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BREEDING: Dachshunds, also known as weiner dogs, were originally bred to hunt what specific wild animal?
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GEOGRAPHY: St. Bernards were originally bred for rescue by the hospice of the Great St. Bernard Pass in the 1660s. This pass is on the border between which two countries?
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50/50: According to the 2017-18 US Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook, are there more dogs in dog-owning households, or more cats in cat-owning households?
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WARFARE: In modern military parlance, the term “dogfight” refers to a battle between what?
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FASHION: The logo of the outdoor apparel company North Face is modeled after what geologic landmark in the United States?
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ASTRONOMY: The term “parsec” is a unit of measurement for what?
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BIRTHDAYS: National Nurses Week intentionally ends on May 12th, to commemorate the birthday of which famous nurse?
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R1 Q1 Answer
The GREYHOUND, which can run as fast as 43-45 miles per hour!
R1 Q2 Answer
Dachshund is German for BADGER dog. Dachshunds’ short legs keep them low to the ground to track scents, and their narrow bodies allow them to crawl into burrows.
R1 Q3 Answer
The Great St. Bernard Pass is the lowest pass between Mont Blanc and Monte Rosa, between SWITZERLAND and ITALY. Bernie the St. Bernard is the mascot of the Colorado Avalanche.
R1 Q4 Answer
CATS. There are 1.6 dogs per dog-owning household, but 1.8 cats per cat-owning household.
Horse-owners beat them both, at 2.1 horses per horse-owning household.
R1 Q5 Answer
“Dogfights” refer to aerial battles between two fighter AIRCRAFT at close range.
R1 Q6 Answer
The North Face logo is a stylized figure of HALF DOME in Yosemite National Park.
R1 Q8 Answer
FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE, founder of modern nursing. Today is also celebrated as #InternationalNursesDay. #NursesDay2020 #IDN2020 #NursesWeek2020
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R1 Q7 Answer
A parsec is a unit of LENGTH. One parsec roughly equals 19 trillion miles. The word is a portmanteau of the term “PARallax of one arcsSECond”.
BIOLOGY: The discus fish, native to the Amazon Basin, is somewhat like mammals because its young can feed off of something their parents produce. What do baby discus fish eat from their parents?
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GEOGRAPHY: From the 1910’s to the 1930’s, the Sacramento River was often used by Hollywood filmmakers as a stand-in for what major river in the world?
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INTERNET: Evan Spiegel is the co-founder and CEO of what popular mobile app?
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ASTRONOMY/BOOKS: In the Harry Potter novels, who is Harry Potter’s godfather?
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DOMESTICATION: Since 1959, there has been an effort in Russia to domesticate a wild animal in an accelerated version of how dogs were domesticated from wolves. What animal is being domesticated?
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CULTURE: “Spuds MacKenzie” was played by a female dog named Honey Tree Evil Eye from 1987-89 to sell Bud Light. What breed was Spuds?
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ANATOMY: The height of dogs and horses is measured from the ground to the “withers.” Where is the withers?
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WORLD RECORD: The largest litter of puppies recognized by Guinness book of World Records was born in 2004 to Neapolitan Mastiff named Tia. How many puppies were there?
A. 12
B. 16
C. 20
D. 24
E. 101
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R2 Q1 Answer
The fry of discus cichlids feed on the MUCUS of their parents. Both male and female exhibit parental care and the young feed from body mucus of both. The nutritional content of this mucus changes over the weeks as the fry grow.
R2 Q2 Answer
The MISSISSIPPI RIVER. As @oldcityguardian notes in his book “Sacramento’s K Street”, Sacramento was a lot closer to Los Angeles and had drier weather.
R2 Q3 Answer
Evan Spiegel is the co-founder and CEO of SNAPCHAT (or more specifically SNAP, Inc.).
R2 Q4 Answer
SIRIUS BLACK—referring to Sirius, currently the brightest star in our night sky, aka the “Dog Star” for its Greek/Roman constellation, Canis Major. It’s also where we get “dog days of summer” from. It’s actually a binary star.
R2 Q5 Answer
The red FOX. Like dogs, domesticated foxes exhibit a variety of coat color mutations, including mottled and spotted colors of silver, platinum, and Georgian white.
R2 Q6 Answer
Spuds MacKenzie was a BULL TERRIER. Spuds resurfaced as a ghost in a 2017 Super Bowl Commercial.
R2 Q7 Answer
The withers is the ridge between the SHOULDER blades of the animal. In many species measured this way, it is the tallest point of the body.
R2 Q8 Answer
There were 24 puppies, born via cesarean. Twenty survived the first week. The record for a natural birthed litter is 21 puppies, and the record in California is 17.
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CULTURE: “Nipper” was a Jack Russell terrier who inspired the painting originally called “Dog looking at and listening to a Phonograph,” which became a trademarked image of RCA Victor. What is the current name of that painting?
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BREEDING: This dog type has been attempted to be rebranded as “St. Francis Terriers” and “New Yorkies” in an attempt to make them less intimidating. What dog type is this?
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FOOD: The first canned dog food in America was Ken-L Ration, introduced shortly after the end of World War I. The main ingredient came from which animal?
