What is it?
Isthunywa literally means "messenger" this is a messenger and a mediator between physical reality and the spiritual reality. Isthunywa is a term used to refer to an umbrella of spirits so we need to be cognizant and thread very light
This is an ancient form of communication and has been in existence for the longest of time, idlozi which is what posseses you taps into this information to pass down knowledge and wisdom but because of colonisation, to work with this energy was prohibited and Africans
As a natural evolution because umoya ongene ookhokho could not use imithi that were now illegal to pick, had to find other ways to work and heal. This is when iziwasho came into
As previously mentioned, this is a very broad topic and whether or not ungenwe ngumoya wokhokho who channelled this universal energy, or ungenwe by these mystical energies there are more or less similarities in which this energy manifests.
• Empathy.
• Uses of water as method of healing or constant requirement to visit water bodies such as the ocean and rivers.
• Fondness to candles.
• Use of crystals.
• Interest and deep knowledge of the esoteric arts.
• General pull to celestial bodies.
• Singing,sthunywa is extremely fond of song
• Counseling and metapsychology.
• Cleanliness.
Now you have been told unomoya right? Unesthunya to be specific, it is important to note that isthunywa and idlozi both draw strength from the same source, idlozi is just more connected to human energies whereas the sthunywa energy is more universal and not
Some healers initiate these sthunywa spirits and put them under
Try and slow down and allow for Spirit to work through you and for
When nothing seems to be working in the direction of
Stay grounded, stay vigilant and stay positive!!