lord Ashcroft's Belize bank hit by wave of withdrawals. Value of deposits falls by 75% in six months as Belize Bank International gets caught up in US tax-evasion crackdown" 2016
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Igor Sechin's (CEO of Rosneft) M-YOIL 9/1/19 Moscow-Manila, Philippines 9/2/19 Manila-Disappeared over China
Not a typical destination for M-YOIL
"Rosneft, PNOC Exploration Corp (Philippines) and Pionaire Finance Limited signed a trilateral Agreement" 2017
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Valeriy Khoroshkovskyi's (Ex-Minister of Finance and Ex-1st Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine/Ex-head of the SBU) M-YJET 8/25/19 Dubai-Kiev 9/1/19 Kiev-Nice (~3h)-London
"Ex-SBU chief Khoroshkovsky's press service denies his return to Ukraine" May 2019
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Serhiy Lyovochkin's (Ukrainian politician/Manafort) T7-SLA 9/2/19 Moscow-Nice
"Lyovochkin and Akhmetov, two Ukrainian oligarchs who had paid Manafort for years for his political work in Ukraine, were the intended recipients of the American polling data"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Brother of Moldavia’s President becomes Igor Chaika’s (Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika's son) partner at dumping business"🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews “'They are well armed and trained; they are used to killing and are not afraid of it,' experts agree that the militias returning from the war for the People’s Republic of Donetsk will redistribute the criminal world of Russia"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Anna Kalashnikova photographed in France with Lenya Mackintosh (Leonid Bilunov). The star was noticed in the company of a famous mafia boss and other men in Saint-Tropez."
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Murderer of Chechen man killed in Berlin could be tied to contractors from PMC Wagner. This theory had been offered by a member of Bundestag that controls activity of special services Patrick Zensburg"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian sailor arrested on yacht with 800 kg of cocaine. The ship sailed to Spain without identification signs, but is registered in the United States. The cargo was transported by three sailors: citizens of Russia, Mexico and Serbia"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Poroshenko to be interrogated with lie detector test. 11 criminal cases are being investigated against the ex-President of Ukraine and other senior officials"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ukrainian sailors imprisoned in the Russia can be exchanged under a new scheme, where the convicts would be pardoned by presidential decrees, the defendants would be sent to Ukraine and Russia with copies of their criminal cases and convicted in absentia"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Ihor Kolomoyskyi's (PrivatBank) OE-IOE 9/3/19 Kyiv-Klaipeda or Palanga, Lithuania (~1h landing)-Geneva
Klaipeda/Palanga is an odd destination for Kolomoisky. He's under FBI investigation in the US
"How a Kolomoisky became Cleveland’s real estate kingpin"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Ihor Kolomoyskyi's (PrivatBank) OE-IOE 9/4/19 Geneva-Kyiv
Vitaliy Khomutynnik's (Ukrainian 'businessman'/politician) VP-CVH 9/4/19 London-Kyiv
Valeriy Khoroshkovskyi's (Ex-Minister of Finance and Ex-1st Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine/Ex-head of the SBU) M-YJET 9/4/19 London-Kyiv
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM 9/4-9/5/19 Kyiv-Astana-Vladivostok
Putin in Vladivostok for Eastern Economic Forum
"India, Russia ink proposal on developing Chennai-Vladivostok sea route"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Top manager of Russian aerospace corporation detained on US arrest warrant. Alexander Korshunov is suspected of economic espionage. The director of business development at United Aircraft Corporation has been detained in Naples (airport 9/3/19)"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Hurricane Dorian washes up cocaine bricks on Florida beaches. The drugs are valued at more than $ 500 thousand"
If they had a wall...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "$148m worth of heroin seized in UK's biggest ever bust. NCA received information that there’s a large quantity of heroin aboard the ship MV Gibraltar that anchored at the port of Felixstowe and was going to set off for Rotterdam"
If they had a wall...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Passenger of EasyJet substitutes pilot who fails to show up for work. The flight was delayed for an indefinite time, as the pilot did not show up for work. As a result, a fellow passenger offered his services"
Easyjet, fly it yourself...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The other day it was reported that Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Vasily Piskarev received a 45-million-ruble apartment from the Presidential Executive Office head"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Criminal case into laundering of $492 million initiated against ex-Minister Abyzov. Charges in the new case have not been brought, yet"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone) N113CS 9/5/19 Waterbury-HPN-D.C. 9/6/19 D.C.-Teterboro-Waterbury
ICYMI N113CS returned from Beijing 8/30/19
"Trump’s China whisperer: How billionaire Stephen Schwarzman has sought to keep the president close to Beijing"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Larry Fink's (BlackRock) N3788B 9/3/19 Gabreski-Anchorage-Hong Kong 9/5-9/6/19 Hong Kong-Tel Aviv (~2h)-Rotterdam/Hague
BlackRock & Blackstone are joined at the hip
"BlackRock won’t cut ties with Saudis if it turns out the kingdom ordered #KhashoggiMurder"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Lord Ashcroft's (#Brexit) VP-BZE 9/5/19 Belize-Orlando (~30m)-Teterboro
"Lord Ashcroft's Belize bank hit by wave of withdrawals. Value of deposits falls by 75% in six months as Belize Bank International gets caught up in US tax-evasion crackdown" 2016
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "United Engine Corporation top manager detained on US arrest warrant faces up to 10 years in prison. He is accused of attempting to steal trade secrets from an American aviation company"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Berlin police suspects relatives of the murdered Chechen in helping killer. According to investigators, the way the assassination of Khangoshvili was planned indicates that the killer used the help of someone from the victim’s closest circle of friends"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian commandos encircled and killed in Syria. The incident occurred in northern Syria in the province of Idlib. According to the Arab publication Al-Masdar, a group of Russian special forces fighters were ambushed by pro-Turkish militants"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ukraine’s Intelligence accuses Russia of attack attempt. They believe that during Kavkaz-2020, the use of force against Ukraine is going to be practiced"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "North Korea tried to bypass international sanctions to illegally import more than 100,000 bottles of Russian and Belarusian vodka into the country, stated a report presented by the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee"
Kim is a thirsty boy...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The news that Sberbank headed by German Gref regularly grants obviously bad loans and covers the resulting losses from the state budget has recently appeared on the Nezygar Telegram channel"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian oligarch Deripaska complains about Russian judiciary system. He stated that the judges are a group that is far from estimating the situation within the economy properly and delivers decisions inappropriately"
Poor Deripaska is never happy...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian President Vladimir Putin told the US President George W. Bush that militants are preparing a terrorist attack in the United States two days before the September 11 tragedy, former CIA analyst George Bibi writes in his book The Russian Trap"🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Igor Sechin's (Rosneft) M-YOIL 9/5/19 Vladivostok-Qatar 9/6/19 Qatar-Rome
"Intesa Sanpaolo (Italy) started the process to syndicate the US$5.8B loan it had extended to Glencore and the Qatar Invest Auth to fund the acquisition of a 19.5% in Rosneft" 2017
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N761LE 9/7/19 London-Norwich (~2h)-London (~1h)-Norwich (~20)-Nice
First time I've seen any of Blavatnik's jets in Norwich. Odd date to fly there, Jeremy Corbyn was visiting Norwich
"Jeremy Corbyn visiting Norwich"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "London court allows fugitive banker Bedzhamov to pay for Monaco apartment. At the suit of the Deposit Insurance Agency, Bedzhamov’s spending is limited to 80 thousand pounds per month"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Date of Ukrainian President Zelensky’s visit to the US revealed. Zelensky will take part in the opening ceremony of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, which will be held from September 23 to 30 in New York"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russia suggests to nominate Ukraine’s President Zelensky for Nobel Peace Prize."
That won't go down well with Trump😁 Maybe that's Russia's intention🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Scandal in Germany: policemen fired for Nazi WhatsApp messages. This is not the first time of exposure of ultranationalists at the German law enforcement structures. Information on 20 Neo-Nazi at the German law enforcement structures became known 2018"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Google responds to Russian election interference allegations. The company said it supported 'responsible political advertising that complies with Russian laws.'”
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Foreigners turn out to be among detained at high security facility of Roskosmos. Head of Roskosmos (Dmitry Rogozin) stated that 'something interesting' was found among the items of the vandals"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Former King of Malaysia Muhammad V said his marriage with Miss Moscow 2015 Oksana Voevodina was a mistake, the official statement of the palace states. Muhammad V also suggested that the father of a four-month-old child of Voevodina could be another man"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N761LE 9/8/19 Nice-London 9/9/19 London-Nice (~3h 30m)-Moscow
"How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Flavio Briatore's yacht Force Blue 9/6/19 to Mondello 9/8/19 to Palermo
Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaug cmte) N284CC 9/5/19 Rome-Palermo
ICYMI Force Blue departed Naples shortly after N284CC made a landing there 8/31/19
They had a yachting vacation w/ Manafort Aug 2016
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 9/8-9/9/19 Palermo-Rome (~9h)-Nice (~1h)-Boston (~14h)-Teterboro
Flavio Briatore's yacht Force Blue 9/9-9/10/19 Palermo-Lipari
ICYMI Barrack, Manafort and Briatore had a yachting vacation Aug 2016
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Jonathan Gray's (President & COO of Blackstone) N898MJ 9/8/19 Teterboro-LaGuardia 9/9-9/10/19 LaGuardia-London (~14h)-Dammam SA, Bahrain, Qatar or UAE
"How Blackstone Landed $20 Billion From Saudis for New Fund" Oct 2018
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM 9/10/19 Kyiv-Gomel-Moscow (2h)-Nice
Taras Kozak's (Ukrainian bandit/Medvedchuk) T7-BRG 9/10/19 Moscow-Leipzig/Halle

