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Dem debate. I guess I "missed" the last 25 minutes. Let me recap those thrilling 25 minutes so we can start fresh......blah, blah, blah, blah.... 🍊 man is bad...okay we all caught up?

So let's go Dem debate.
First off. We have
Salad lady
Old communist guy
Creepy Joe
Daddy Climatebucks
Money man

On stage.

I don't see mini Mike but he could be hiding behind one of their legs.
Old communist guy screaming get the hell off my I'll show you healthcare you young whippersnappers. We can't nibble around the edges companies need to get the hell off my yard damn it.
Daddy Climatebucks is up trying to bring them all together in liberal love fest bit asks who is going to take him down on the economy....😂😂😂 Good luck with that.
Buttman now up....saying he is going to take on Trump by calling out that 🍊 man is bad..😏😏😏 should work🙄🙄🙄
Buttman still going on about how bad orange man is...🙄🙄🙄

Money man says Trump's not the problem the problem is the issues that brought him here. He actually makes a bit of sense. I doubt they will invite him back. Oh wait....he brings up automation🙄🙄🙄
Next question: will you investigate Trump if you are elected? 🙄🙄🙄

Pocahontas says no one is above the law🙄🙄🙄 she wants the her doj to go after him🤕🤕🙄🙄
Pocahontas wants to spend every penny on everything...something about evil companies....I zones out there..🤕🤕🤕

Money man says he won't investigate says he will.move country forward not look back. Yeah they aren't inviting this guy back😏😏😏😏
Old communist guy says 🍊 man is bad and Trump now set a precedent that quid pro quo will be the law of the land...he says the hell with that get the hell off my yard. Doesn't say he will or won't.
Daddy Climatebucks says he started the impeachmant movement....GOP rolled it doesn't matter anymore that 🍊 man is bad we just have to beat him...doesn't answer the question...says 🍊 man is really bad.
Next question should we nominate someone under investigation about Biden.

Buttman says we should ignore it and not let it effect us.😏😏😏

Biden thanks Buttman for standing with him being a crook.
Biden says Lt. Col should get the medal not rush tells the crowd to stand up and clap for vindman. 🙄🙄🙄🤕

Next question Hillary says old communist guy is bad is she right.? Biden hugs old communist guy. Salad lady says old communist guy is okay and we can work with him
Salad lady talking about something tax bill 🙄🙄🙄 avoid questions ...

This questions are dumb I don't blame her.

Salad lady says she can eat red meat as well as lefty salads. 😏😏
Old communist guy talking about Hillary. Says we need to look forward and not's clear he doesn't want to be suicided....😂😂. Old communist guy yells of course I can get GOP votes now get the hell off my yard.
Next question about killing Iranian terrorist.

Buttman says he would have killed the terrorist. Says taking out a bad guy is not a good idea if you don't know what you are doing🙄🙄🙄

Supports Iran deal

🍊 Man is stupid and bad..butan talks about a wounded soldier.
Damn autocorrect Buttman says he would NOT have killed the terrorist.
Now Buttman is says it depends if he would kill him....why would anyone vote for this guy.

Creepy Joe says he wouldn't have ordered the strike....then goes on about nato not agreeing...says we are alone. Says 64 soldiers got a brain injury...hmm they were concussions.
Old communist guy says no he wouldn't have killed the terrorist either because there are a lot of bad guys and then you open the world to anarchy....🙄🙄🙄🙄 We need to sit down and talk not killing bad guys🙄🙄🙄
Next ? Afgan. Would you listen to generals

Pocahontas says she has been there on the warpath and she doesn't see a way to win in afgan...just endless war.

So she will pull out...she wants to bring troops home. Decent answer I suppose about the same position as Trump.
Creepy Joe says he took out ISIS 🙄🙄🙄. And Trump pulled out and ISIS came back and the Kurds were killed and a lady with a baby was standing on piles and we should only be dealing with terrorism and he been to every part of Iraq and we need to do something or other🤕WTF?
Buttman says creepy Joe made wrong decision on Iraq. Next president has to restore credibility of USA after Trump. ....🙄🙄🙄 Says Trump's stategy is a big wall and alligators to protect the country🙄🙄
Random thoughts.

These people are not only insane they are incredibly stupid and naive.
Back to the clown show.

