Bir Gorkhali brother.
Martyred earlier today, guarding the borders of the Motherland.

Four Men.
Same Regiment.
Different Battalions.
Same Date.
Different Years.
Same Valley.
THEIR Valley.

Capt Dhanwant Sharma, Sena Medal (Posth), 299 Medium Regiment.
Fell fighting scum from across, this day 26 yrs ago

RC-554 Capt Ajit Singh, Vir Chakra, Sena Medal (Posthumous), 299 Medium Regiment.
Also fell the same day as Capt Sharma above.
Here's his story ..

He'd risen from the ranks to become an officer from a Jawan.
Already a Vir Chakra awardee (Google Baba unable to point me to that particular act of his), the moment of even greater glory for Capt Ajit Singh, s/o Mukhtiar Singh, resident of ..
.. Village Kaulpur, Tehsil Dasuya, Distt Hoshiarpur, Punjab, would come this day in 1994.
He was tasked to lead a Quick Reaction Team in civil vehicles to apprehend approximately 12 militants of Hizbul Mujahideen camping in Village Khanan, Doda.
As the leading vehicle stopped 800m short of the village to cordon it from two sides, militants opened fire with automatic weapons from the hills in front and to the right. The initial burst severely injured him in the right arm.
Undaunted by the injury, this Khalsa of Gobind jumped from the vehicle and returned fire on the militants. He then organised men from the second vehicle & gave covering fire to an assaulting team under another ..
..officer (Assuming it was Capt Dhanwant Sharma (refer a few tweets above), whose story too is at present, not known to me)
Simultaneously, exhibiting conspicuous bravery, totally unmindful of injury & personal safety, Capt Ajit CHARGED towards the scum, firing his weapon on the run, killing Gulam Mohammed, a Paki trained militant.
During the encounter, this Khalsa warrior was injured for a second time, this time in the abdomen.
He was immediately evacuated to 92 Base Hospital, Srinagar, where he later succumbed to his injuries.
Thus ended the story of an exceptional warrior from the land of braves, who went down guns blazing.
Om Shanti..

23rd martyrdom anniversary of this one.
Fell serving the Nation in the mother of all battlefields.

This 'Bhulla' fell this day 40 years ago, fighting remnants of an insurgency in lands far far away from home

20/21 June
'Grinders' who fell 16 yrs ago.
On verge of being forgotten. This obit was last published in 2012

Naik Sandip Jadhav, R/o Aurangabad
Sepoy Savan Mane, R/o Kolhapur
Vir Marathas, martyred in KG Sector Poonch during Ceasefire Violation by Paki Fauj this day three years ago

Martyred 20 yrs ago. Would have been happily retired today had he chosen personal safety over his duty towards his Nation.
Btw, his successors from his regiment were instrumental in visiting carnage on the PLA one week ago.
One hell of a fighting outfit, this!

SPO Ashiq Hussain, JKP.
Laid down his life during an encounter with terrorists in Anantnag this day two years ago.
Today is his first martyrdom anniversary. Do try and spare a moment remembering him.

'Follow Me' is the ethos by which such Tigers live, and die by.
God bless them all ..
CISF Trooper. Died in the process of keeping a vital installation of national importance, safe

Armymen go back to safety of their barracks after ops, but these soldiers don't have that luxury .. yet they soldier on ..
Let that sink in ..
And do spare a moment to remember this one on his third martyrdom anniversary, if you can
HC Sunil Kale, 182nd Battalion the CRPF.
Yet another CRPF trooper .. martyred earlier today in Pulwama, in the service of the Nation.

Chhattisgarh policemen, martyred fighting red terror this day in 2010 and 2011 respectively

The epitome of what a gunner strives to be - NEVER leave your gun, come what may.
God bless him

The ultimate Indian soldier - Nb Sub Chunni Lal, Ashok Chakra (P), Vir Chakra, Sena Medal (Gallantry)

