Current VL / CD4 not known
CC: 2mo cough, progressive dyspnea
2 wks: chills, HA, night sweats
Exposures: parakeets / pigeons
Chest imaging (photo)
BAL: Galactomannan +
Serum CrAg 1:320
Comment on diagnostic and treatment approach? #MayoIDQ MCQ next

CT head no mass.
LP performed. Which of the following CSF findings confers higher mortality? #MayoIDQ
HIV VL 120K. CD4 36. He tells you he will now be compliant to ART. No resistance mutations detected.
When do you start antiretroviral Rx?
Case diagnosis:
Disseminated #cryptococcosis with meningitis in an #AIDS patient
Risk: CD4<100
Serum #CrAg >1:160 predicts CNS involvement!
Let us discuss this case to highlight some learning pearls! Read on....
No growth of Aspergillus sp in cultures.
What is the potential explanation for the elevated #galactomannan in this patient?
Cross reaction between #Cryptococcus antigen and #Aspergillus galactomannan
HIV-infected patients with #cryptococcus infection should be evaluated for CNS involvement!
Meningitis is very frequent manifestation of Cryptococcus in ICH! (Even in patients with no CNS symptoms)
- CSF analysis: opening pressure, cell count, chemistries, culture, CrAg
Prognostic factors for mortality in HIV patients with cryptococcal meningitis
- CSF CrAg >1:1024 (super high)
- CSF WBC <20 (immune suppressed)
- High ICP (HA, mental status)
Majority pick the correct answer to the MCQ: “high ICP”…
Why measure CSF opening pressure in #cryptococcal meningitis?
- To assess ICP (poor outcome)
Management of high ICP is essential to reduce mortality
- Repeated LP
- Ventricular drain (VP shunt)
Rx of #cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS
Induction for at least 2 weeks (extend if no CSF fungal clearance)
- First line - Ampho B (#AmBisome preferred / lower toxicity) plus #5FC
Alternatives - not as good
- If no 5FC: AmB plus Fluconazole
- If no AmB: Fluconazole plus 5FC
Rx of #cryptococcal meningitis in patients with AIDS
Following induction Rx -
Consolidation (8wks) and maintenance phase (at least 1 year): #Fluconazole (doses vary)…
When to start #ART in HIV patients with #cryptococcal meningitis (in patients not already on ART)
The COAT Trial showed lower mortality when ART deferred to 5 weeks after start of antifungal Rx (compared to 1-2 weeks)…
When to start #ART in HIV patients with #cryptococcal meningitis
2-10 weeks after start of antifungal Rx (WHO: 4-6 weeks)
Deferred ART —> lower mortality
- Reduce potential for #IRIS
Majority pick the correct answer to MCQ!…
Steroids NOT recommended in Rx of #cryptococcal meningitis
- No reduction in mortality
- Higher adverse events / disability
- No reduction in IRIS (although faster decline in OP)
- Longer time to fungal clearance
N Engl J Med. 2016 Feb 11; 374(6): 542–554.
While steroids are NOT recommended routinely to prevent IRIS in #cryptococcal meningitis
- steroids recommended for Rx of established IRIS in cryptococcal meningitis
Clin Infect Dis. 2010 Feb 1; 50(3): 291–322.
#Cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS: Summary #IDDailyPearl
1. CD4<100
2. CrAg, LP - measure OP
3. AmB/5FC —> Fluconazole
4. ART 2-10 weeks after start of antifungals
5. Steroids DO NOT prevent IRIS (but may be used to Rx IRIS)
Thank you all for your participation!