
The movement against Murugan was led by some of my friends, but I stood by him because I felt he had the right as a writer.
Pinto says that there cannot be a sword of defamation hanging on the head of a journalist.
Hinting at the recent case regarding #ArnabGoswami, Pinto says why should there be multiple cases filed against various places against a journalist?
He asks, "What do we do? Do we stop this? Do we self censor?"

So self-regulation may not work because everyone is this mad rat race for TRPs.
Content is no longer the king, "masala" is the king
Justice Shakdher: If you have a post on social media which offend the sentiments of some people, are emotive, but do not degrade the ethos of plurality, those are not according to me criminally actionable.
Content such as satire cannot be labelled as hate speech because the dispensation is thin skinned.

Pinto, however, says that Section 66A of the IT Act was loosely worded and had to be struck down
Pinto agrees, says after all "one who pays the piper calls the tune"