Three years into his career, he found himself enroute to the Qaid Post of Pak Army in Siachen. He played his part in a seemingly impossible victory at 21,153 feet above sea level, that earned Bana Singh his Param Vir Chakra, he himself earning a Sena Medal ..
.. for gallantry. An excellent soldier, he rose up the ranks steadily.
In 1999 in Poonch, he once again proved that the soldier in him still had a lot of fight left, despite 16 years of service.
On 24 August 2000, he successfully thwarted enemy's attack to capture one of our own forward posts. On the night 23rd/24th August, enemy started shelling and firing heavily at own post.
Despite heavy shelling, Havildar Chunni Lal displayed undaunted bravery..
.. by moving from bunker to bunker in his section and motivating his troops who brought down effective medium machine gun fire on the enemy's attacking column.
Subsequently, he led his men by personal example to fight a close quarter battle in open trenches..
.. with the Pakis who had managed to breach the post's perimeter.
In this melee, observing that two enemy soldiers have jumped inside own communication trench, he picked up a light machine gun and rushed at them disregarding own safety and shot them dead.
Taken by surprise at the ferocity of troops led by Havildar Chunni Lal, Paki faujis did what they do best - they ran away, leaving behind their dead and several weapons.
12 Pakistani armymen were dispatched to their maker that night.
Havildar Chunni Lal was awarded a well earned Vir Chakra.
But he was not done yet. He seemed to have a penchant for danger.
His crowning glory would come this day in 2007.
Newly promoted Nb Sub Chunni Lal was in charge of a post in Kupwara.
It was at an altitude of 14,000 feet where visibility on that cloudy night was just five metres and temperature was minus 5 degrees.
Around 3:30am at night, he detected some movement across the fence on the Line of Control and decided to check it.
He deployed his soldiers tactically at the LoC. And sure enough, an exchange of fire soon followed, which continued for almost an hour.
Nb Sub Chunni Lal and his soldiers surrounded the whole area and searched for their assailants till dawn.
Finally as Nb Sub Chunni Lal & his team were approaching to search a sketchy bushy patch, they were suddenly fired upon.
Regardless, he and his men continued to close on to the area where their attackers were hiding and killed two of them on the spot.
In the gunfire, however, two of Chunni Lal's soldiers were seriously wounded and lay close to where the Packie infiltrators hid.
With complete disregard to his personal safety, Chuni Lal crawled towards the wounded men & pulled them to safety, thus saving their lives.
Anticipating more hidden attackers, he continued to search the area.
His well honed soldierly instincts proved right and he saw a third attacker trying to escape.
Nb Sub Chunni Lal charged at him with his weapon and killed him.
Unfortunately, return fire from the Packie split opened Nb Sub Chunni Lal's abdomen & he began to lose a lot of blood.
But the job was still incomplete. He took cover behind a rock, continued to fire & did not allow the remaining Pakis to break the cordon.
Under his leadership the two remaining Packies were also killed.
Unfortunately, by now Nb Sub Chunni Lal had lost a large volume of blood & died by the time a helicopter could airlift him to a Hospital.
The gallant soldier was awarded the Ashok Chakra for his supreme sacrifice by a grateful nation. The award was received by his wife, Mrs Chinta Devi from the President of India on 26 Jan 2008.
This soldier from Bhaderwah, J&K still stands guard on lands he grew up in.
A rare breed indeed.
Even in death, he gave his unit the title 'Bravest of the Brave' due to his Ashok Chakra adding to Bana Singh's Param Vir Chakra.
Thank God he lived amongst us

The eight unarmed armymen that fell in Hyderpora, Kashmir when proceeding on leave, during an ambush by HM terrorists on 24 June 2013.
CRPF Sub-inspector Sahab Shukla, martyred at Pantha Chowk, Srinagar on 24 June 2017

These three entered their names in the long list of martyrs of Chhattisgarh Police this day in 2008

Martyrs of CRPF - 25 Jun
Missing in this list are the eight CRPF boys martyred this day four years ago

These five air warriors were the crew of the Mi 17 that went down during Kedarnath rescue ops, 2013.
Remember them, anyone?

ITBP boys, who too fell in the above Mi17 crash while enroute to do their duty in Kedarnath Dham

Chhattisgarh Policemen, martyred fighting red terror this day in 2011 and 2012 respectively.

CT/GD Usman Ali, 26th Battalion CRPF.
Fell in the accursed Valley this day 30 yrs ago.

BSF troopers, murdered by 'Gandhians with Guns' this day nine years ago in Kanker, Chhattisgarh

Sep Soran Singh Kuntal, 4 Jat
Martyred in the #KargilWar this day in 1999

Chhattisgarh Policemen.
Martyred fighting Maoist terror in Bijapur this day in 2002 and 2014 respectively

Sam Bahadur. Left for his heavenly abode this day in 2008.
Truly a Titan amongs us pygmies ..

