Fever, chills, sweats. cough, abdominal pain x 1 week
PE: ill-looking, murmur, scattered rales, petechiae
WBC 19.5, Cre 2.16
Blood culture: MSSA
CT (prior tweet)
TEE ordered.
Whic of the following options is best for Rx?
Case diagnosis:
#MSSA #Endocarditis in #PWID
TEE: TV multiple vegetations + small aortic valve lesion. PFO with small right to left shunt
#Right-sided #Endocarditis
1. PWID (most common)
2. Cardiac device (CIED/leads)
3. Vascular catheters (central line/PICC)
4. Cardiac anomaly (R-side)
#Right-sided #Endocarditis
1. 10% of endocarditis
2. Tricuspid 90% > pulmonic
3. Concomitant left sided IE in 13% (this case)
4. S aureus >>> streptococcus >> enterococcus >> GNB, fungi (rare)
Right-sided #Endocarditis in #PWID
#Staphylococcus aureus most common pathogen (70%)
Use of saliva on injection equipment: oropharyngeal flora - Streptococcus milleri, Eikenella corrodens, H. parainfluenza
Peripheral septic embolization is rare in right-sided #endocarditis
You should consider:
- left-sided involvement (note: MSSA can cause septic foci in absence of left sided endocarditis): sites - brain, spleen, spine, kidneys, others...
- atrial septal abnormality (PFO)
Rx of #uncomplicated right-sided #endocarditis
Rx: 2-week of IV oxacillin / nafcillin
Alternate: cefazolin
No need to add aminoglycoside!
If beta-lactam allergy:
Vancomycin or Daptomycin x 4 weeks
CAUTION: screen for “complicated cases” (see next)
Complicated right-sided #endocarditis
1. Concomitant left sided endocarditis
2. Complications (abscess, heart block)
3. Metastasis outside of lung
4. No defervesce within 72h of Rx
5. Renal failure
If any of above is present:
—> Rx as left-sided endocarditis (next)
Rx of “complicated” right-sided MSSA endocarditis
Rx similar to left-sided MSSA endocarditis
- Nafcillin or oxacillin for 6 weeks
- Cefazolin for 6 weeks
Suggested answer to MCQ:
cefazolin for 6 weeks
What is #Cefazolin #InoculumEffect
The phenomenon of loss of therapeutic efficacy of cefazolin (and other early generation cephalosporin) when large numbers of organisms (inoculum) are present.
Concern in deep-seated MSSA infections (endocarditis)
#Nafcillin vs #Cefazolin in #MSSA
Cefazolin - less nephrotoxicity and no difference in clinical success vs nafcillin for MSSA BSI
(not an endocarditis study)
Baseline renal insufficiency in our case led to concern for prolonged nafcillin use
#Oxacillin vs #Cefazolin in #MSSA
Cefazolin similar to oxacillin for treatment of “complicated” MSSA bacteremia but with significantly improved safety.
How about oral option in #endocarditis
#POET trial
“Left-sided” endocarditis in stable condition: changing to oral antibiotic was noninferior to continued IV antibiotic Rx.
Limited data in “right-sided” endocarditis
Need of antibiotics for endocarditis and invasive infections in #PWID
Access to oral antibiotic therapy for PWID who cannot complete prolonged inpatient IV antibiotics is beneficial.
Consider this option for those who leave against medical advice.
Indications for surgery in right sided IE
1. Large vegetation
2. Recurrent septic pulmonary emboli
3. Highly-resistant / virulent organism (fungi)
4. Persistent bacteremia
Uncommon complications in right-sided IE
- Heart failure
- Heart block
- Paravalvular abscess
Case resolution
Right sided endocarditis with PFO, left sided involvement and septic embolization (lungs and spleen)
Rx initially oxacillin (inoculum effect) then switched to cefazolin for total of 6 weeks antibiotic duration
Thanks for participating.
Stay well everyone!