Buttman just talked about something. Sorry was dosing off.
Hot chick is speaking now about Impeachment.
Money man is talking now supports impeachment but...all your jobs will be gone so vote for me I'll give you $1,000. Don't talk about orange man.
Corn pops creepy friend asked about his son. Creepy said his son did nothing wrong..he got rid of corruption 🙄🙄🙄. Impeach orange man...something about George Washington.
Creepy says he is proud of his son's corruption..focus on Trump
Old commie guy up next screaming sure impeach Trump but get the hell off my yard while you do it.
. Pocahontas first up on economy. She didn't answer the question instead just started spouting shit that made no sense something about healthcare. Medicare for all...or something.
Pocahontas fires back Medicare for all who wants it is just Medicare for all who can afford it. No soup for u
Commie guy says he wrote the bill for Medicare for all and everything is free now get the hell off his yard because you will pay higher taxes but less permiums
Corn pops friend says something about healthcare. The Biden plan...Medicare for all $30 trillion over 10 years. Sucks. But the Biden plan is great and cheaper ...
Heelsup speaks. Says abortion is a bigger deals than Medicare for all. All women will die...we need abortion now.. keep hands off of women's bodies.
Commie guy says he will give a job to every American. Infrastructure..15 million jobs.🙄🙄🙄 Green new deal 20 million jobs ..🙄🙄🙄 now get the hell off my yard he says
Money man says $1000/month is better than jobs damn it. People don't want government jobs.
Pocahontas says job loss to automation isn't true. The reason is bad trade policy...(hey who is fixing trade policy again...or yeah orange man)
Spartacus says living wage.
Boy do these people suck donkey balls on trade policy.
Daddy climatebucks says commie man is right...so I guess he will give up his $🙄
Creepy man up...says the way you get things done. Raise capital gains tax..double it. Clipping coupons in the stock market??WTF?
Pocahontas says it's about values so let's tax the rich to show our values. Her 2% wealth tax will bring about Utopia.
Buttman says let's tax them all but it looks bad.
They all are for tax hikes. Big juicy tax hikes
Pocahontas says we can't tax income need to tax wealth.
Salad lady says unions are good. Orange man bad.
Money man on wealth tax....says wealth taxes don't work. Been repealed in other countries because they failed. Wants a value added tax.
Seriously, they are arguing which taxes to increase.
Yeah he's stoned.
They are arguing about which taxes to raise is the best.
Wealth tax baby. 😂😂
Brother man is up....we were poor growing up damn it. We need more taxes. 🙄🙄 What the hell are people take vacations.
Spartacus says focus on orange man is bad damn it.
Syrian policy.
Creepy corn pop friend will you send troops back in....he won't have withdrawn troops. ..after he and Obama withdrew troops. 🙄🙄🙄🙄1000s hours in situations room🙄🙄
Biden seems to suggest going to war with NATO ally
Says NYT called her a Russian asset.
These people are pushing all of Trump polices but say trump is bad. 🙄🙄🙄
Buttman hell no, we need to keep the endless wars going.
Hot chick beating buttman over the head with his own words....nice....
Commie man is asked if turkey is us Ally. He says no....😂😂😂 No shit. I guess NATO means nothing to these people.
Salad lady asks if turkey should remain in NATO...tapper is giving them a life line and they can't see it.
Brother man brings up kids in cages for some reason when talking about ISIS.
They act like Iran treaty was a good deal.
Spartacus is asked about Russia Influence. He says orange man is bad.
They live in an alternative reality.
Daddy climatebucks says America 1st sucks.
Okay next.....
Climate change is the most important international crisis.
Money man says he would go to war wirh Russia if they hack us shades of grandma pickles.
Salad lady says no moral equivalency between US and Russia. Says Russia invaded our elections. 🙄🙄🙄
Furry man asked about taking guns. How are you going to force people to give up weapon. He doesn't know..refuses to answer questions says weapons of war ..or yeah and 🍊 man is bad....oh furry man says people will just give them up.