'If you have to die, do so around Delhi or Mumbai'…
A heartfelt commentary on the treatment to Field Marshall #Manekshaw after death.
One amongst the thousands eaten up by the accursed 'Jannat'. Fell 13 years ago, fighting scum from across.

Maj Padmapani Acharya, Maha Vir Chakra (Maranoparant), Second Battalion The Rajputana Rifles.
He'd been leading his boys in battle after battle in Tololing, day after day, for a few weeks.

This day in 1999, he was tasked to take possession of an enemy position at the Tololing Top as it was a dominant position overlooking the National Highway. The success of the battalion hinged on the early capture of this position.

As expected, there were a large number of causalities during this attack but this didn't stop Maj Acharya and his brave Rajputs. Instead, it hardened their resolve.
Unmindful of his own safety, Maj Acharya led the reserve platoon through raining bombardment.
This Orissa born Rajput determinedly led his flock of Rajput warriors.
Men kept falling, yet the remainder grimly moved on, right behind their warrior leader, and charged at the terrified Pakis at top.
Acharya himself took out the first bunker with grenades.
But being at the forefront, he was soon severely injured and unable to move. Yet he ordered his men to leave him behind and carry on with the task.
War cries of 'Raja Ramchandra Ki Jai' pierced the cold mountain air & struck terror in the hearts of the enemy.
Acharya himself kept on firing at the enemy from where he lay, till he breathed his last.
It was a glorious victory, earned by the blood of dozens of Paramvirs of 2 Rajputana Rifles.
Hereafter, the Indian Army would see one victory after another in the war.
Acharya left behind a wife in the sixth month of her pregnancy.
His daughter never saw her father in flesh and blood.
But she carries a beautiful name indeed .. the perfect tribute to a Param Vir father
In his last letter to his father, Wing Cdr Jagannath (Retd), Maj Acharya had written:
'..combat is an honour of a lifetime and I would not think of anything less. What better way to serve the Nation'
He quotes the mother of all battles - The Mahabharat - from his own battlefield.
Even in the middle of war, his handwriting is firm and neat, indicating a clear and determined mind.
A grateful nation bestowed upon him, the Maha Vir Chakra on 15 Aug 1999.
Thank God he lived amongst us.
Glad that he lives on still, forever immortal ..
Captain Neikezhakuo Kenguruse, 'Neibu' to his family and 'Nimbu Saab' to his boys of 2 Raj Rif.

This 25yr old from Nagaland had all of 6 months of commissioned service behind him when he found himself in the thick of battle in the icy heights of 'Black Rock' in Dras.
His moment of glory came on night 28-29 June 1999 when without thinking of his own safety, he volunteered to undertake a daring commando mission which involved attacking an enemy machine gun position atop a sheer cliff.
As he led his men up the cliff, his boots failed to get much grip due to the slippery surface. Undeterred, he took off his shoes and resumed climbing BAREFOOT at 16000 feet!
To add to the sheer audacity of the effort, this young Naga warrior also decided to carry with him a heavy rocket launcher as he climbed up!
In a superhuman feat, he scaled the cliff, surprised the hell out of the enemy, used the rocket launcher to devastating effect and rushed the enemy position with his boys.
Must have been a unique sight indeed - a young Naga lad at the helm of Rajputs in attack!
During the fight, however, he got hit, and fell down the same cliff, mortally wounded because for a while he was the ONLY Indian soldier facing the entire lot of Paakis on the cliff till such time his comrades climbed up behind him.
His enraged Rajputs ensured not one Paki on that post saw the dawn of the next day.
Victory came to the men of 2nd Battalion The Rajputana Rifles soon thereafter, but at a huge loss - that of their beloved 'Nimbu Saab'.
He might have had a premonition of impending fate, though.
In his last letter home, he'd written to his father, "I may not be able to return home to be a part of our family again.
Even if I don't make it, do not grieve for me because I have already decided to give my best for the Nation."
He was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra for his gallantry.
Photo: Citation of his award, from wiki
Just try and read it. Even the drab, official version is enough to give you goosebumps.
One can only imagine the sheer madness of that night of glory

This young man from Pheza Village in Nagaland had become immortal at a battlefield far far away from home, shedding blood with and for his brothers and Motherland.

