@cameronks @srrezaie @emcrit @EMNerd @airwaycam

@sinaiem @jacobi_EM @LincolnEM @NYEmergency

As ED physicians, the difficult decision of disposition has never haunted us more these days when they’re like Halo: alert, talking & do not appear clinically ill


Post-Intubation CXR is below 👇
@grepmeded @DShadowgazer @WeAreCanadiEM

There’s a strong argument made that Halo’s increased WOB & persistent tachypnea paired w/hypoxemia would have enventually led to a sudden crash/code which physiologically is understandable, yet…
@cameronks @Maimonides_EM


Would their outcome have been any different without the tube, no one will know. We also wont know what impact those other interventions may have had if any
Neither will Halo or their mother…