@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Lord Ashcroft's (#Brexit/Tax evader) VP-BZE 9/9/19 Teterboro-London
"Lord Ashcroft's Belize bank hit by wave of withdrawals. Value of deposits falls by 75% in six months as Belize Bank International gets caught up in US tax-evasion crackdown" 2016
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Bulgaria: leader of Rusofili detained on suspicion of espionage. The movement Rusofili was founded in March, 2003, in Sofia. The movement’s number one priority is development of cooperation with Russia and support of friendship between the two countries"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russia and Ukraine prepare another exchange of prisoners. The list of the precise participants of the exchange has not been disclosed, yet"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The National anti-corruption subdivision of Portugal’s judicial police - along with employees of Europol - carried out a special operation Deep Money, having detained members of Europe’s major gang of false coiners"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Great Britain to make TV-series about former FSB colonel Alexander Litvinenko. David Tennant is approved for the role of the intelligence officer"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Viktor Bout's wife and daughter arrive in USA. Alla Bout announced that she would hold a press conference on September 10 at Russian Consulate General in New York. The meeting is expected to be held on October 16-17 in Illinois prison"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Update to Jonathan Gray's (President & COO of Blackstone) N898MJ recent flight; It landed in Riyadh
Nothing spells patriot louder than spending 9/11 in the country where most of the hijackers came from😠
"How Blackstone Landed $20 Billion From Saudis"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews BoraJet's (SBK Holding/Korkmaz) TC-YYA 9/9/19 Isatanbul-Algeris-Caracas, Venezuela 9/10-9/11/19 Caracas-Istanbul
"Airline Intrigue With Mueller Tie Lands in US Court. Korkmaz is known for giving testimony in the investigation of Special Counsel Mueller"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Rinat Akhmetov's (Manafort) P4-RLA 9/11/19 Kyiv-Nice
ICYMI Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM flew from Moscow to Nice 9/10/19
"Manafort intended for polling data to go to 2 Ukrainian oligarchs who owed him millions"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Valeriy Khoroshkovskyi's (Ex-Minister of Finance and Ex-1st Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine/Ex-head of the SBU) M-YJET 9/11/19 Kyiv-Barcelona
Hard to deny anymore...
"Ex-SBU chief Khoroshkovsky's press service denies his return to Ukraine"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews “'He had access to quite sensitive information.' CIA agent works at Kremlin at least 5 years. American spy Oleg Smolyakov was a top advisor of the presidential adviser’s office for foreign policy of Russia Yury Ushakov"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Explosion hits US Embassy in Kabul on 9/11 anniversary. No official information on the casualties has yet been reported"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "US accuses Russia of killing Khangoshvili. The United States fears that Moscow might be building a campaign against its alleged enemies"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Media: the US may impose sanctions on Rosneft. The reason for the sanctions is that the Russian company bought oil from Caracas at a discount and resold it at a higher price"
...IF Trump approves it...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "US imposes sanctions on two Investigators from Surgut due to torture of Jehovah's Witnesses. Believers were allegedly beaten, strangled, and electrocuted during interrogation to obtain the names of new suspects"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "EU Court restricts Gazprom's rights regarding OPAL. The head of the Polish Ministry of Energy noted that the new decision 'terminates Gazprom’s monopoly in Europe.'”👏👏👏
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Bulgaria’s Prosecution Service has brought up charges on a head of a movement Rusofili Nikolay Malinov. He has been accused of espionage in favor of Russia. In case Malinov is found guilty, he will face up to 15 years behind bars"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "General Zolotov’s ‘gold’ or why billionaire Deripaska needs Yury Chechikhin. The other day, several media outlets reported that Director of the National Guard of the Russian Federation or Rosgvardia, Viktor Zolotov, had allied with Deripaska"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Security forces searched staff of Navalny’s headquarters. Investigative actions took place in Perm, Samara, Ufa and Saransk"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews DoJ's N996GA 9/11-9/12/19 Manassas-Paris, landed 9 minutes ago
Bill Barr or his minions on a mission to sabotage the French investigation on Jeffrey Epstein?🤔
"Three possible victims of Jeffrey Epstein's alleged sexual abuse have come forward in France"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Leonid Mikhelson's (Novatek/Sibur/Sanctioned by the US in 2014) T7-ARC 9/11/19 Moscow-Paris
ICYMI DoJ's N996GA flew from Manassas to Paris 9/11-9/12/19 (Epstein investigation?)
"Arctic’s biggest investor increased personal wealth with $6 billion"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Igor Sechin's (Rosneft)M-YOIL 9/11/19 Rome-Moscow
He flew to Rome from Dubai 9/6/19
"Intesa Sanpaolo started the process to syndicate the US$5.8B loan it had extended to Glencore and the Qatar Invest Auth to fund the acquisition of a 19.5% in Rosneft" 2017
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 9/12/19 Teterboro-London (~30m)-Grosseto (~30m)-Rome
He's spending a lot of time abroad nowadays🤔
"Barrack under investigation in Italy over alleged €170m tax evasion" 2017
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews DeVos' (Amway/Spectrum Health)N253DV 9/11/19 Grand Rapids-Munich 9/12/19 Munich-Moscow
Amway has central office in Moscow. It was raided by FSB July 2016 (election year in the US) for alleged tax evasion
Remember Alfa Bank/Trump Tower/Spectrum connection?
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Sheldon Adelson's (Las Vegas Sands) VP-BMS 9/12/19 LV-St Petersburg
What is VP-BMS doing in Prigozhin's Troll Factory's home town?🤔
The only thing connecting Adelson and St Petersburg was their plan to fly gamblers to his proposed casino in Spain in 2012
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Rupert Murdoch's N89NC 9/11-9/12/19 LA-Teterboro-Stewart Int
Murdoch's N898NC 9/12/19 London-Teterboro-Stewart
"Why he hated the EU so much. ‘That’s easy,’ he replied.’When I go into Downing St they do what I say; when I go to Brussels they take no notice"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The alleged CIA agent in the Kremlin, Oleg Smolenkov, had the so-called “second-level security clearance” and could access top secret official documentation"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian billionaire arranges with US about exclusion of his name from ‘Kremlin list’. Chairman of the board of directors of an international corporation IPG Photonics Valentin Gapontsev has signed an agreement with the US Ministry of Finance"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Media: all 5 Burevestnik missile tests fail. The longest-running flight lasted for more than 2 minutes; the shortest one took 4 seconds"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "US intelligence services tell about Burevestnik ill-fated tests carried out by Russia. Test missile launches were carried out from November, 2017, up to February, 2018. Another launch was made in 2019. They all failed and ended in breakdown"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov announced there is a risk of a nuclear war given the current international situation. 'There is a risk of a nuclear war. Especially the last year shows negative dynamics.'"
So Trump has made it even worse...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Video of mass shootings during exercises of subdivisions of the 20th guards general troops army of the Western military district. More 600 units of armament and 1500 rounds of artillery, reactive artillery and missiles used"
cc @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews VistaJet's (Charter) flight number VJT929 9/10-9/11/19 Salt Lake City-Moscow 9/12/19 Moscow-Teterboro, landing in 30m
Direct private flights between Russia and the US are very rare nowadays.
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Lord Bamford's (#Brexit/JCB) M-JCBB 9/11/19 East Midlands-Nuremberg-Moscow 9/12/19 Moscow-East Midlands
JCB has an office in Moscow so he has a legit reason to be there... Or a great cover for it🤔
"Who is the Brexit-supporting Lord Bamford of JCB fame?"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM 9/12/19 Nice-Moscow (1h 33m landing)-Gomel 9/13/19 Gomel-Kyiv
"Putin's crony Medvedchuk in talks to acquire two more Ukrainian TV channels"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The Opal gas pipeline operator, the German Opal Gastransport, announced that it would limit Gazprom’s access to transit capacities on September 14. The restriction will be valid from 7.00 am Moscow time"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "A Russian war correspondent has anonymously disclosed information indicating that Chechen security forces took part in hostilities in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics on the side of the militias at the request of Ramzan Kadyrov"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russia’s FM declares end of war in Syria. Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov has stated the war in Syria is “really over.” The Minister declared it in his interview with a newspaper Trud"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Navalny leaves Russia amid searches at his supporters’. 'In the morning, he (Alexey Navalny. - Ed.) and with his family caught a flight to Helsinki'”