28 June
The 11 boys of 2/3 Gorkha Rifles martyred this day in 1948, enroute to glory on Pir Kanthi in the First Kashmir War.
Here's their story from my chronology of The First Kashmir War
One in centre had fallen a few weeks ago
The other two & the photographer too would fall by this morning in 1999, all of them on the night of 28-29 June
I've already tweeted their stories, less that of Capt Vijyant.
Here's his thread..
Capt Vijayant Thapar, Vir Chakra (Posthumous)
Probably the hardest thing for a father - to publish the obituary of his son

Before his final assault Capt Vijayant(Robin) left this letter, to be handed over to his family in case he failed to return.
It was his last letter.
He KNEW he wasn't coming back.
Yet he went on ..

.. to sure shot death, at the head of his band of the 'dirty dozen', 'coz that's what he was expected to do.
And he did exactly that - leading from the front, sacrificing himself before any of his 'boys', some probably a decade older than him.
Website in memory of Capt Vijayant Thapar, by his family
A goldmine of memories. Worth a click
That night of 28-29 June 1999, 2 RajRif lost three officers and 10 men, finally making the impossible, possible, and finishing their assigned task once and for all.
'Follow Me' style of military leadership cannot find a better example than this.
Om Shanti ..

31st martyrdom anniversary of these two Bir Gorkhali brothers who fell in a long forgotten war far far away from the hills they called home.
STILL remembered

Capt Sumit Roy, VrC (P), 17 Garh Rif.
No obituaries. No movies. Nothing.
Yet another unsung martyr.

Here's his story :-
On night 28-29 Jun 1999, at 2330Hr, he as the 2IC of Delta Company, 17 Garhwal Rifles set out towards Pt 4700 in Dras Sector.
He was tasked to capture an enemy observation post.
He set out with a section of troops that night, following a covered approach, and reached just below the observation post. He kept observing enemy movement on the objective till 0200Hr.
Then in a daredevil move and with total disregard to his personal safety, he climbed up the cliff with his 'Bhullas' right behind & reached the observation post, totally surprising the enemy.
A fierce hand to hand fight ensued wherein this Karate Black Belt himself killed the two enemy sentries. There was total panic in enemy ranks and the Brown Panted Pakistani Faujis soon did their favourite war maneuver - they fled after abandoning their post.
Capt Sumit Roy, a young Karate Champion, had a glorious victory at his feet.
However, he was destined to be martyred soon thereafter, and fell to Pakistani Arty fire four days later on 03 Jul 1999.
He was a mere 21yrs old when he was martyred, yet another young life extinguished just because a delusional General thought he could just occupy the Kargil heights without any worry from the India Army.
Oh, and yes, you read it right - TWENTY ONE YEARS OLD.
Yet, this youngster from 'Killer' Squadron, 93rd Course NDA, had more than lived upto his Sqn motto: Kill 'em Kut 'em but Kneel Not
God bless this young Param Veer ..

One decade since these CRPF boys were martyred, not very long after the Chintalnar massacre.
I doubt anyone remembers them ..

This CRPF boy went down, guns blazing, this day in 1992, when Kashmir hung own to the Indian Union with a very slender thread indeed. It is thanks to such folks who selflessly spilled their blood that the Valley continues to fly the Tricolour to this day.

These CRPF boys fell in Punjab in 1988, 1989 and 1992 respectively - yet another Pakistan sponsored insurgency in the Union of India.
CRPF continues to be the world's largest paramilitary force, as also the most heavily committed one.
Hats off to these folks ..

Cdr BN Kavina, VrC, CO of INS Nipart during the raid on Karachi Harbour in 1971. Passed away this day three years ago, aged 80.
Om Shanti ...
Lt Gen Subroto Mitra (Retd), former GOC Delhi Area. Passed away in Kolkata three years ago.
He was from the Madras Regiment

Vir Bihari .. remembered by his comrades on an occasion of joy.
Happy Raising Day, 63RR!

This 22yr old was martyred in Uri this day in 2007, a place that most wont be able to find on a map

Capt Garcha, 323 AD Regiment.
Fell fighting Pak sponsored terror in the accursed 'Jannat', this day 20 yrs ago

Khalsas of Gobind. Fell in a forgotten war in a far away land 32 yrs ago
Still remembered.

