I thought that I would mark the occasion with some numbers that pertain to #COVID19au, given that it's the topic of the season.
Sadly, we are seeing the emergence of arithmophobia with regards to #COVID19au- it's becoming painfully clear that the daily briefing for anyone being asked to officially comment on the situation contains the
Here in the Corona Bunker, we LOVE numbers! Numbers are our friends, our work colleagues and our playmates.
So let's put our love of numbers to use.
Let's make the ludicrous assumption that those of you bored
If we go off the numbers from Wuhan province, of you 5000 freaks:
About 4,000 of you are going to catch it.
Around 750 of you are going to
It's not personal- promise.
You'll be ok too, after some respiratory support.
The news is a...
You are going to need a ventilator, and these are going to be in short supply. If there was a way of avoiding y'all coming at the same time- which is what 'flattening the curve' is all about- we might be able to sort you out. Individually, you're not
Finally, and this saddens me because I cherish all of you, some of you are going to have to say goodbye. Predicting how many of you that will be is a little trickier. It seems to be very jurisdiction
In Wuhan, it was around 2%. (n=100 of you)
Globally, it's just under 4%. (n=200 of you)
In Italy at the moment, it's about 7% (n=350 of you)
In Australia, we are being asked to accept <1% (n=50 of you)
Much will depend on our critical care capacity at the time.
Let's call the population of Australia a rough 25,000,000.
Just multiply the numbers that apply to my merry band of misfit followers by 5,000.
It's good to keep the little grey cells alive!
The data used for this little exercise in maths is not sequestered. It's widely available.
If you think that the numbers look impossibly extravagant, check out