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Member of Brothers’ Circle Gafur Cherny asks US to exclude him from sanctions’ list. Earlier, the US Department of the Treasury considered the ex-head of the sports organization one of the leaders of the transnational organized criminal group"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Kremlin takes into account Gref’s idea to cut number of police officers three times. Reducing staff will increase salaries of the law enforcement employees"🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Jonathan Gray's (President & COO of Blackstone) N898MJ 9/11/19 Riyadh-Abu Dhabi 9/12-9/13/19 Abu Dhabi-Shannon-Newark (~30)-Teterboro
9/11 in Saudi??
"How Blackstone Landed $20 Billion From Saudis"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Larry Fink's (BlackRock) N3788B 9/5-9/6/19 Hong Kong-Tel Aviv (~2h)-Rotterdam/Hague (~4h)-Middle East 9/13/19 Appeared over Senegal-Tenerife-HPN
Africa & Middle E🤔
"BlackRock won’t cut ties with Saudis if it turns out the kingdom ordered #KhashoggiMurder"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Hamilton “Tony” James' (Exec Vice Chairman of Blackstone) N345XB 9/12/19 Teterboro-Shannon-Naples (~30m)-Olbia
Roustam Tariko's (Russian Standard) VP-BRT 9/13/19 Moscow-Olbia
Tariko and Trump have known each other since mid-2000s
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Sheldon Adelson's (LV Sands) VP-BMS 9/14/19 St Petersburg-Helsinki (~30m)-Moscow
ICYMI DeVos' (Amway/Spectrum Health) N253DV flew from Munich to Moscow 9/12/19
"Was There a Connection Between a Russian Bank and the Trump Campaign (and Spectrum Health)?"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N671LE 9/13/19 New Haven-London (~12h)-Venice
Blavatnik's N761LE 9/13/19 Moscow-Venice
His yacht Odessa II is in Genoa, ITA
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N671LE and N761LE Venice-Paris
ICYMI DoJ's N996GA flew from Manassas to Paris 9/11-9/12/19. It could be there for Jeffrey Epstein investigation
"How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Alexander Mashkevitch's (ENRC) M-AAAL 9/13/19 Nur Sultan (Astana)-Tbilisi 9/14/19 Tbilisi-Trabzon (~15m)-Moscow
Rustem Teregulov's (Capital Development Bank) M-URUS 9/12/19 Tbilisi-Trabzon (~15m)-Moscow (~1h)-Riga
Almost identical flights from Tbilisi on different days🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews T7-CCM (VTB Bank?) 9/14/19 Moscow-Tehran (~10h)-Moscow-Riga
T7-CCM was registered as M-YBZI and owned by VTB leasing (Europe) Limited (VL 5149 Ltd), Cyprus until 2016
Operates from Moscow. Russians have recently reregistered a lot of jets to Malta (M-reg) and San Marino (T7-reg)
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Chemezov whose minor child declared $250k income denies having $77.7M apartment. The Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) conducted an investigation, during which the Rostech head’s apartment near the Kremlin with an area of 1434 square meters was discovered"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews 🔥🔥🔥Aras Agalarov's VP-CRO 9/9/19 Moscow-Teterboro 9/14-9/15/19 Teterboro-Moscow
SDNY investigation? This is the 1st time VP-CRO been in the US apart of 2 landings in Jan (picked up and dropped off someone on its way to/from Caribbean)
"The Money Trail"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Alexey Repik's (R-Pharm/Trump's inauguration) M-FINE 9/11/19 Ota, Japan-Oakland 9/12/19 Oakland-Chicago, Midway, diverted to Kearney, Nebraska
Very odd... There are other airports in Chicago than Midway🤔
"Trump inauguration was crawling with Russians"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Hussa bint Salman, a sister of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Ben Salman, has been convicted of beating a plumber. The crime occurred in September 2016, when the plumber was working in Hussa’s apartment in Paris"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews T7-CCM (ex VTB Bank's M-YBZI, possibly still VTB's) took off from Moscow ~10pm GMT 9/13/19 and landed in Tehran ~1:15am GMT 9/14/19. It flew back to Moscow ~1:30 GMT
"At 01:00 GMT the industrial security teams of Aramco started dealing with fires"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Saudi Armed Forces Medical Services' HZ-MS4C 9/14/19 Riyadh Air Base ~7am GMT-King Abdulaziz Air Base ~8AM (~10m)-maybe Jordan-Riyadh Air Base ~2:15pm
King Abduaziz Air Base is about 50 miles from Amarco Abqaiq. Were the casualties evacuated initially to Abdulaziz Air Base?
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews DeVos' (Amway/Spectrum Health) N253DV 9/14/19 Moscow-Disappeared over Finnish Lappland (still missing)
Unusually high flight path
ICYMI Sheldon Adelson's VP-BMS landed in Moscow 7 hours before N253DV took off
DeVos' N252DV was in St Petersburg 8/12-8/15/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) 9/15/19 London-Paris (~1h 40m)-Luton (~30m)-Stansted
Blavatnik's N671LE 9/15/19 Paris-Teterboro 9/16/19 Teterboro-New Haven (~15m)-Sprigfield
Blavatnik's N761LE flew to Paris 9/14/19
DoJ's N996GA flew to Paris 9/12/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Alexey Repik's (R-Pharm/Trump's inauguration)M-FINE 9/15-9/16/19 Kearney, NE-Quonset State, RI (5h 13m)-Chicago (2h 51m)-Paris
M-FINE was flying from Oakland to Chicago 9/12/19 when it was diverted to Kearney
"Trump inauguration was crawling with Russians"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Alexander Abramov's (Evraz)D-ALEX 9/16/19 London-Paris
Other jets of interest in Paris;
DoJ's N996GA
Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries)N761LE
Alexey Repik's (R-Pharm/Trump's inauguration)M-FINE
"Under Trump, Made in America Is Losing Out to Russian Steel"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Larry Fink's (BlackRock) N3788B 9/15-9/16/19 Teterboro-Madrid
Fink spent his 9/11 in Middle East, possibly in Saudi Arabia
"Fund manager BlackRock opens office in Saudi Arabia" #KhashoggiMurder
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Dmitry Rybolovlev's M-KATE 9/15/19 To Nice
Steve Wynn's (Sexual abuser/RNC donor/Trump) N711SW 9/16/19 LA-Nice
His yacht Aquarius is in Antibes
"Documents Show White House May Have Changed Labor Laws to Please Then-RNC Finance Chair Steve Wynn"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Igor Sechin's (CEO of Rosneft) M-YOIL 9/16/19 Moscow-New Delhi
"Indian Politician Claims ‘Huge Scam’ in Rosneft-Essar Deal"
"Exxon, Rosneft to build LNG plant with Japanese, Indian partners"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russia's FM specifies nature of spy Smolenkov’s trade at US Embassy. Rep of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova found it difficult to specify the period of time when Smolenkov had been in the service of the Russian Embassy in the US"🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Nuclear-powered submarine of the RF Navy Pacific Fleet Omsk has launched a cruise missile in the Pacific ocean. Granit cruise missile successfully struck a ship of a hypothetical enemy at a distance 350 km"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Denmark can stop Nord Stream 2. The reason for this situation is that Denmark opposed to the project and did not give permission to lay the pipeline in its waters. The key moment will come in early Oct when the pipe-laying vessel reaches Danish waters"😃
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The International Arbitration Tribunal in the Hague agreed to consider the arguments presented by Russia on the Ukrainian PrivatBank’s (Igor Kolomoisky) illegal acquisition of assets in Crime"
Kolomoisky is investigated by FBI in the US
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The DPR militia man Roman Dzhumaev, who placed under house arrest, was shot on the doorstep of his apartment in Mariupol. He was accused of participating in a terrorist organization; he was among those who stormed Donetsk Airport and Debaltseve in 2014"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Bilateral meeting of Putin and Erdogan begins in Ankara. Also on Monday, Sept 16, the Russian leader will take part in the trilateral summit on Syria and will meet with Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani"
He's going to thank Rouhani for oil price going up?
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Italy: Explosion hits oil refinery. Smoke rising above the plant is visible for several kilometers. Italy's largest oil and gas company Eni is the owner of the plant"🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews First Gontareva was hit by a car in London and now her house in Kyiv is burned down🤔
"Gontareva was in charge of the NBU in 2016 when the country’s largest bank, PrivatBank, was nationalized and taken away from its then owners, Kolomoisky and Boholyubov"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Suspected Arson In Fire At Home Of Ukraine’s Former National Bank Chief. Speaking to RFE/RL by phone from her home in London, Valeria Hontareva (Gontareva) said that someone had thrown a Molotov cocktail at her residence in the village of Horenychi"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Timchenko, Alekperov and Mikhelson earn $ 1.3 billion in a day. Oil prices soared after drone attacks on Saudi refineries"🤔
ICYMI there was a very strange private jet flight from Moscow to Tehran on the night of the attack

