Now, bitcoiners can use Ethereum as a layer 2 platform to use DeFi in a trustless manner, which weren't previously possible with tokens like WBTC. 👨❤️💋👨🎉🌈
@Tronfoundation's @justinsuntron need to be prepared and ready to clone tBTC for Tron (before the day he will clone itself).

(sorry for a mistype in the root tweet, replacing "day" for "gay", but I thought too much in the kiss of those long hard rivals. Please note I'm not drunk)
With the launch of ETH2, @ethereum will compete with @lightning as a layer 2 protocol for #Bitcoin. But do LP have DeFi?
#Bitcoin already had its own trustless DeFi ecosystem.
It's weird how maximalists complains about Ethereum but uses centralized exchanges for BTC. 🤷♀️
What bitcoiners can trustlessly do right now (Ethereum part):
- Mining SLP tokens with @AxieInfinity
- Exchange it to @keep_project's tBTC at @UniswapProtocol
- Redeem tBTC to #Bitcoin at
(Bitcoin part):
- Exchange at @bisq_network

I don't understand why #Bitcoin maximalists hates Ethereum.
1. Its lead, @VitalikButerin, was founder of the @BitcoinMagazine. Ethereans loves Bitcoin ❤
2. Ethereum never plagiarized Bitcoin, unlike @Tronfoundation
3. @ethereum's founder, @VitalikButerin, back at 2013 just wanted #Bitcoin to have programmable money (smart-contracts) and was rejected by the community
4. Now, you can move your Bitcoins to and from Ethereum, and with #eth2/Ethereum 2.0, it will surely be the BTC's layer 2
To stop the war between #Ethereum and #Bitcoin:
- Use Bitcoin for a long-term STORE OF VALUE (yes, like $ or gold). Also use it to exchange to other coins at @bisq_network or mint tBTC at
- Use Ethereum for decentralized applications, such as #DeFi