Capt Jintu Gogoi, 17 Garhwal Rifles, Vir Chakra (Posthumous)
Fell this day in Jubar during Op Vijay

On night of 29/30 Jun 1999, Capt Jintu was tasked to evict enemy occupying the ridgeline at Kala Pathhar in general area Jubar Hill Complex in Batalik sub-sector. With utter disregard to personal safety, he led his troops in the dead of the night.
Desperate Pakis threw all they had, at him, but this young Assamese lad and his maddened 'Bhullas' were unstoppable, and reached the ridgeline by the time the sun came up.
However, they soon found themselves surrounded by the enemy intent on recapturing his just lost positions.
A fierce hand to hand combat soon ensued. No quarters were asked for by any side, and none were given.
That bloody dawn saw men from both sides fall.
Young Jintu showed excellent military leadership and maneuvered his platoon out of harm's way, himself accounting for two Pakistani soldiers in the process.
However, being at the forefront throughout ensured that he sustained serious injuries in the process.
It was only after seeing his Bhullas safe that this handsome young Ahom warrior from the lands of Lachit Barphukan chose to breathe his last.
A grateful nation bestowed upon its brave son, the Vir Chakra for his Supreme sacrifice

Rfn Biju Sorupwar, martyred in an IED blast at Ukhrul, Manipur this day three years ago.

IC-63089 Lt Col Anand Subhramaniam, SC, CO designate of 4 SIKH LI.
He was down with high fever & infection in blood. Heli evacuated to Jorhat & put on ventilator yesterday but sadly, he couldn't be recovered.
First death anniversary today.

Nk Damodar Dass.
Martyred fighting for the Nation, not very far from where he might have hailed.

Capt Clifford Keishing Nongrum.
Born in Meghalaya.
Found his destiny in far away Batalik at the near vertical face of a feature named Point 4812.

His moment of immortality came this day in 1999, when his platoon was assigned the task of capturing Point 4812.
With Pakis firmly entrenched, there was only one possible way up - the sheer vertical South Eastern wall of the objective.
It was sheer madness at first glance to even contemplate climbing up the feature in peace time, let alone with a crazy enemy sitting on top.
But Clifford and his boys of 12 JAK LI did exactly that, with a singular aim - VIJAY
What a certain Mr Roshan did in the movie 'Lakshya' with the best visual effects money can buy, wouldn't even come close to what these men actually did that night, without any camera / computer tricks to help them.
First they completed a near suicidal climb under the very nose of a crazy and jittery enemy.
Then they CHARGED into the enemy through a hail of bullets, right behind their young leader from the tranquil hills of faraway Meghalaya.
Clifford himself took out the first Packie bunker with grenades, and he and his boys were soon involved in a desperate hand to hand fight for this jagged piece of Indian land.
Clifford himself accounted for six Packis, even snatching a Universal Machine Gun ..
.. from the enemy and turning it on them.
Though severely wounded, he refused to be evacuated so that he does not reduce the numbers available for the fight, by diverting them to take him to safety.
Instead he kept on fighting till the time he could.
Soon thereafter he succumbed to his injuries, right there on his final battlefield.
This 24yr son of an SBI employee, had done what under normal circumstances, might have been considered impossible.
But circumstances that summer were far from 'normal'.
It was yet another small step in Indian Army's steady march towards the Line of Control, paved by the blood of yet more young men whom delusional Brown Panted Pakistani Generals had failed to take into account as they fantasized about glory in Kargil & Siachen
Young Clifford, a keen footballer and an excellent boxer, had put his stamina and skills to brilliant use on a hill so obscure that it didn't even have a name, just called by its map depiction - Pt 4812.
Yet it was important enough to him to merit a suicidal climb and a mad charge.
And these were men who did it with a smile.
God Bless Capt Clifford his men that defied all odds to evict the enemy from THEIR land that summer.
24yr old Capt Keishing Clifford Nongrum was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra for his supreme sacrifice.

Nearly two decades later, his brothers in arms came together to fulfill a promise he had made, but could not keep ..
Admiral Jayant Ganpat Nadkarni, CNS from 01 Dec 1987 to 30 Nov 1990.
Passed away this day two years ago.

Gp Capt PK Arora, IAF.
Died of a cardiac arrest this day last year while in harness.

