My witness statement to Victoria’s Royal Commission into Mental Health is now available online:…
More info in thread👇

Thank you to @abcnews & @Zalika_R for covering the story & giving profile to people & issues that are too often ignored. (Angus, my cheeky cat, steals the show).
Online story:…
Tune in to tonight’s 7pm ABC news for more coverage.
I was asked to testify on many topics, including #trauma , #recovery & the lived experience workforce.
I also testified to my own, appalling, lived experience of the #MentalHealth system.

Testifying has been a tough experience. At times harrowing, at times empowering.
I have done my best to be fair, honest, inclusive & aspirational. It won’t be perfect, but it is my best.
I just hope, with all I can hope, that they listen... and then act.