Pass mark is 35/100
Education-25 Pts, Experience-35Pts, Age-10Pts, Language(IELTS/TEF)-24Pts and Adaptability-6Pts.
Your Educational level is highly important.
Language:Write IELTS General Training Exam.
A person’s financial assets may also be a measure of intent and ability to establish economically in Canada. There is no minimum investment level for the self-employed.
Intent: Can be proven via BIZ PLAN, BIZ EXPERIENCE, PARTNERS, EXPLORATORY VISITS, FINANCES. Ability to be self employed in this profession in Canada.
Film makers,Producers,Directors, Actors,Comedians,Translators, Journalists,Musicians,Singers,Music Teachers,Illustrators,Painters, Sculptors,Visual Artists,Freelance Journalists,Set Designers,Coaches, Trainers,Athletes,Choreographers