CXR (photo). WBC 30. N80%
Required mechanical ventilation. VV ECMO.
Rx: peramivir —> oseltamivir
D+1 Blood / sputum culture: MRSA
TEE (-). Rx: vancomycin.
#MayoIDQ MCQ next

D+5: vanco —> linezolid
D+6: T40C. Sweating. Loose stools.
PE: BP 150/100. PR 120. Agitated. Confused. Shivering. No focal deficits.
Blood / sputum culture: negative
WBC 12. AST 32. Cre 1.5
What is most likely cause?
Case diagnosis:
Severe #Influenza B infection complicated by #MRSA pneumonia and bacteremia
#Linezolid associated #serotonin syndrome (interaction with fentanyl)
Let us discuss....
#Influenza #Pearls
- Seasonal respiratory virus infection: 2020 data: 32M infections, 310K hospitalizations, 18K deaths to date
- #Vaccination: best protection
- Rx: oseltamivir, peramivir, zanamivir, baloxavir
CDC for up to date info…
#Influenza and #MRSA
- S aureus: common complication that increases morbidity and mortality of influenza
- Influenza increases susceptibility and impairs immune response to MRSA (see link)…
#MRSA pneumonia Rx with Linezolid
Linezolid may be better compared to vancomycin for treatment of nosocomial MRSA pneumonia…
Linezolid is a synthetic compound that acts a reversible MAO inhibitor
MAOI prevents breakdown of monoamine neurotransmitters thereby increasing their levels - serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine.…
#Fentanyl and Serotonin Syndrome
Fentanyl is a phenylpiperidine opioids with mild serotonin-reuptake inhibition (SRI) properties - thereby increasing serotonin levels…
#Serotonin Syndrome due to Linezolid and Fentanyl interaction
Linezolid prevents its breakdown and fentanyl inhibits its reuptake —> serotonin excess!!!…
#Serotonin Syndrome
Excessive serotonin:
1. Mental status (confusion, agitation)
2. Autonomic hyperreactivity (sweating, loose stools)
3. Neuromuscular (tremors, shivering, clonus)
#Serotonin Syndrome
CNS effects:
1. Attention (confusion)
2. Behavior (agitation)
3. Thermoregulation (Fever)
Peripheral effects:
1. GI motility (“loose stools”)
2. Vasoconstriction (“high BP”)
3. Bronchoconstriction
#Serotonin Syndrome
Hunter Criteria
1. Spontaneous clonus
2. Inducible clonus + agitation / diaphoresis
3. Ocular clonus + agitation/ diaphoresis
4. Tremor + hyperreflexia
5. Hypertonia + T38C + ocular/inducible clonus
#Serotonin Syndrome
Treatment and case resolution
- Discontinue serotonergic drugs (switched back to vancomycin; fentanyl stopped) —> clinical cure
- Supportive care
C. difficile was top DDx
- Should be tested when loose stools in at risk patients. Negative in this case.
#Influenza and #Aspergillosis
Association between risk of Aspergillus in patients with influenza has been described!…