@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Putin offers Russian air defense systems to Saudi Arabia quoting the Quran. When asked by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, which one is better, S-300 or S-400, Putin replied, 'Let them choose.'"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Got confirmation; T7-CCM that flew from Moscow to Tehran on the night of Saudi Amarco attack (9/14/19) is still VTB Bank's. Private and corporate flights to Iran are extremely rare. In fact, this is the only one I have seen.
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Larry Fink's (BlackRock) N3788B 9/17/19 Madrid-Edinburgh (~9h)-London
"BlackRock won’t cut ties with Saudis if it turns out the kingdom ordered #KhashoggiMurder"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 9/16-9/17/19 Sevilla-LA
N284CC flew to Rome 9/12/19, flights 9/13-9/15/19 missing
"Barrack tried to buy Westinghouse (Saudi nuclear deal)"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Jonathan Gray's (President & COO of Blackstone) N898MJ 9/16-9/17/19 Teterboro-LA
News Corp's (Rupert Murdoch) N899NC 9/17/19 Montreal-LA
David Geffen's (w/ Ivanka and Jared in Croatia Aug 2016/Rybolovlev) 9/17/19 Teterboro-LA
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Las Vegas Sands' (Sheldon Adelson) N108MS 9/17/19 LV-LA
Adelson's VP-BMS flew from LV to St Petersburg 9/12/19 and from there via Helsinki to Moscow 9/14/19 (Saudi Amarco attack). Adelson is hellbent to destroy Iran
ICYMI VTB Bank's T7-CCM made a curious flight to Tehran 9/14/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Private jets to LA 9/17/19
Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC
Jonathan Gray's (President & COO of Blackstone) N898MJ
News Corp's (Murdoch) N899NC
David Geffen's (w/ Javanka in Croatia Aug 2016/Rybolovlev) N221DG
Las Vegas Sands' (Sheldon Adelson) N108MS
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural committee) and Jonathan Gray's (President & COO of Blackstone) attended to the dinner in honor of the Emir of Qatar hosted by Mnuchin/Trump 7/8/19

