He wasn't understanding.
In truth, he didn't get it at all
He said "really?!!", I said "sure".
He said "how!?", I just decided to share some examples.
Because sometimes, it's important to put these things in perspective.
If you complain, GBV occurs. I have seen women stripped in markets like this.
No legal instrument held him accountable.
My friend @BekemeMasade once told me the story of how she was driving one day, stopped. they came. she didn't give them money, they spat at her. Some women have had their cars bashed...
Right now, femicide rates in SA have hit an all time high while convictions are still very low.
Not that boys can't be abused but you have to do much more for girls.
Rape in #Nigeria is now a state of emergency.
Time to pick it up, one guy like that held on to it & asked me to meet him in a hotel. Would he have asked a guy same?
Because we are petrified of being stranded in the middle of nowhere and exposed to anything: from being taken advantage of, to being mugged, raped, abused etc...
He sees no problem, I see danger.
Just like the dangers of taking public transport, beyond general security, women are at risk. Here are stats👇🏿


Despite people asking the man to stop, he wanted to use his power to BREAK two women.
The sad thing is that he didn't know this was wrong until it happened to him.
See him loling at how he used to "tap current in secondary school"
He was sexually harassing
young girls and he still thought it was funny.
She was fined 3 goats and completely BROKEN.
She ran for the post of Kogi Central Senatorial District seat under the Social Democratic Party in 2019.
For daring to contest, she was beaten, abused & slut shamed.
She has been in politics Since 2007 & ran for presidency in 2011.
There's no form of violence they haven't thrown at this woman.
A young lady boarded an intercity bus, the driver won't let her travel in peace.
He decided to violate her during the commute! At a stop, her protests were ignored by police!
See video 👇🏿
#Cameroon civil status laws
#Nigeria spousal immigration laws
It's simple "death by legislative default".
cc: @NaijaFlyingDr
These are current laws in #Cameroon.
Enacted in the 80s and enforced till today.
Check previous tweet for the thread where I detail this.
Our vulnerability is created, patronised and enforced.

In 2011, Reno Omokri asked me to go back to #Cameroon because I didn't have the right to opine on Nigerian issues, never mind that I lived here & paid taxes legally.
He opines about other countries freely.
Ah, Lola Omolola created FIN to "destroy marriages".
@kikimordi "wey no go school get mind to talk"
la mère la @africatechie déranges. Elle croît qu'elle est arrivée ?!
@EmotionsDoctor is misyarning about Burnaboy. Let her go & marry
Most men need to open their eyes to all the things women have to do to stay safe & protect their reputations that as men, they don't even think about.
We live in societies that find joy & pleasure in BREAKING WOMEN.
I can quote so many instances where a male guest - who is supposed to arrive & be announced for me to come down - has simply been told my hotel room number & has showed up at my door.
It's VERY scary!
Societal conditioning is a bastard.
Most men need to "kill the man within themselves" to understand how society gives them a disproportionate advantage over women.
It starts in the head.
Some of you will say he asked for forgiveness.
Forgiveness will not take away the constant fear of potential physical abuse that lady now knows she can get at her place of work.
No, you don't get it.
It is something that applies to many men - many who don't even know it.
"Kill the man in you" and you will unlearn patriarchy.
You can't change the world if you can't change yourself.
What would he do if it were a son?
Yes we are vulnerable by natural circumstances.
Then there's man-made vulnerability.