Numerous House Dems are privately pushing to hear testimony from the prosecutors who quit the Roger Stone case in protest against Bill Barr's meddling, aides tell me.
This would ratchet up the response to Barr big time.
Lots more in my new piece:…
Some House Democrats are adamant that the prosecutors on the Roger Stone case must be heard from *before* William Barr testifies to Congress on March 31, to prevent Barr from getting away with stonewalling:…

Everyone is obsessing over William Barr's attack on Trump's tweets.
But Barr also offered a *new chronology* of events leading up to the Roger Stone meddling.
The account is actually damning. And it raises new unanswered questions:…

After impeachment, there’s no aggressive, centralized process marshaling powerful investigative resources and commanding intense media attention. House Dems simply must come up with a new war footing to cope with emboldened, unchecked Trump.…