A 2-year effort with @LucaMarsili1 @andrea_sturchio @Dr_Murli_Mishra @DrAlfonsoFasano @nachogenePD @Marcelokauffman @AlbertoEspay
Monogenic parkinsonisms are very different from one another. Not only on the severity of parkinsonism, but also on cognition, behavioral, and autonomic function.
(See a nice review ⬇️ sciencedirect.com/science/articl…)

-Retrospective and cross-sectional nature, cannot exclude length-time bias
-True time-to-event (postural instability) is unknown
-Highly heterogeneous studies ➡️ variable sample sizes
We selected 10 and 15 years as the event horizons and adjusted for variability✔️
-Monogenic parkinsonisms were associated with unique timelines to postural instability compared to sporadic PD.
-LRRK2 was closest to sporadic PD; ATP13A2, PINK1, and PRKN had the longest latency to postural instability; and DJ-1 and SNCA, the shortest.
We need prospective cohorts to replicate findings!