Buttman says we can't wait for universal background checks we can't wait for gun bans ...just get something done.
Furry man brings up the fake 40,000 figure. (Most are suicides)
Take away your healthcare
Increase your taxes
Give everyone a government job
Take your guns
Kill the babies.
This debate is going well for the Dems😂😂😂
Pocahontas she has a plan....🙄🙄🙄 More words....
Says he isbts going to give police a reason to go door to door. First statement he made that made sense all night.
Salad lady blames drug industry. She is probably right to large degree then she says to fight the problem we need to tax those companies..oh she was so close.. Admits her father drove drunk got 3 DUIs.
Daddy climatebucks says corporation are bad.
Furry man agrees. (I'm sure he does😏😏)
Commie guy says he is in great shape. The drug problem is due to Capitalism...now get the hell of his yard...need a political revolution. Yeah he went there.
Creepy guy asked why he can do the job being so old. Says with age comes wisdom ...oh the day one... cliche.
Pocahontas asked about her age.
She says she is going to out work everyone.
The Marxism is strong in his one.
Money man says no, we need to take away phones from kids...WTF
Pocahontas says he'll yeah break them up including Walmart...big tech, big oil...
Daddy climatebucks says yeah break it up...says Trump will be running on economy...(I wonder why😏)
Spartacus is a vegan...says most unhealthy person is Orange man bad.
Furry man says government should have power to pick which companies to break up...
Commie guy says rigged economy. Sector after sector is rigged with Monopolies. They all need broken up and price fixing needs to stop. .(I agree)
Heelsup...says Russia interfered in 2016 election.
Amazing all the Dems agree with Trump. Yet they act like Trump has a different policy.
Brother man says they need to determine wages too.
Hey money money is pushing my idea. Companies need to pay us for our data. Royalties
Heelsup . Woman hear her roar..
Salad lady...she would make roe vs Wade law of land.. orange man is bad...because he doesn't want to kill babies.
Spartacus...people trying to criminalize poverty.
Hot chick...abortion should be legal but rare. Codifying roe vs Wade. Outlaw it in 3rd trimester.
Corn pops friend asked about SCOTUS court packing. ...he says no he doesn't support it.
Buttman says yes he will pack the scotus court.
Next question what difference are between you all
Corn pop's friend says he is the only one that got anything done.
commie guy says oh hell no. Get the hell off my yard. You just need to believe and it will happen.
Biden says we can do it without Medicare for all.
Corn pops friend says she didn't build that. He got her the votes.
Pocahontas says it was Obama.
Corn pops friend says she did a good job...
26 mini left.....not counting or anything.
Buttman said something about their dream that Trump is defeated.
Salad Lady said she can defeat bad orange man.
commie guy says socialism is what the people want. bold action needed. need to excite people against corporations.
he can defeat Trump, he says....
another capitalism break to pay for this talk on Marxism.
Salad lady...says McCain's way is the way to bring country together. okay there.
Money man...says he will answer voter questions for 10 hours friday night.
heelsup..cites working with Rand paul as how she can work with the other side. Orange man is bad. talks about her mother. running because orange man is bad.
commie guy...says get the hell off his yard...cites McCain and Mike lee as working together with the other side. cites how the gop divides people.
This is rich. the dem candidates just spend 3 hours telling everyone that Trump and his supporters were bad now they are saying they can bring everyone together.😉😂
and that's a wrap...it's over. Thank you Lord.
Commie guy was not a factor
Pocahontas did poorly
Heelsup was a non factor
Brother man had some cameo appreances
Furry man failed again
Hot chick held her own
Daddy climatebucks was a dud
Spartacus was ajoke
Salad Lady did pretty well
Money Man dud
Winner was Trump
runner up was Biden and/or Hot chick
loser daddy climatebucks
Pocahontas was way down the list.