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May 22nd 2023
Looking for help with a rising A1C while keto? I’m 5 yrs in, lost 122 lbs and now maintenance. A1C was 5.5 when I started & has slowly crept up. Now at 5.9! I don’t understand & w/a family history of diabetes down my dad’s side am worried. #keto #lchf #diabetes What to do?
2 Fasting glucose runs between 95 and 102. I’ve never had fasting insulin checked. I already cycle between berberine and myo-inositol. I do have Hashimoto’s, not sure if that’s a factor. I see my doc on Friday, who is generally supportive of #keto but not super knowledgeable.
3 Wondering if I should ask for an Rx for a CGM and see if I can identify if it’s something in my diet? Only thing that’s changed over the 5 yrs that I can think of is that I’ve gradually drifted higher protein. I run 2-3 x/week and lift weights 2-3 x/week + 1 yoga class + walks.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
Tried to replicate the McGriddle experience and I failed... because this turned out even better considering each of these sandwiches packs a whopping 1 or 2g carbs each. #ketodiet #keto #LCHF
Recipe link for the cloud bread:⬇️
I doubled this recipe and baked it in a bread pan. It's 8 eggs separated, 4 oz cream cheese, 2 tsp cream of tartar, a little salt, sweetener (optional) and a half cup butter. Pro tip: cool bread in fridge/freezer to let it firm up!
Cloud bread bottom
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Nov 3rd 2022
Restricting total carbs has a much bigger effect than just restricting sugars in the first 24 hours

Check out our latest study (led by @AaronHengist) on carb and sugar restriction 🧵 (1/11)…

#lchf #lowcarb #carbs #highfat #keto #ketogenic #diet #health
The main aim was to see if restricting sugars or total carbs alters physical activity levels

This is because previous studies suggested fasting can lower physical activity & this can happen quickly

We wanted to know if this was due to carbs or energy

What did we find?
25 people (15 female) ate 3 diets for 24 hours with a variety of metabolic and energy balance measures
Read 11 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022
Why do some people "backload" carbs?

What does this mean and what is the science behind it?

A 🧵 1/12

#exercise #carbs #lowcarb #lchf Image
"Carb backloading" is the practice of avoiding carbs early in the day and eating them later in the day, usually after some exercise.

Why would this make sense to do?
2/12 Image
Some rationalise this based on evidence that after exercise, muscle glycogen levels are ⬇️ and muscle glucose uptake is ⬆️.

Ingested carbs can therefore restore glycogen.

⬆️ muscle glucose uptake should mean our blood glucose remains low right?…
3/12 Image
Read 12 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
Let's review quickly all of the science I've come across in the past week that applies to high-fat ketogenic carnivore type diets.

I'll post the link, an image of the abstract, the title, and some hashtags on each one.

1/n - My public Zotero Database:…
Red and processed meat intakes and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus: An umbrella systematic review and assessment of causal relations using Bradford Hill’s criteria

"do not support causality"

#T2D #CVD #SystematicReview #RedMeat…
Do #Vegetarian Diets Provide Adequate Nutrient Intake during Complementary Feeding? A Systematic Review

Complementary Feeding is the period when you're weaning a child onto non-breastmilk foods.

TLDR: "Not safe, critical micronutrient deficiency risk"…
Read 23 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
@JohnKastelein John - Perhaps the only thing we'll agree on is that FH ppl have high LDL and increased CHD early in life (as Mundal et al showed). Where we disagree is why this occurs. As FH ppl have high LDL all their lives, why does CVD mortality decline over time?
@JohnKastelein While the increased CVD mortality early in life is frightening, the magnitude of the mortality overall is small, and all-cause mortality, even early in life, is not statistically significant compared to the non-FH population. So a small % of the FH population dies from CVD.
@JohnKastelein Let's address your comment from 2001 that environmental factors influence FH CHD and mortality.
Read 15 tweets
Jul 29th 2022
Virgin coconut oil as the main fat source in a diet of 60% fructose, 20% protein, 10% fat maintains redox status and markedly improves glucose metabolism "Variation in the glucose tolerance of animals under th
When animals are fed the same diet but with copra oil instead, they develop insulin resistance and advanced fatty liver.

