There are things many men want more than sex.
In fact, there is one thing. And it happens to be the one thing some women find hard to give.
If you like don't learn. Come for me.
This is not to indict anyone... rather, it's for greater understanding. Sometimes it is important to question things.
Very simple thing, but very heavy emotional responsibility.
My late dad used to tell me: "be kind to guys who approach you. It's tough being rejected. Be kind"
They long for that safe harbor where they don’t have to pretend to be something they’re not in order to be chosen.
Society makes too many demands on them.
Forget that macho thing you see. It's "societal conditioning".
There are three main reasons, which are often subconscious - as in, you don't even know you are doing it. Again societal conditioning.
Things like: If he doesn’t want sex, they worry that they may not be attractive enough. (in their minds: how can this one not be asking for sex? is he not a man? there's something wrong with me...)
As women, we must learn to go beyond our own conditioning and be open to a man who is making himself vulnerable in new ways.
Vulnerability, and its acceptance without prejudice can be powerful.
I hope I made some sense. 😃