'The Spanish model of territorial accommodating its nationalities, once a factor for stability is now in crisis' Michael Keating reflects on the results of last week's election in #Spain
@mentions@UKLabour released their #manifesto this week, pledging radical change. @Coree_Brown analyses where the party stands on constitutional issues, asking if no radical change is required?
'Scotland's New Choice' Independence after Brexit' our NEW ebook from 25 leading academics examining what independence would mean for #Scotland after #Brexit and #COVID19
➡ the process of independence
➡ the economics of independence
➡ the implications on politics & society
➡ the international aspects
➡ the view of independence from elsewhere
2/ Michael Keating begins, the internal market is, in many ways, a way of replicating what exists to faciliate the European single market. Two options are available: a single standard or principle of mutual recognition
3/ No internal market covers everything, how do we determine the exceptions? The EU operates under a very broad principle, allowing governments to override for public policy objectives. The UK Bill is much more narrowly defined.
CCC Co-Director Nicola McEwen also discusses the proposals set out in the UK Government's white paper on the internal market and explains how these could have a profound impact on devolution in the UK
As Boris Johnson visits Scotland today, how might he make the case for the Union? CCC Fellows @DaniCetra and @Coree_Brown explored this issue in recent publications