Both oils are composed of over 90% of the beneficial MCTs, so the 2-fold higher antioxidant polyphenols in virgin coconut oil seem to make the difference. VCO = virgin coconut oil CO = copra oil
60% fructose + 10% fat as copra oil led to a 46% blood sugar increase and higher oxidative stress

60% fructose + 10% fat as virgin coconut oil only raised blood glucose by 16%, significantly increased glutathione and antioxidant enzymes, and reduced lipid peroxidation.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 12th 2021
1/ Posting this hypothesis for posterity:

I now suspect #PlantBasedLowCarb (PBLC) isn't as low carb as originally thought.

Before getting started in this thread, I should emphasize I wouldn't consider this a good or bad thing in and of itself, but it is of interest, ofc... Image
2/ Moreover, I've regularly pointed to people following my work who are both (1) very interested in a low carb diet, but (2) would prefer to keep their #LDL low to consider PBLC as a "third option", as I commonly see it associates with this outcome.

Now to my hypothesis...
3/ PBLC generally has two major features separating it from "typical" #keto/#lchf:

1) More fat sourced from mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids (M/PUFA) instead of saturated fatty acids (SFA)

2) A lot more soluble and insoluble fiber via plants
Read 11 tweets
Oct 12th 2021
Thread about Twitter culture re #LCHF
1/I put up a thread yesterday about a graph depicting obesity rates over time as relates to the DGA that ended up precipitating some interesting discussions with esteemed experts.After several attempts at clarifications, I removed the tweet
2/ I removed the tweet, but it was an interesting moment upon which I wanted to reflect. I re-read it before deleting it though and, while it could have been better, when I compared to some of the replies there was a mismatch in content, at least IMO. But
3/ But is that the reader’s fault, or my own for not anticipating that my tweet would be read through a particular filter?I think it’s an unfortunate reality,but a reality nonetheless, that when one has a decent following they should realize that their tweets r going to be read
Read 8 tweets
Jun 29th 2021
Ready to have your mind blown 🤯!?

1/ What would you predict would happen to fasting triglycerides and LDL if you just ate a TON of fat and Saturated Fat. Like, if you drank 6000 kCal and 1.6 Liters of heavy cream?!

Trigs (fat in blood) and LDL-C would obviously go up right?
2/ Well, if your #keto #lchf not necessarily. In fact, overeating tons of fat can DROP your fasting triglycerides and LDL like a stone! WTF?! So what’s going on…
3/ Well, chylomicrons from the intestines (and VLDL secreted by the liver) carry triglycerides. But their residence time in the blood is very short, such that when you have a fasted lipid test, the fat you ate should have been deposited in storage around your body. BUT…
Read 5 tweets
Jun 19th 2021
1/ This would be a good opportunity to clear the air on a few things...

Per @DrNadolsky's tweet, we don't know everything we want to know about #atherosclerosis. Almost everyone would agree it is multifactorial, and most of Med would ascribe the central risk driver to LDL/ApoB..
2/ If you see your LDL rise on a #keto/#lchf diet and you're uncomfortable with this, here's a thread I made for that 👇

3/ In the mean time, @DrNadolsky, @DrRagnar and I are literally in the final stages of IRB (knock on wood) to get clinical data via <obligatory plug>

Clinical data is almost always more valuable than anecdotal data (assuming good design, reputable team)..
Read 7 tweets
Jun 4th 2021
1/6 Really important study by @kfitzgeraldnd highlights the importance of diet + lifestyle in slowing ageing

It even suggests lifestyle changes can reverse ageing by 2 years *IN ONLY 8 WEEKS* by triggering changes in DNA 😲

A short thread...