Daddy Climatebucks says we have no allies, no strategy and we aren't fighting climate change so we don't need an army. Industrial military complex needs to be defunded and we are going to need to educate.
Creepy Joe got triggered. He did Paris accords, Iran deal need to keep commitments.🙄🙄🙄🙄. I think spittle was flying.

Old communist guy says they were all lying about Iraq now get the hell off my yard. Says Trump wants to build a wall around America. ....
...and we need to get rid of Fossil fuels and we need globalism to do it and we need to defund the military to fight climate change....

Break time. Thank God.
Random thoughts

These people have absolutely no idea what Trump's policies are, what the economy is doing, the relationships we have around the world, and consider climate change the biggest threat since Hitler.. It's clear they are pawns of the fake media brainwashing.
And we are back.

Next ? What do we do about overdose.

Buttman is called out about wanting to make all drugs legal. He says no we just don't arrest them🙄🙄🙄. Need to medicate them , mental health, save lives ..
Money man also wants to legalize opioids. Says we need to take on the companies that sell them....wants to out people that overdose in a 3 day clinic🙄🙄🙄

Evil companies are bad.
Random thoughts

Are they running for President of the USA or the wizard of OZ?
Salad lady says the only answer is treatment and she would prosecute big drug dealers. OMG she is almost sane. She won't be invited back...🤕🤕🤕
Next ? Gun control.

Says sanders voted against gun control why? Old communist guy says he has a D- from the NRA and the world has changed now get the hell off my yard. Old communist guy says he wants all the gun control now.🙄🙄🙄
Creepy Joe is now saying that communist guy is soft on guns...

OMG they are attacking each other on not wanting to take your guns away. They are arguing over being too soft on gun control🙄🙄🙄🙄

Creepy Joe now waxing longingly. 😏😏
Pocahontas says we have a fun violence problem in the country.

Mass shootings
Domestic shootings
Street crime.

She wants to treat it like a public health emergency. ...she wants more gun control.🙄🙄🙄
Random thoughts

There is absolutely no way any of these people can get one person that leans right to vote for them. Absolutely no chance.
Next question about abortion and courts. Should there be a limtus test on abortion .

Creepy Joe says should be a generic test not a specific test. In other words we need to be sneaky. 😏😏
Creepy Joe gives up on sneaky and just says yes there should be a limitus test. He is triggered at the stupidity of the media.

Pocahontas says abortion shouldn't be just for rich women so there needs to be a limitus test on it.🙄🙄🙄 Nice how she added some classwarfare
Also says we need a law to make it law of land.

Salad lady says yes and we need a law to protect abortion.

Buttman is now asked if he would stuff the court.

Buttman says yes he would and that some judges should not be appointed by the Senate. Need to change constitution 🙄
Creepy Joe says he doesn't want to stuff the court because RGB doesn't want too. The Senate should control it and we have to win it back. Says he can help do that.

Old communist guy says he has a limitus test on abortion...codify abortion find planned Parenthood
Daddy Climatebucks says the GOP cheated on the Senate. 🙄🙄🙄 Because they followed the rules and didn't appoint Obama jidges. Says everyone of the people on stage has a limitus test let's stop beating around the one is talking racism...we need to bring it up. 🙄🙄🙄
Well damn it lets talk about racism question to Buttman.

Are you a racist Mr. Buttman? Buttman blames systemic racism for his cities policies.🙄🙄🙄

We need to do prison reform. I guess he isn't up to date. 🙄🙄🙄

The media says bit why did you arrest more
Black people Mr. Buttman.

Buttman Well because they were connected to the most violence.😏😏

Pocahontas says that's not an answer. You have to own up to the facts then says exactly what Buttman said.
Pocahontas says we need more housing and race conscious laws to stop racism.

Yang says you can't get rid of racism from laws. But if we give them all $1,000 racism will end. 🙄🙄🙄
Daddy Climatebucks wants reparations for blacks.

Says Creepy Joe campaign made racist comments asks creepy Joe to disavow them. Creepy Joe says no you join me and my black support
Old communist guy says we all know black people now get the hell off my yard. We end private prisons , end war on drugs....Bernie is basically saying that only black people are arrested. Want to end cash bail. 🙄🙄🙄
The white people on stage are basically trying to explain what causes racism. 😏😏😏 Oh the optics. They are basically saying all black people are criminals. All of them talk about criminal reform is needed when they talk about racism.

Creepy Joe now talking about blacks
Needing more schools and education.

