If Positive Very Likely #COVID19
Sensitivity-Not as High
Negative results do NOT rule out infections
ie High False Negatives
May need to confirm with PCR.
It identifies individuals who have developed an immune response to the virus, either due to active infection or a prior infection
NOT used to diagnose active infection
Identify the infected people ASAP
Fast Turn Around Time, preferably <24 hours to reduce the opportunity for transmission of infection
Immediately isolate the infected & reduce spread. This is only half the battle

1. Tabligh cluster – ever recurring due to wide presence at all levels of society
2. Migrant workers – 2 million legal+4 million undocumented
Due to limitations of rt-PCR-cost, longer TAT, available only at major hospitals & laboratories, we may need to begin to incorporate rapid diagnostics kits in our testing program.
Check this out: threadreaderapp.com/thread/1259984…