✅T>38 for 24hrs
✅⬆️CRP, ESR, ferritin, procal, or IL-6, etc
✅>=2 organ system dysfxn
✅no other infxn/reason for sxs
✅recent #COVID19 or just exposure (many are PCR-, variable serology)
Rash, conjunctivitis, mucositis, adenopathy, ext changes (early swelling later desquamation)
AHA official recs: ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CI…

male predominance
Most present with fever and GI sxs
Cardiac issues (>60%) are occurring EARLY
Troponin leak common
CRP super high
Ferritin >1000
d-dimer >2000
Pro-BNP >7000
Half have liver and kidney dysfxn
Neutrophilia but lymphopenic
Low NA and alb
High TG
Good supportive ICU care (pressors, careful fluids)
Serial Echos
IVIG and ASA per AHA Kawasaki guidelines
Otherwise not evidence based:
-most getting steroids
-immune mods case-by-case with rheum
-lovenox prophylaxis, many get Tx dose
1. Should IVIG/ASA be given before Kawasaki criteria?
2. Is this present in older “kids” 20-30yo?
3. If 21yo+ meet criteria, should they be getting IVIG/ASA?
4. Criteria for steroids/rheum drugs?
5. Anticoags?
6. Overlap with adult CRS?