So basically they are saying blacks are stupid and criminals and we need to fix that...,🤕🤕

Wait old communist guy says they need more education and they shouldn't be in jail and need healthcare.🤔
Salad lady want s every kid to vote when they turn 18. Stop gerrymandering and never purge voter rolls. Because blacks don't know how to register to vote.

Honestly, these are the most racist people I've heard in a long time.
Pocahontas talks about her 2% wealthy tax to help black people close the black/white wealth gap.

So to the democrats on stage blacks are poor stupid criminals in poor health who have no ID and cant figure out how register to vote. 🤔🤔 Seriously, racist views.
Money man says the only way to cure racism to give them all $1,000 a month. Hell we need to give everyone a $1,000 because skynet is coming. 😏😏😏

Next ? About mini Mike.

Pocahontas says no one should be able to buy the office.
Pocahontas says she and salad lady are the only poor millionaires on stage and the rest rich fat cats need to say no to PACs.

Salad lady wants a constitutional amendment to overturn citizens United.
Old communist guy calls out Buttman having 40 billionaires funding him. Tells Buttman to get the hell off his campaign fiance yard. His donors are small donors we need to tell the rich to get the hell out of our elections.
Buttman says Trump raised $25 million today. So much winning...

Buttman says he is the only poor guy up there. (Regardless of the 40 billionaires funding him🙄🙄🤕)

Says we all need to band together to defeat 🍊 man because he is bad.
Next ?? USMCA and climate change.

Old communist guy says you can't support USMCA and be for climate change so get the hell off his trade yard. 🙄🙄. Says jobs will be outsourced to Mexico.
Salad lady says she voted for USMCA because it's a lot better than NAFTA. And best way to fight the fake climate change is to get back into Paris accords and bring back regulations that 🍊 man cut.
Pocahontas said she voted for USMCA was better than NAFTA but we can do better. 🙄🙄🙄

Daddy Climatebucks says he agrees with old communist guy because everyone wants to get into the USA market so we can extort them to fight climate change. 😎 That's a quid pro quo isn't it.😎
Daddy Climatebucks is saying they should follow Trump trade deals bit don't for climate change not you know making money without calling it Trump trade craft.

Salad lady is saying Trump blames everyone and we can't force our allies to do what we want on trade.
Break time. YES!!!!!!

Random thoughts

If anyone of these people gets elected president sell your stocks, homes, cars and go off grid with your guns. You might survive the coming hell.
Final question thank you Lord.

It's been 20 years since child poverty has been addressed. How do we fight child poverty.

Money man up first.

We are in a winner take all economy so that means technology is getting better and if we want to fight it we need to give them $1,000
We need to give everyone a $1,000 because capitalism is bad and robots are going to take our jobs.

Money man says basically we are only worth $1,000 per month.

Buttman says the economy sucks because it's not about the stock market.🙄🙄🙄
Buttman basically just skipped over the jobs and everything else.stock market highs are bad🙄🙄🙄 and then he said some other bullshit I didn't catch. 😏😏
Pocahontas says a 2% wealth tax will solve all our ills and it will end racism, and child poverty and invest in our children, housing schools and the the Utopia will be great.

Creepy Joe says he had to move as a kid because his dad lost his job.
Creepy Joe says being a single dad isn't as hard as being a single mother. That's complete bullshit and sexist. Now creepy Joe is making a nice word salad up but I will need salad lady's comb to understand it. 🤕🤕🤕
Old communist guy says the children poverty is due to capitalism and the working class will take on the big money. Now get the hell off his yard.

Salad lady says we lost in 2016 bit we didn't lose hope. We need to spend more money on the children..Says FDR knew
The people and 🍊 man doesn't. Says she knows the people like FDR and she will fight for you. Pretty good speech tbh. Give it a 4.5 out of 10

Daddy Climatebucks says the GOP are evil they want to cut taxes then cut funding for kids and all pollution and break unions. 🙄🙄🙄
Daddy Climatebucks says they won't win just by attacking 🍊 man then goes about attacking 🍊 man 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Says the economy sucks because we aren't funding gov programs. 🙄🙄🙄

And it's over ..
I'll end the thread there. As always thanks for all you followed along and commented. I'll scroll back up and see if I missed any.
But wait there's more. Who won?

Salad lady

Who lost
Money man, creepy Joe and Daddy Climatebucks

Who survived
Old communist guy
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