@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Igor Sechin's (Rosneft) M-YOIL 9/17/19 New Delhi-Manila, Philippines
"Indian Politician Claims ‘Huge Scam’ in Rosneft-Essar Deal"

"Rosneft, PNOC Exploration Corp (Philippines) and Pionaire Finance Ltd signed a trilateral Agreement"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews N2006M (Metinvest) 9/15/19 Southend-Paris (1h landing)-Kyiv
N2006M was leased to Metinvest in 2018. Metinvest is a subsidiary of Rinat Akhmetov's SCM Group
DoJ's (Trump's firewall) N996GA flew to Paris 9/11-9/12/19
Manafort/Akhmetov/Polling data👇
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Well, this is interesting...
VTB Bank's T7-CCM, the jet that flew to Tehran on the night of Amarco attack, flew from Moscow to Riyadh 9/3-9/4/19 and back to Moscow 9/5/19
"Saudis to Reportedly Resume 70% of Lost Oil Output"
Supposedly it was decimated🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Austria’s Prosecution Service did not find grounds for an official investigation of activity of an offshore network Troika Dialog which, according to correspondents of OCCRP, had been used for laundering of funds and legalization of income"🤨
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus (GTK) and the State Security Committee (KGB) have exposed a scheme of illegal arms sales from Ukraine to Russia through the territory of the Republic"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Alexander Abramov's (Evraz) D-ALEX 9/17-9/18/19 Paris-D.C.
DoJ's (Trump's Firewall) N996GA flew to Paris 9/11-9/12/19, still there
"An oligarch-owned steel company is winning pipeline contracts, and foreign steel imports are up 24 percent this year" 2017
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Ihor Kolomoysky's (PrivatBank) OE-IOE 9/17/19 Geneva-Odessa (~6h)-Geneva
"Ihor Kolomoisky Under Investigation by FBI. Kolomoisky has been accused of ordering contract killings and is said to be behind the comic who may win Ukraine’s presidency"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Case against American Michael Calvey to be terminated soon. Case into embezzlement of 2.5 billion rubles ($38 million) from Vostochny bank was initiated on February 13"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Kiev’s Pechersky District Court arrested the property and corporate rights of the Kuznitsa na Rybalskom shipyard, one of the main enterprises of the former president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Poachers from North Korea attacked Russian border guards in the Sea of ​​Japan, as a result of which three employees were injured, the FSB Center for Public Relations said on Tuesday"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Shoigu's daughter to be engaged in advertising, physical examinations and football in Qatar. Founder and leader of the Heroes League project, the youngest daughter of Russian Defense Minister, Ksenia Shoigu, acquired a 51% stake in Capital Perform"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Three media leaders come to Prosecutor General Chaika speaking against Ustinov’s illegal conviction. Venediktov, Sindeeva and Muratov demanded that the Prosecutor General cancel Ustinov’s sentence"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N761LE 9/18/19 Tel Aviv-Athens (flight to Tel Aviv missing)
Election in Israel 9/17/19
"Blavatnik reportedly confirms tells police he only purchased shares in Channel 10 after Netanyahu intervened" 2017
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone) N113CS 9/18/19 Waterbury-HPN-D.C.
ICYMI Alexander Abramov's (Evraz) D-ALEX flew from Paris to D.C. 9/17-9/18/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Sheldon Adelson's (Las Vegas Sands)VP-BMS 9/18/19 Moscow-Tel Aviv

ICYMI VP-BMS flew to Moscow 9/14 (Saudi Amarco attack)
VTB Bank's T7-CCM 9/14 Moscow-Tehran (~10h)-Moscow

