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May 26th 2020
What makes SARS-CoV-2 different from other coronaviruses?

Thx @EmoryMedicine M3s @Devon_L_Barrett & Ana Leon (creators), @an_xiao_ & @cg_coleman (editors), and @BIDMC_IDFellows @AxellHouse (review)

#EducationintheTimeofCOVID #COVIDfoam #COVID19 Image
Here's the link to the @nature news article…

Link to Baylor's COVID-19 lit review (one of our new partners for this initiative)!…

Link to our webpage w/ the visual abstracts from
@EmoryMedicine students…
Oops. Meant to say @bcmhouston & @BCMDeptMedicine ID fellow @AxellHouse
Read 3 tweets
May 18th 2020
1/#COVID19 cohort study in ICU patients showing lower mortality rate than prior reports

Thx @EmoryMedicine students @justalisongrace & @AdamJamnik (creators), @chung_yg & @cg_coleman (editors) & ID fellow @DBhamidipatee (reviewer)

#EducationInTheTimeofCOVID #COVIDfoam Image
2/Here's a link to the pre-print (i.e. not peer-reviewed yet) from @EmoryMedicine faculty Sara Auld, @colleenkraftmd, @alfherrom, @hey_its_max, @jestjac, @gsmartinmd, and many more…
3/And a link to our webpage that hosts the literature summaries from our #EmoryID fellows and visuals from our medical students…
Read 3 tweets
May 17th 2020
1/How does pre-symptomatic transmission contribute to #COVID19 spread in nursing facilities?

Thx @EmoryMedicine MS3s @_mkline_ & Jeff Rosenthal (creators), @chung_yg & @cg_coleman(editors) & @EmoryDeptofMed ID fellow Aaron Kofman (review)

#EducationInTheTimeofCOVID #COVIDfoam Image
2/This is a nice follow up to the prior visual abstract we created on an earlier version of the study that you can see here

Interestingly, you can see that most of the "asymptomatic" individuals were actually "pre-symptomatic" as many of us suspected
3/Here's a link to this new article in @NEJM…

And a link to our webpage that hosts the literature summaries from our #EmoryID fellows and visuals from our medical students…
Read 3 tweets
May 2nd 2020
High IL-6 may be predictive of respiratory failure in #COVID19

Thx @EmoryMedicine @EmoryMSTP students @ariellevaldez & @careyjans (creators), MS4s @tylerdau & @cg_coleman (editors), & @EmoryDeptofMed ID fellow @Dr_AmyKacin (reviewer)

#EducationInTheTimeOfCOVID #COVIDFOAM Image
Here's a link to the pre-print (i.e. not peer-reviewed yet):…

And the link to our #EmoryID fellows' scholar blog w/ other lit summaries by our ID fellows; plus visual abstracts & infographics created by our medical students.
Tag the authors if you know their Twitter handles. I couldn't find them :)
Read 3 tweets
Apr 24th 2020

We just published the largest, most detailed case series of mechanically ventilated #COVID19 patients with ARDS in a western country and with the longest follow-up.

Read our infographic & the article on @CCRJournal

Mortality of ICU mechanically ventilated patients with #COVID19 ARDS is as high as 23% at the 20 days follow-up.

Acute kidney injury (75%) and secondary bacteremia (37%) are the most frequent complications of #COVID19 ARDS.

Also, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and thromboembolic complications were relatively common.

Read 7 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
The medical community is divided when it comes to treating #COVID19. Various debates/theories dominate #MedTwitter & #FOAMed. Im glad to see these discussions & our progress, however patients sometimes get caught in the middle….

@cameronks @srrezaie @emcrit @EMNerd @airwaycam
This thread’s intention is to simply share observations & the experience of a #COVID19 patient code named “Halo” (yes consent received by mother) whose story might seem unique but sadly a common occurrence throughout many NYC hospitals

@sinaiem @jacobi_EM @LincolnEM @NYEmergency
Halo, A mid 30 year old w/#COVID19 symptoms (Febrile/SOB) for a week presented to the ED & had this CXR👇
As ED physicians, the difficult decision of disposition has never haunted us more these days when they’re like Halo: alert, talking & do not appear clinically ill

Read 15 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
More of our #COVID19 experience here in #NYC:

Most if not all ICUs are full & the ED is quickly becoming an ICU. There's been a push away from early intubation for those that may not need it

1/9 #COVIDfoam #FOAMed @cameronks @srrezaie @ThinkingCC @emcrit @19criticalcare
As a result, theres a very large number of “Happy Hypoxic” patients who have been tolerating HFNC for hours & sometimes for days. SpO2 continues to remain unreliable (as do certain "traditional" exam findings of respiratory distress). PaO2s continue to correlate

2/9 #COVIDfoam
The oxygen requirement these patients need is very high. Hospitals w/lower volumes of #COVID19 patients should start from now in securing the appropriate resources and have contingency plans to accommodate for this

3/9 #COVIDfoam

Read 9 tweets
Apr 5th 2020
From experience in our #COVID19 ICU so far:

What started as an HFNC ICU has quickly turned into an ARDS unit treating iatrogenic ALI from patients being intubated

#COVIDfoam #FOAMed #FOAMcc @cameronks @PulmCrit @ThinkingCC @srrezaie @First10EM @gattinon @precordialthump

As physicians we see a low SpO2 combined with a low PaO2 & the knee jerk reaction is early intubation instead of assessing patient's overall clinical picture including their work of breathing & mental status. Here's a walk through what happens after...

2/12 #COVIDfoam #Covid_19
Following intubation, patients are put on higher PEEPs which combined w/ACE-receptor effects of virus worsens their already slightly elevated creatinine. Higher PEEPs causing increased thoracic pressure understandably leads to hypotension so patients are then given fluids

Read 12 tweets
Mar 28th 2020
Welcome to #COVIDMarathon from @ESICM - follow this thread for the content coming up over the next 7 hours. #FOAMed #FOAMcc #COVID19 #COVIDfoam
A general update #covidmarathon
Evolving insights into increasing cases over time, globally. Very few reported cases in Africa over time. #covidmarathon
Read 43 tweets
Mar 18th 2020
1/ @EmoryMedicine M4 @cg_coleman organized med students to create visual educational materials on #COVID19 for our residents to maintain #EducationintheTimeofCOVID

Follow (Insta), me (Twitter)

Thanks @EmoryDeptofMed ID & CCM fellows for peer reviewing!
2/ Here's our first post from yesterday.

Let us know what you want to learn & please correct any mistakes you see! #COVIDfoam

@VarunPhadke2 @Armstrws @CarlosdelRio7 @karenlawmd @Dr_AmyKacin @MDdreamchaser @gradydoctor @BSchwartzinSF @BonuraErin @Emory_MedMicro @Ahmed_HBabiker Image
@DanicaRockney @JHaydek - share with the residents too!
Read 4 tweets

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