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MOVIES: In this 1989 Disney film, a pair of children raise an eponymous wild animal that is taken by gamblers to race against greyhounds. What is the name of this movie?
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BOTANY: Gin—as in the alcoholic spirit—derives its flavor from the berries of what type of tree?
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FOOD SECURITY: The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has a special office dedicated to monitoring the breeding, movement, and damages caused by what desert animal?
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ANATOMY: Metacarpal bones are found in what part of your body?
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POLITICS: Richard Pan MD is the current California State Senator representing Sacramento, West Sacramento, and Elk Grove. What is Dr. Pan’s medical specialty?
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R3 Q1 Answer
HIS MASTER’S VOICE. Painted by Francis Barraud, the dog is actually listening to the recorded voice of his former owner and the artist’s late brother, Mark Barraud.
R3 Q2 Answer
The PITBULL. Pitbulls were created by crossbreeding bulldogs and terriers, to combine the strength of the bulldog and agility of the terrier.
R3 Q3 Answer
HORSE meat. Originally the company sourced horses at the end of their useful lives, but were so successful, by the mid 1930’s they were breeding horses specifically for dog food.
R3 Q4 Answer
CHEETAH, or CHEETAH AND FRIENDS. It was the first Disney film to include the phrase, “Hakuna Matata.”
R3 Q5 Answer
What imparts gin its botanical aroma are the berries of the common JUNIPER, an incredibly widespread tree species found around the Northern Hemisphere.
R3 Q6 Answer
The @FAO runs the DESERT LOCUST Information Service. The desert locust—same as in biblical plagues—is a species of short-horned grasshopper that can swarm and breed in great numbers, devastating crops.
R3 Q7 Answer
Metacarpal bones are a set of bones in your HAND, the portions between your wrist and fingers.
R3 Q8 Answer
@DrPanMD’s specialty is PEDIATRICS. Prior to his #CALEG career, he was a @UCDavisMed faculty member and director of its Pediatric Residency Program.
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ENGINEERING: The current Yolo Causeway—that stretch of I-80 connecting Davis and Sacramento, allowing you to drive over the Yolo Bypass floodplains—was completed in 1962. In what decade was the *original* Yolo Causeway built?
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METEOROLOGY: The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is better known by another term, especially by sailors. What is this term?
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INTERNET: In computer science, what do the letters U.R.L. stand for? Give us these three exact words.
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MOVIES: Hayao Miyazki, one of Japan’s greatest animation filmmakers, is best known in the U.S. for Spirited Away. Another of his works is a 1994 film titled Pom Poko. What animal species native to Japan is at the center of this film?
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WORLD RECORD: Chaser the dog was able to retrieve more than 1,000 objects based on noun recognition, giving her the largest vocabulary of any non-primate. What breed of dog was Chaser?
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PHYSIOLOGY: Dogs pant to stay to stay cool, but the claim that they don’t sweat is not technically correct. Dogs do have a type of sweat gland called merocrine glands; where are they located?
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GOVERNMENT: The TV show Lassie was broadcast from 1954-1973. In the first ten seasons, Lassie resided on a farm. In seasons 11-16, however, Lassie works alongside Rangers from which government agency?
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GENETICS: A certain genetic pattern in dogs creates mottled patches of color in a dog’s coat, blue or odd-colored eyes, and skin pigment. What is the name of this genetic pattern and coat coloring?
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R4 Q1 Answer
The 1910’s. Dedicated 104 years ago yesterday—May 11th, 1916—made of timber and concrete and only two lanes. Before this, to reach Sacramento from Davis during flood season you had to drive via Stockton.
R4 Q2 Answer
The DOLDRUMS. Wrapping around Earth, the ITCZ is where the trade winds of the northern and southern hemispheres converge. The hot, windless conditions of this zone would strand sailing ships before the advent of motors.
R4 Q3 Answer
URL stands for UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR. We more commonly refer to it as "web address". This international syntax for spelling out web addresses—slashes, colons, and other marks—was officially defined in 1994, a mere 26 years ago.
R4 Q4 Answer
The story of Pom Poko is about RACCOON DOGS or TANUKI. Incorrectly translated in subtitles as simply “raccoons”, tanukis are a small canid species native to East Asia. In Japanese folklore, they are thought to be shapeshifters.
R4 Q5 Answer
Chaser was a BORDER COLLIE. She worked with Wofford College Professor Emeritus of Psychology John Pilley. He used a technique called “errorless learning” where the dog could only choose the right answer in training.
R4 Q6 Answer
The bottoms of their FEET, or PAW PADS. These merocrine glands may aid with cooling. And maybe with running: this sweat may soften pads, increasing friction with the ground the same way a car tire w/ lower psi grips the road better.
R4 Q7 Answer
The U.S. FOREST SERVICE. These episodes, filmed in color, were sort of a travelogue, bringing Lassie to places like the Sequoia National Forest and Monument Valley.
R4 Q8 Answer
MERLE. Merle is a heterozygote of an incompletely dominant gene. Dogs with two Merle genes, known as “double merles,” often have eye and ear defects.
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