Adelson wants to destroy Iran and Putin needs high oil price... Too far fetched?🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Individual-1's private jet N725DT 9/17/19 Waterbury-LaGuardia 9/18/19 LaGuardia-Miami
Cockroaches flew to party with bed bugs?
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Lord Ashcroft's (Brexit/Tax evader) VP-BZE 9/15/19 London-Cork 9/18/19 Cork-Charlotte
"Ashcroft's Belize bank hit by wave of withdrawals. Value of deposits falls by 75% in six months as Belize Bank International gets caught up in US tax-evasion crackdown"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Mikhail Fridman likely to be arrested after interrogation in Spain in a case into illegal seizure of a corporation. This is assumed by Special anti-corruption Prosecution Service that explains the repeated demand for him to appear before court in person"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russia and Bulgaria begin construction of Balkan Stream gas pipeline. 90% of pipes have already been delivered to Russia from Bulgaria. 'The construction of the Balkan Stream begins, a state company from Saudi Arabia became the executor of the project'"🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "All heads of cities and regions in (Russian occupied) Crimea resign. The head of the republic decided to assemble a new team"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Video of detention of more than 160 poachers from DPRK in Sea of Japan published on Web. Yesterday, the North Korean fishermen fired on Russian border guards, injuring four"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Two deputy nominees attacked in one day, St. Petersburg. Ulyana Timofeeva, a candidate from Alexey Navalny’s headquarters in St. Petersburg and Andrei Starikov of Libertarian Party(?)"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's N737LE 9/19/19 London-Athens
ICYMI Blavatnik's N761LE flew from Tel Aviv to Athens 9/18/19 (Election in Israel 9/17/19)
"Blavatnik confirmed to police he only purchased a controlling share in Channel 10 after he was approached by Netanyahu"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone) N113CS 9/19/19 D.C.-Teterboro-Waterbury
Alexander Abramov's (Evraz) D-ALEX 9/19/19 D.C.-Heading NE
ICYMI Both jets flew to D.C. 9/18/19, but that's just another 'coincidence', right?
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Alexander Mashkevich's M-AAAL 9/17-9/18/19 Moscow-Nice
Richard LeFrak's (Trump's Infrastructure Adviser) N212LF 9/19/19 HPN-Nice
"A marketing document Bayrock once circulated noted that Mashkevich was one of Bayrock's primary sources of funding"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Larry Fink's (BlackRock) N3788B 9/19/19 London-Belgrade, Serbia
"BlackRock buys eFront (efront.com), enters Serbian market"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Igor Sechin's (CEO of Rosneft) M-YOIL 9/18-9/19/19 Manila, Philippines-Moscow
"Rosneft, PNOC Exploration Corp (Philippines) and Pionaire Finance Ltd signed a trilateral Agreement" 2017
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Ihor Kolomoysky's (PrivatBank)OE-IOE 9/19/19 Geneva-Milan (~4h)-Geneva
Vitaliy Khomutynnik's (Ukrainian politician)VP-CVH 9/19/19 Kyiv-Milan (~1h)-Turin
Both in Milan at the same time
"MP Khomutynnik jointly with Kolomoisky is co-owner of Ukrnaftoburinnia"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Valeriy Khoroshkovskyi's (Ex-Minister of Finance and Ex-1st Vice Prime Minister/Ex-head of the SBU) M-YJET 9/19/19 Kyiv-Ibiza-Valencia
"Khoroshkovsky's press service says his wife, not him arrived in Kyiv" May 2019
His wife flies often to Kyiv nowadays😉
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Lord Ashcroft's (Brexit/Tax evader) VP-BZE 9/19/19 Charlotte-Teterboro
#Brexit is good, but only if you leave the country with your money, eh Mikey?🙄
"Leading Tory criticised for urging 'ambitious' UK firms to move to Malta after Brexit"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Fugitive banker Bedzhamov accused of creation of scheme of transferring of assets to offshore. In spring, Vneshprombank that demands for $1.75 billion from him in front of the High Court in London reached the freezing order on the former banker’s assets"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Successor of ‘Funeral King’ Igor Minakov takes the offensive. The newly-emerging representatives of ritual services not only steal the bread from the mouths of former ‘royal subjects,’ but also control the city elections with their fists"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 9/19-9/20/19 LA-Sevilla
Spending a lot of time abroad because of all the investigations?
"Elizabeth Warren Presses Tom Barrack Over Deals With Saudis" Aug 2019
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone) N113CS 9/19-9/20/19 D.C.-Waterbury (~6h)-HPN (~2h)-RAF Brize Norton
Alexander Abramov's (Evraz) D-ALEX 9/19-9/20/19 D.C.-Paris (~2h)-Munich
Both jets flew to D.C. 9/18/19
Brize Norton is unusual, who lives nearby?
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Phil Ruffin's (with Trump in Moscow 2013) N443PR 9/19/19 LV-D.C.
This is only the 2nd time I've seen Ruffin's jet in the same place with Trump in the past 3 years. Ruffin's wife is Ukrainian
"Records show Trump misled Comey abt Moscow trip"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's N761LE 9/19-9/20/19 Athens-Bedford
Blavatnik's N737LE 9/19-9/20/19 London-Athens (~10h)-JFK (~1h)-Stewart Int
"Blavatnik confirmed he only purchased a controlling share in Channel 10 after he was approached by Netanyahu"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Individual-1's private jet N725DT 9/19/19 Miami-St Martin (~3h 30m)-LaGuardia (~15m)-Waterbury
Only the 2nd time Trump's jets been to St Martin in the past 3 years.
"Trump’s St. Martin Vacation Compound Gets $11 Million Price Cut" 2017
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Las Vegas Sands' (Adelson) N108MS 9/19-9/20/19 LV-Osaka (~30m)-Singapore (~30)-Kuala Lumpur
ICYMI Adelson's VP-BMS was in St Petersburg/Moscow 9/12-9/18/19. Trump helping w/ casinos?🤔
"Trump is trying to help Sheldon Adelson get a casino license in Japan"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews I repeat👇
Adelson's VP-BMS St Petersburg 9/12/19 via Helsinki to Moscow 9/14/19 to Tel Aviv 9/18/19
DeVos' N253DV Moscow 9/12/19 to US 9/14/19
7 hours in Moscow at the same time
VTB Bank's T7-CCM 9/14/19 Moscow-Tehran (~10h)-Moscow
Landed in Tehran ~1h after Saudi Amarco attack
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian Viktor Bout convicted in US meets family. Russian diplomatic mission reported on Facebook that the prison authorities allowed Bout’s family to visit him 4 times a week. With that, they are given 4 hours for each meeting"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The Danish government has decided to stop gas production at its Taira field for 3 years. The kingdom plans to buy Russian gas from Germany. Denmark continues to be a key obstacle to completing the construction of the Russian Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Facebook employee commits suicide in company’s office"
Is that flag photoshopped or is Facebook really flying Confederate flag??😮
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "8 tons of cocaine worth of $500 million seized in Columbia. Representatives of Columbia’s Air Force and Navy, as well as employees of the US DEA. Its history’s largest illegal shipment carried in a special submarine"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian astronaut denied senior position because his wife is American. Malenchenko’s wife Ekaterina Dmitrieva is an American citizen of Russian origin, while a first deputy has access to confidential information"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "United States began to implement plans for deployment of weapons in space, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov"
Russia started it by considering giving their astronauts firearms back😁
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Footballer Calvin Maynard, 32, was shot and killed while driving his car in the Netherlands. Two people approached his car on a scooter and fired at the athlete"
Something to do with sports betting match fixing?🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Junior officer of Federal Security Service sells out governmental agency’s computers for $113 thousand on Internet. The military court sentenced him to 4 years in a settlement colony"