2/6 The study:

A randomised, controlled trial of 43 healthy men age 50-72. Those in the treatment group had an 8 week programme of:

Diet (more info in next tweet)
Supplemental probiotics + phytonutrients
3/6 The diet:

A large amount of green, leafy veg👍
Some nutrient-dense animal protein (liver/eggs)👍
Low in carbs #LCHF 👍
Included intermittent fasting👍

The lifestyle changes:

Exercise 5 x 30min/week
Relaxing breathing exercises twice a day
>7 hours sleep/night
Read 6 tweets
May 8th 2021
Returning from a trip to attend memorial services for a dear vegetarian friend who died of Cancer.

Almost everyone I saw has Cancer, too.

And they all say:

“Why am I sick? I eat such a healthy diet, mostly fruit, vegetables and plant based!”
When I suggest it might be a chronic lack of protein, B-12, carnitine, carnosine, minerals, collagen, saturated fats and iron...and too much sugar and oxalates they are in complete denial. #vegan #cancer #breastcancer Image
I ate a lot of hummus, nut butter, tahini, rice, vegetables and fruit. (To be polite.)

I secretly cooked steaks on a small stove I travel with.
Read 12 tweets
May 6th 2021
1/7 This my patient, Bill - I made him cry today 😢

He's said it's OK to share his story

He's 56. 9 years ago Bill had a big stroke affecting his mobility
His weight⬆️⬆️, he struggled to get out of a chair, ate an unhealthy diet + developed type 2 diabetes

A short thread...
2/7 Bill burst into tears😢when I told him he had reversed his type 2 diabetes👏

He had worried about another stroke, wanted to ⬇️his risk + even reverse his T2DM if possible

It was!

Supported by his wife, he reversed his diabetes in only 11 weeks by cutting out sugar #LCHF 👍
3/7 With @lowcarbGP our little practice (9,800 patients) in Southport 🇬🇧has helped nearly 100 people reverse their Type 2 diabetes in the last 5 years
It's not rocket science 🚀

It's simply about cutting out the sugar + starchy carbs (cereals, bread, pasta, rice + potatoes)
Read 7 tweets
Apr 8th 2021
1/11 Many people cut out sugar + carbs as a way of reversing type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes or improving their health #LCHF
At a recent group consultation many of my patients shared worries about how to avoid carbs in restaurants as 🇬🇧emerges from lockdown

Here are my top tips👇 Image
2/11 Think carefully about your choice of restaurant - some may be easier to manage than others Image
3/11 Put aside time to think about the meal in advance

It's hard to think clearly when arriving in a busy restaurant

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"

Try looking at the menu online before you go and have a think about your food and drink choices before you arrive Image
Read 11 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
Prepare for a thread about Well-formulated #Keto Adherence Paper that just came out.

Randomized crossover trial of 2x12-week #keto #LCHF vs. #Mediterranean diet.

Results show equally sustainable given the right conditions, but...
Researchers designed study that during first 4 weeks of each diet, food was provided & during the next 8 they had to buy their own. Baseline&followup adherence scores were also collected. All this allowed researchers to determine how sustainable diets were under diff conditions
baseline #keto adherence score was lower than Medi score. BUT during the time period when food was provided AND when they had to buy their own food, mean keto score was equal to or higher than Medi score. At the follow-up #keto score had dropped again. From this I conclude...
Read 6 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
Joined: Mar 1, 2021.
Ht/#weight: 170cm/89.5kg
Eltroxin 50mcg
Nexprofast 40 mg - 2x/d
ISTAMET 50/1000 - 2x/d
ActaPro 100 - 3x/d
Rosuvas 10 - 1x/d
Gaviscon syrup - 2x/d
PPBS: 165-180
Grade 2 #fattyliver
GERD, Abdominal pain, tiredness, weakness.…
Mar 2,2021
Rosuvas 10 - STOPPED INR 16/day or INR 480/Month
Mar 5, 2021
B/F switched to #LCHF other two meals regular
Morning istamet 50/1000 replaced with glycomet 1g
Price diff b/w stamet & Glycomet ~ INR 22/d = INR 660/Mo

Total savings on medications: INR 1140/Mo.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 20th 2020
Exhibit #59: Congratulations Lou Lou! Keto + IF strikes again.

