Healthy people can learn, work & support themselves & their families. When people are sick, they struggle & families & communities fall behind.
WHO is committed to achieving better health for everyone, everywhere! #WHA73
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the @UN's specialized agency for health, governed by 194 Member States. It provides science-based recommendations to protect people's health everywhere
Members of the @UN may become members of the WHO by signing or otherwise accepting the WHO Constitution 👉

The work of the Organization is led by:
- The World Health Assembly (194 Member States)
- The Executive Board (34 Member States representatives)
- The Secretariat (HQ & 6 regional offices)

-Determines WHO policies & approves programmes & budget
-Appoints the Director-General
-Reviews & approves WHO reports & activities
For more:

-To give effect to the decisions & policies of the Health Assembly
-To act as the executive organ of the Health Assembly
-To perform any other functions entrusted to it by the Health Assembly #WHA73

The Secretariat consists of the Director-General, technical & administrative staff.
It provides Member States with science based recommendations & in country support to promote health, keep the world safe, serve the vulnerable #WHA73

There’s a global standard-setting body to bring together the 🌍’s top health experts to produce to make recommendations to bring better health to people throughout the world.
#WHOImpact #WHA73

#WHOImpact #WHA73
The world has the WHO Essential Medicines List
#WHOImpact #WHA73 #HealthForAll

We have the International Health Regulations - helping countries manage disease outbreaks such as #Ebola or #COVID19
#WHOImpact #WHA73

We have @FCTCofficial - a formidable tool to help reduce disease and death caused by tobacco 🚭
#WHOImpact #WHA73

We have a Global Health Observatory, a powerful tool helping countries chart vital details about who is falling sick, from which disease, and where, so that efforts can be targeted where they are needed most
#WHOImpact #WHA73

✅promote health,
✅keep the world safe,
✅serve the vulnerable.
#HealthForAll #WHOImpact #WHA73
#WHOImpact #WHA73