Non-trigger warning: relax. This isn't a rant.
I snortled.
True story, I had a mouthful of soda, and I chortled and snickered and dribbled a little.
Welllllllll, yes, and no, and also yes, and also no, and finally yes, but no.
(In my view, that's the merit of *all* good snark, that it probes in clever and funny ways at delicate boundaries.)
I can say absolutely without any hesitation or doubt that the movement whose founding I participated in and in whose arms I've spent just over twenty years is deeply and horribly flawed.
1) All of us still alive are sure as hell old now. 2) I'd guess the median age of the original community was in about 30. 3) Our spokespeople were, like me, closer to 40 then.
Trivially, no. But it *was* reflective of that immediately prior a-b-c I just gave, and thus it was hardly representative of the larger community.
Hard to imagine it isn't *one* of the sources, isn't it? I find it easy to say "an important" source, myself. I doubt it's "the" source.
That's good snark, and it's also good perturbation -- a good system-disturbing source of delicate boundary questions. It doesn't freak me out to hear it, and I hope you got a sense of why it doesn't.
Go change the world.
Yeah? You don't need the first generation's permission or support, but, actually, you have it. Go fix what's wrong. It's a challenging, joyful, painful, and infinite enterprise, and we highly recommend it.