Exhibit #60: Congratulations Ben! Keto/Low-carb + fasting wins again. Great list of helpers too.

Exhibit #61: Congratulations Prajyot, after just three weeks? Wow! Can't wait to see your 90-day follow up.

Read 71 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
THREAD: After 4 years on my health journey (and having lost >50 lbs.), here are my top 20 weight loss and #health tips, things I really wish I had known 20 years ago. #LCHF
1. Stop the Sugar - Avoid #fructose, sucrose, lactose or pretty much anything else that ends in -ose. #Sugar causes blood glucose spikes, which raises your levels of insulin, the main fat-storage hormone.
2. Limit net carbohydrates to 50g or less daily. Lower is even better, shooting for 15g per meal. Calculate net #carbs by subtracting grams of fiber from total carbs.
Read 22 tweets
Nov 16th 2020
Exhibit #43: Anyone who suggests #keto isn't sustainable is itching for a fight.

Exhibit #44: Recovery via a long but successful journey.

Read 77 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
1/10 Pre-Diabetes 🤔

On #WorldDiabetesDay perhaps we should spend some time thinking about *preventing* type 2 diabetes

Here's a short thread on what I think folk should know about pre-diabetes

References at end

#MedTwitter #tweetorial #LCHF
2/10 Pre-diabetes has many names, often with subtle differences in definition

It's often called:

Impaired glucose tolerence, IGT
Impaired fasting glycaemia
Intermediate hyperglycaemia (preferred by @WHO )
High Risk State of Developing Diabetes (preferred by @AmDiabetesAssn )
3/10 Pre-diabetes is *NOT A DISEASE*

This is really important

It's a *RISK FACTOR* for developing type 2 diabetes

Other risk factors include:

Age >40 (>25 if S Asian)
Family History
Being overweight
People of Asian, African-Caribbean or black African origin, even if born in🇬🇧
Read 10 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
1/11 I think that the most important piece of research since 2017 about putting #type2diabetes into remission was published today in @BMJNutrition

The results are simply astonishing 😲

A twitter thread.... #MedTwitter #LCHF

Here's the paper👇…
2/11 The study is by @lowcarbGP @jen_unwin + others and looks at reversing T2DM and pre-diabetes by lifestyle change, in particular by ⬇️sugar and starchy carbs
3/11 The study builds on the work of Prof Roy Taylor's DiRECT Study which found that *severe* calorie restriction could put T2DM into remission👍
More info here 👇

This was great news but SO many people find calorie restriction IMPOSSIBLE TO SUSTAIN 🤔🤷‍♂️
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Sep 20th 2020

This is keto
This is low-carb
This is real
This is sustainable

I'm going to add as many before/after posts as I can. If you are trapped in hunger, medications, and ill health, you too can get out. #LCHF #keto #lowcarb
Read 88 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
@angryhacademic Seeking long term studies of ACM/MM of #LCHF diets asks the wrong question, and wouldn't likely ever be done anyway. What would the control arm be, and how would you ever isolate just a single dietary (macro?) difference? The question to ask is given someone is not healthy as 1/
@angryhacademic are 80%+ of the adult population (e.g., poor bio-markers, low QoL measures, presence of multiple chronic disease dx), do they improve on #LCHF/#ZC intervention? That does happen. As an aside, there are some longer term carnivores around who despite consuming no fiber, fruits, 2/
@angryhacademic veg for many years are thriving—no signs of survey or GI problems. The evidence is out there if you look for it. But since this would never be a pharmaCo drug intervention, there wouldn't be an RCT because there's no money in it. Last, I don't think many claim ↑LDL is 3/
Read 4 tweets

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