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➡️ #IndiaFightsCorona #COVID19
➡️ #IndiaFightsCorona
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➡️ #IndiaFightsCorona
- @HMOIndia
➡️ #IndiaFightsCorona
16,564 samples were tested yesterday
146 labs are there in ICMR network, while 67 labs are there in the private sector now
- @ICMRDELHI ➡️ #IndiaFightsCorona
➡️ #IndiaFightsCorona
642 people have recovered
In last 24 hours - 1,035 new cases, 40 deaths
Total 239 deaths have been reported so far
- informs @MoHFW_INDIA ➡️ #IndiaFightsCorona
Containment measures but no lockdown - 1.2 lakh cases by Apr 15
Since we have acted - 7,447 cases on Apr 11
- statistical analysis by @MoHFW_INDIA
➡️ #IndiaFightsCorona
✅Active contact tracing
✅Isolation of patients
✅Augmentation of medical capacity, along with pvt. sector
✅Food and civil supplies
✅Citizen involvement
- JS, @MoHFW_INDIA, explaining #COVID19 containment action in Agra cluster #IndiaFightsCorona
- @MoHFW_INDIA, on Agra #COVID2019 containment plan
- explains JS, @MoHFW_INDIA #IndiaFightsCorona
- @MoHFW_INDIA, on Agra's management of #COVID2019
Distribution chain management
Movement of essential commodities
Provision of food & shelter for homeless & needy
Food distribution for animals
Risk Self-reporting and helpline facility for citizens
evaluating extent & trend of #COVID19 exposure & success of containment measures in hot spots;
identifying whether healthcare workers have become immune to #COVID2019 and can resume work
- @ICMRDELHI #IndiaFightsCorona