I bet the western intel agencies bought them all😁
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Hacker accuses ex-Kaspersky employee of forcing him to break into Sberbank and VTB accounts. The Popelysh brothers were sentenced to the longest term for hacker attacks that has ever been given in Russia"
Well, they hacked Putin's piggy banks...
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Moscow court releases actor (Pavel Ustinov) after huge campaign by outraged celebrities. The actor was found guilty of being violent towards riot policemen Alexander Lyagin at an August-3rd unauthorized rally in Moscow"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews DoJ's (Trump's Firewall) N996GA 9/21/19 Paris-Manassas
It flew to Paris 9/11-9/12/19, departed on the same day when it was 1st reported Epstein's French accusers came forward
DoJ works for Trump, keep close eye what happens to Epstein investigation in FRA
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 9/19-9/20/19 LA-Sevilla (~9h)-London
NetJets' (Timeshare jet) N212QS 9/19/19 Teterboro-Sevilla 9/21/19 Sevilla-St John's-->Teterboro
One of the fractional owners of N212QS is Liberty Citation, subsidiary of Liberty Media
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone) N113CS 9/21/19 RAF Brize Norton-Grosseto
Jared and Ivanka are in Rome, 120 miles from Grosseto, short hop with a helicopter
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews News Corp's (Lachlan Murdoch) N988NC 9/20/19 LA-D.C. 9/21/19 D.C.-LA
Crisis meeting over Ukraine #Whistleblower?🤔
"Lachlan Murdoch takes control of Fox Corp. But how will he deal with President Trump?"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Vladimir Potanin's (Norilsk Nickel) OE-IPE 9/20-9/21/19 London-LA
ICYMI OE-IPE flew to D.C. for ~20 hours 8/20/19
"Maryland elections company (ByteGrid) bought by Potanin"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Aras Agalarov's VP-CRO 9/21/19 Moscow-Riga
ICYMI VP-CRO 9/9/19 Moscow-Teterboro 9/15/19 Teterboro-Moscow
1st time VP-CRO been in the US for over a year,apart of 2 landings in Jan, picked up/dropped off someone on its way to/from Caribbean
"The Money Trail"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Ciner Group's (major Turkish mining company/close ties to President Erdogan) TC-TTC 9/21/19 Istanbul-Teterboro
Ciner has a soda ash facility in Green River, WY
TC-TTC flew from Moscow to Caracas, Venezuela 1/23/19
"Turkey warned over Venezuela gold trade"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Taras Kozak's (Ukrainian bandit/Medvedchuk) T7-BRG 9/20/19 Kyiv-Geneva (~1h 20m)-Kyiv
Windrose Air's (Aron Mayberg's company/Formerly Kolomoyskyi's Daidalos Aviation) UR-WRS 9/20/19 Kyiv-Geneva (~8h)-Catania
Ihor Kolomoysky's (PrivatBank) OE-IOE 9/21/19 Geneva-Catania-Palermo
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Viktor Medvedchuk's (Putin is his daughter's godfather/Manafort) P4-GEM 9/21/19 Kyiv-Salerno-Bari
His yacht Royal Romance sailed from Salerno to Capri 9/21/19
"Putin's crony Medvedchuk in talks to acquire two more Ukrainian TV channels"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews 1/2 Interesting yacht at anchor near Medvedchuk's Royal Romance in Capri w/ Ukraine connection
Lukas Lundin's (Lundin Mining/Oil) Savannah
Lukas' brother Ian might end up in prison for life for atrocities committed in Sudan (Lundin Petroleum).
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews 2/2 Lundin Group (mining, oil & gas) run Lundin Foundation. On the Board of Director's is Christine Batruch, who is President of the Board of the Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Family Foundation in Kyiv. According to Ukrainian sources there's something shady w/ Bohdan
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Sándor Csányi's (banker to Hungary’s oligarchs/Orban) HA-LKZ 9/20/19 Budapest-Rome
Jared and Ivanka in Rome
"Putin's bank moves to Budapest. Hungary will be obliged to provide diplomatic immunity to those dealing with the bank"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Kyiv refuses to participate in PACE session. The previous Rada delegation left the PACE spring session because of disagreement with the decision of the European Parliament to restore the rights of the Russian delegation"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russia suspected of tampering doping samples again. Nine athletes from the Russian Federation sued the head of RUSADA"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Rusnano’s Anatoly Chubais says he could easily emigrate to the West. Last year, Chubais said that Russia would lag behind the living standards of such countries as Greece, Kazakhstan, and Turkey"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews “'He doused himself with gasoline and burst into flames': Two high-ranking National Guard officers killed themselves in the Volgograd and Ivanovo regions"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews I keep repeating this until someone pays attention. As far as I'm aware, none of Sheldon Adelson's jets have been in Russia before. Either Trump is helping him to get casinos in Russia or he (and Russia) has something to do with Saudi Amarco attack
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Phil Ruffin's(w/ Trump in Moscow 2013)N443PR 9/21/19 D.C.-Las Vegas
This is only the 2nd time I've seen Ruffin's jet in the same place w/ Trump in the past 3 years. Ruffin's wife is Ukrainian
"Records show Trump misled Comey abt Moscow trip"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Richard LeFrak's (CEO of LeFrak/Trump's Infrastructure Adviser) N212LF 9/22/19 Nice-Barcelona 9/23/19 Barcelona-Florence or Pisa
"Trump Ties to Infrastructure Advisers Roth, LeFrak Run Deep"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Len Blavatnik's (Access Industries) N761LE 9/22/19 Bedford-HPN-Stewart Int
Blavatnik's N671LE 9/22-9/23/19 Bedford-Disappeared over SD at 42,775ft for ~2h 20m-Teterboro-Stewart Int
"How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone) N113CS 9/22/19 Grosseto-Teterboro-Waterbury
VistaJet's (Charter) 9H-VCO 9/22/19 Bodrum-Grosseto-Moscow
Did 9H-VCO pick someone up from Grosseto to Moscow?🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Update to Vladimir Potanin's (Norilsk Nickel) OE-IPE recent flight; 9/20-9/22/19 London-LA (~7h)-Moscow
Must've been really important business in LA, he spent ~23 hours on the jet for ~7 hours in LA🤔
ICYMI he spent ~20h in D.C. 8/20/19
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Nestor Shufrych's (Ukrainian bandit/Manafort) OE-ISN 9/21/19 Kyiv-Gyumri, Armenia (1h 51m)-LA
"Media orgs quickly condemned the decision to give the committee to a pro-Russian party and make Shufrych its chair (freedom of speech cmte)"😮
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Sándor Csányi's (banker to Hungary’s oligarchs/Orban) HA-LKZ 9/22/19 Rome-Budapest
Javanka in Rome, they like banks and $$$, don't they?
"Putin's bank moves to Budapest. Hungary will be obliged to provide diplomatic immunity to those dealing with the bank"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Ihor Kolomoysky's (PrivatBank) OE-IOE 9/22/19 Palermo-Catania-Geneva
Windrose Air's (Aron Mayberg's company/Formerly Kolomoyskyi's Daidalos Aviation) UR-WRS 9/22/19 Catania-Kyiv
"Kolomoisky Under Investigation by FBI"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Vitaliy Khomutynnik's (Ukrainian politician) VP-CVH 9/22/19 Turin-Milan (~2h)-Kyiv
ICYMI Khomutynnik and Kolomoisky seemed to have a short meeting in Milan 9/19/19
"MP Khomutynnik jointly with Kolomoisky is co-owner of Ukrnaftoburinnia"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Taras Kozak's (Ukrainian bandit/Medvedchuk) T7-BRG 9/22-9/23/19 Kyiv-Vilnus-Magnitogorsk (5h 58m)-Kyiv
"Russia-friendly lawmaker Kozak buys ZIK TV channel, journalists resign. Besides ZIK, Kozak owns 112 Ukraine and the NewsOne channels"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Dmitry Rybolovlev's M-KATE 9/20/19 Nice-Marrakech 9/22/19 Marrakech-Nice
There aren't normally that many private jet flights to Marrakech from anywhere and now there were THREE US connected flights at the same time frame. See the next three tweets👇
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews 1/3 Rybolovlev's M-KATE was in Marrakech 9/20-9/22/19