CT Jay Kumar Mandavi, Chhattisgarh Police.
Martyred fighting Red terror this day in 2012 in Dantewada

Lance Naik Md Abdul Kudus.
Martyred this day 31 years ago.
Wonder what his story might have been ..

CT/GD Darshan Singh, 49 Bn BSF
Martyred this day in '92, during the darkest days of the insurgency

'twas a bloody affair. Even took with it the Brigade Commander himself - Brig Md Usman.
Thank God for these men

Brig Mohd Usman, Naushera ka Sher.
Martyred in the thick of battle this day 72 yrs ago

He was commanding the Indian Army Brigade in Jhangar, riding on a high of brilliant victories recently in this war in a sector that had only seen one setback after another thus far.
The victory at Naushera had already earned him the name, Naushera Ka Sher.

However, a badly stung enemy was about to launch a final, desperate effort to wrest the lost territory from Brig Usman.
Early in July 1948, tempo of enemy activities around Jhangar had increased.
Recce reports indicated that he'd brought up artillery guns to pound Jhangar.
At about 1840Hr on 03 Jul 1948, the bombardment started, with four shells landing in the North-West of the camp. Next moment eight more shells landed right into the gun area.
Brig Usman, who was sitting under a rock near his HQ,called his chief gunner & ordered him to engage Pt.3150 with guns immediately.
The chief gunner was surprised when asked to engage a point in the West when enemy guns were firing from South & South-West.
Brig Usman repeated his orders.
Only then the chief gunner realised that Pt 3150 was the obvious place where enemy could place an observation post & have a direct view of the Camp as well as those places where shells were falling.
Usman's eight guns engaged the target & enemy shelling stopped.
Usman took advantage of this lull to move from the rocks to a bunker.
As he was entering the bunker, a 25 pounder shell landed near him, killing him & wounding another officer & two other ranks.
Thus fell Brigadier Mohammad Usman, 'Naushera Ka Sher', in a blaze of glory, less than two weeks shy of his 36th birthday.
To this day he remains India's highest ranking officer to be martyred in active ops in a war. He was given a State Funeral in Delhi.
Nehru, along with his entire cabinet, witnessed his burial at the Jamia Milia Islamia.

Ironically, his last signal message received by the Army HQ in response to a query about his well being by his family contained a characteristically cheerful reply - 'Fit and flourishing, still in the world of the living.'
Sadly,this message would be received a few hours AFTER he was martyred.
A great leader of men indeed.

Here's the story of the #JhangarDay tweeted earlier today, a fierce engagement on which hinged the very future of the First Kashmir War 72 years ago.
Thank God for Brig Mohd Usman and his bunch of tough men that ensured it was WE who prevailed.
Capt Manoj Kumar Pandey, Param Vir Chakra (Posthumous), captor of Khalubar, breathed his last this day in 1999 on the treacherous slopes of 'Bunker Complex', paving the path to further glory for his comrades, with his blood in the process.

His last words, his last order to his men in fact, sum up the kind of man he was. "Na Chhornu" (Don't Spare Them), he commanded his equally brave Gorkha brothers.
And boy, did they follow up their fallen commander's last orders to the 'T'!
No prisoners were taken by the maddened hill people that night.
Each & every Paki facing them in Khalubar that night was dispatched to his maker. Thus ended the 24 yr and 8 day long journey of this immortal soul in this world.
However, he wasn't the only one to fall that night. Young Capt Manoj fell not very far from the body of Rifleman Arun Kumar, who too made the supreme sacrifice, providing the all important covering fire to his commander.
Also martyred in the same action were Hav Janak Bahadur Rai, Hav Bhim Bahadur Dewan, VrC(P), Hav Ganga Ram Rai, L/Nk Tika Dhoj Lawati, and Rifleman Kalu Ram Rai.
One officer and six other ranks of 1/11 GR were martyred that night enroute to the Path of Glory of their beloved Paltan, accounting for exactly half the fatalities suffered by battalion during the war.
The battalion celebrates its Battle Honour (Batalik) Day today in their memory.
The Paltan earned One PVC & three VrCs on the night of 2-3 Jul 99 at Khalubar, 2 of them Posthumous.
It continues to be amongst the best fighting outfits of Indian Army even today
Here's a short series on the story of the man that Capt Manoj Kumar Pandey, PVC (P), was, tweeted some weeks ago. May have a look
Capt Sumit Roy, VrC (P)
21st martyrdom anniversary today.
His story tweeted some days ago in the thread quoted here.
04 Jul
This one fell at the very last stage of battle, the dirtiest phase, in fact when it boils down to fists and bayonets to decide who gets to plant their flag on that piece of land.
God bless him and the countless like him that fell that summer ..

