Shambolic charm has worked for the PM all his life, but facing the worst public health crisis in a century, it rapidly loses its appeal. /1
Here, @MattHancock says he realised it was “the single biggest issue that's about to hit us.”
“Did you tell the Prime Minister?@KayBurley asks.
“Yes,” he replies. “I told him right at the start.”
Is he concerned thousands may die?
No. His worry is that it could trigger reactions “that go beyond what is medically rational to the point of doing real & unnecessary economic damage.”
"One of the theories is that perhaps you could take it on the chin, take it all in one go.”
Why no action/lockdown?
A week later, the govt gave the answer (via @Peston): “The strategy of the UK govt is to allow the virus to pass through the entire population so that we acquire herd immunity.”

As an “outcome” #HerdImmunity makes sense.
As a “strategy” it will kill thousands.
- take it on the chin
- gain herd immunity
- restart the economy without the need for repeated lockdowns
With #HerdImmunity, testing & tracing aren’t so important.
Maintaining infection rates is vital.
We were warned
by scientists
by WHO
by intelligence reports
by Exercise Cygnus
by Italy & Spain
Our govt made a political decision
It chose - & is STILL choosing to pursue - a #HerdImmunity strategy