N165KD (Real owner hiding behind Bank of Utah Trustee) 9/20-9/21/19 Teterboro-Newark-Marrakech 9/22/19 Marrakech-Biggin Hill, London (~5h)-Teterboro

"Trump and the Oligarch"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews 2/3 Rybolovlev's M-KATE was in Marrakech 9/20-9/22/19

9H-VJL (VistaJet charter) 9/20/19 Teterboro-Marrakech 9/22/19 Marrakech-Teterboro

"Trump and the Oligarch"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews 3/3 Rybolovlev's M-KATE was in Marrakech 9/20-9/22/19

N405QS (NetJets' timeshare) 9/21/19 Bologna-Marrakech 9/22/19 Marrakech-HPN

All of these 3 US connected flights to Marrakech at same time frame as M-KATE can't be coincidences. Normally maybe 1 US reg jet/month to Marrakech
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Qatar Executive's (Qatar Airways Charter) A7-CGE 8/31/19 Tokyo-Moscow 9/20/19 Moscow-Beirut 9/21/19 Beirut-Cleveland
Somewhat unusual to see a charter jet staying on ground outside home base, unless there's a mechanical problem/upgrade, but then you'd expect to see a test flight
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews 9H-VJS (VistaJet charter) 9/10-9/11/19 Salt Lake City-Moscow 9/12/19 Moscow-Teterboro
9H-VJM (VistaJet charter) 9/16/19 Moscow-Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City keeps popping up with Russia every now and then. Jon Huntsman, Ambassador to Russia? He's stepping down 11/3/19.
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "MI6 fears that former Florida police officer John Dougan, who had access to the Epstein investigation, could give Russia compromising information about the prince. In 2009, Dougan left the United States and moved to Russia"🤔
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "MIA has issued an Interpol red notice for Oleg Smolenkov, who is referred to as a CIA informant in Russia’s highest echelons. He is sought as 'a missing person.' The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not specify who initiated the search"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Nigerian pirates release Russian sailors. The captain, senior assistant, and senior mechanic from Russia were captured off the coast of Cameroon along with the other five crew members"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Ex-Adjara (Autonomous Republic in Georgia) president wanted by Interpol becomes housing co-op chairman in Moscow. The disgraced politician is accused of terrorism and murder"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The life and death of Russia’s biggest online drug dealer. 'Darkside' passed away in August 2015 after a heroin overdose"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "The battle begins. Guli VS Shakro Molodoy. The growing authority of thief in law Guli sooner or later had to lead to a clash with one of the equally influential thieves"
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Head of the Russian Orthodox Church’s patriarchal commission for family, motherhood and childhood protection - Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov - has recommended to punch children in face for filthy communication for the purposes of education"😮
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews "Russian armored vehicles crash in chute failure, video. Landing combat vehicles fell out of an Il-76 cargo plane and the parachutes did not open. The incident occurred on September 20 during the strategic exercise of Center-2019"😁
@Prizrak_opery @JohnnOwl @OfeliyaDD @Ukrainolution @BorisenkoBoris @a7_FIN_SWE @akihheikkinen @carolecadwalla @peterjukes @RealBristolNews Unusual visitor to the US;
Govt of Mali's TZ-PRM 737-7BC 9/22/19 Mali-JFK (1h 32m)-HPM
You might remember Mali from this👇
"Two Navy SEALs and two Marine Raiders charged with murder in the death of a Green Beret in Mali" 6/4/17

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More from @MacFinn44

May 15, 2021
Len Blavatnik's (Access Ind) N761LE 5/11-5/12/21 London-Miami
Blavatnik's N600EB 5/11/21 London-HPN-Stewart Int

"British Telecom is in talks to sell a stake or all of its sports-broadcast division. Potential bidders include Len Blavatnik-backed DAZN"
bloomberg.com/news/articles/… ImageImageImage
Len Blavatnik's (Access Ind) N761LE 5/14/21 Miami-LA
Bkavatnik's N600EB 5/13-5/14/21 Stewart Int-HPN-LA

"A Soviet-Born Billionaire Is Buying Influence at US Institutions. Anti-Corruption Activists Are Worried."
Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone/Trump/RDIF) N113CS 5/14-5/15/21 West Palm Beach-Nantucket (~2h 30m)-WPB

whowhatwhy.org/2018/03/28/tru… ImageImage
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Apr 27, 2021
Apparently #CyberNinjas Inc has had three US Govt contracts from 2016 to 2018:
#CyberNinjas Inc list themselves as 'Small Disadvantage Business' (definition below)
Douglas Logan doesn't seem to fit in SDB definition (Since October 2008, companies have been able to self-certify)
Read 7 tweets
Apr 15, 2021
USAF 09-0625 MC-12W Liberty BNCR61 4/15/21 ISR mission over Baghdad, Iraq, LIVE

Something's up in Baghdad. Normally 09-0625 flies missions near Ramadi, NW of Baghdad, and at Syrian border. Image
Tom Barrack's (Chair of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 4/11-4/12/21 LA-Paris 4/13/21 Paris-Nice (~20m)-Beirut 4/14/21 Beirut-Pisa

Probably stopped in Pisa to see his friend Flavio Briatore

ICYMI: Barrack and Manafort had vacation with Briatore Aug 2016
Alexander Mashkevich's M-AAAL 4/14/21 West Palm Beach-Punta Cana

M-AAAL's second visit to WPB in five weeks

"Trump, Russia & a Shadowy Business Partnership. Bayrock/Sater/Arif/Mashkevich/Trump"
Read 255 tweets
Feb 13, 2021
Sean Hannity's (Fox "News" propagandist) N329PK 2/12-2/13/21 Republic-Willow Run Airport near Detroit (~40m)-Conroe, TX
Mike Lindell's (#MyPillowGuy) N497SP 2/13/21 LA-Lufkin (~15m)-Conroe

What/who is in Conroe? N329PK has been there at least once before
Sean Hannity's (Fox "News" propagandist) N329PK 2/13/21 Returned to Republic after ~15h 15m landing in Conroe, TX

Mike Lindell's (#MyPillowGuy) N497SP is still in Conroe.
This is the first time I've seen Lindell's plane in Conroe, Hannity's been once b4.
Oops... Forgot the screenshot from the above tweet😊

Sean Hannity's (Fox "News" propagandist) N329PK 2/13/21 Returned to Republic after ~15h 15m landing in Conroe, TX

Mike Lindell's (#MyPillowGuy) N497SP is still in Conroe.

Read 278 tweets
Feb 10, 2021
Alexander Mashkevich's M-AAAL 2/7-2/8/21 Kazakhstan-Bangor-Ft Lauderdale 2/9-2/10/21 Ft Lauderdale-Kazakhstan, en route

Ft Lauderdale is 46 miles (50 minutes) from West Palm Beach🤔
ICYMI: Alexander Mashkevich’s M-AAAL was in D.C 1/19-1/21/17.
Trump’s inauguration was 1/20/17.
(see the tweet above this one)
VP-BGM (opr by Elitavia) 2/10/21 Moscow-Reykjavik-HPN, en route

BGM🤔Bagman? Is Dumb Jr. getting visitors from Moscow?😉😁
VP-BGM operates from Moscow. It has a curious logo on its tail. Maybe someone recognize it and we'll find out the owner. ImageImageImageImage
Read 275 tweets
Oct 27, 2020
Dept of (In)justice's G550 N708JH 10/25-10/26/20 Manassas-Stewart Int (~1h 35m)-Kyiv #Ukraine 10/27/20 Kyiv-Stewart Int
No doubt its connected to bogus H Biden laptops. Stewart Int is used for flights to/from NY

ICYMI: DoJ investigated FBI NY office leaking to Giuliani in 2016 ImageImageImage
Phoenix Air Group's (US Govt contractor) 10/25/20 Cartersville, GA-D.C. (~1h 20m)-Reykjavik-Ramstein Airbase (~3h)-Kyiv #Ukraine 10/27/20 Kyiv-Reykjavik-D.C. en route

Connected to DoJ's N708JH's flight to Kyiv? The jets departed Kyiv 14 minutes apart🤔
Sonnig Int's (Mortara/Haftar/LNA) P4-RMA 10/26-10/27/20 Dubai-#Benghazi #Libya-Reykjavik-Bangor, ME (45m)-St Louis
US Navy's Cessna C560 VM714 10/26-10/27/20 Joint Base Andrews-Bangor, ME-Andrews
Not sure if the flights are connected but the jets landed 2 minutes apart ImageImageImageImage
Read 141 tweets

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