04 Jul
Martyrs of 18 Grenadiers, Tiger Hill Paltan, remembered on joyous occasion of the Paltan's Battle Honour Day

04 Jul
Balwan Jat .. martyred in Mashkoh during the Kargil War, paving with his blood, the way to future victories and glories for his Paltan

04 Jul
Capt Amit Verma, 9 Mahar
Martyred in Turtuk this day in 1999 during the Kargil War

Hav Madan Lal, Vir Chakra (Posth), 18 Grenadiers
Gave up his life while fighting at Tiger Hill this day in 1999 during the Kargil War.

Capt Umed Singh Mahra, Ashok Chakra (Posthumous), 19 RajRif.
Martyred in Nagaland, this day in 1971.
Here's his story ..

On 05 Jul 1971, he moved out with a column of 60 men, to raid a hostiles' camp.
They reached their objective after a gruelling 12 hour march over difficult mountainous terrain, as they approached the target, he divided his men into different parties ..
.. and attacked the camp from two different directions.
When Capt Mahra was just 30m short of the camp, the insurgents opened accurate fire.
Retaliating immediately, he charged at the camp, firing his weapon.
He shot dead the insurgents but sustained serious injuries.
Despite profuse bleeding,he continued to encourage his men to charge at the camp.
Inspired by the courageous action of their leader, the men executed a gallant charge.
Caught by surprise and bold action, the Naga insurgents fled, leaving behind their dead, arms and ammo.
Capt Mahra endured the long and arduous journey back after overseeing the successful raid, before he succumbed to his injuries.
He was awarded a Posthumous Ashok Chakra for his supreme sacrifice.
God bless his soul

I still remember the footage that Tiger Hill got in that war.
What didn't air into our living rooms that summer was the sheer number of men that 18 Grenadiers lost enroute to the glorious victory.
These ones fell on just this one day ..

L/NK Tika Dhoj Lawati,1/11 GR
Martyred as the unit wrapped up remaining Packies in Khalubar

One amongst the hundreds of fine young men that fell much before their time in Kargil.

Martyred this day 30 years ago in Taran Taran, one of the hardest hit areas during the Punjab insurgency

06-07 Jul
Boys of 2nd Battalion The Naga Regiment, martyred during Op Vijay at the icy heights of Twin Bumps.
Far too great a price, but an equally glorious victory indeed.
God bless them all.

Tigers of 8 SIKH that fell enroute to glory in the summer of 1999, bagging the prized Tiger Hill - The Gallant 36 Indeed.

These three from the Sikh Regt were eaten up by the accursed 'Jannat' this day in 1991 / 2001

In fond memory of the Bhullas of 17 Garhwal Rifles who were martyred in Batalik during Op Vijay

Thought about tweeting his story. But I don't think I could've have bettered this:…
Young Dogra 'Sipaiya'
Fell during the other war that didn't stop for the more 'glamorous' one in Kargil

Martyrs of 13 JakRif 'Bravest of the Brave', remembered on the joyous occasion of Battle Honour Day

Commandos Ajay Pathania, KC(P) and Roop Singh, KC(P).
ITBP Boys, martyred defending the nation's interests in faraway lands of Afghanistan, thanks to Pak sponsored terror at the Embassy of India there, this day in 2008

Ref above tweet.
Brig Ravi Datta, Kirti Chakra (P) and Mr V Venkateswara Rao, IFS too were martyred in the same attack in Kabul as those ITBP boys.

Capt Jerry Premraj, Vir Chakra(P)
The epitome of what every gunner strives to be - Continued to rain hell on enemy from the heavens above, despite being shot and wounded during the #Kargil War.

Capt Anuj Nayyar, MVC(P)
Martyred at the age of 24
Ensured he breathed his last only AFTER victory

A proud father's reaction when the person on the other end of the line went silent since he couldn't bear to break the news of Anuj's martyrdom to Professer Nayyar.
No wonder Capt Anuj grew up to become the kind of man that he was.
Far too many obits today ..