We have new features on our site for authors who love writing Twitter threads!
1) Get PDF archives of all your own threads 2) Publish your threads to blog using Micropub
We are providing these for free to help authors spread their work!
1) Get PDF archives of all your own threads
In order to archive your own threads, please create a free account with us from the link below using Twitter login so we know which threads you authored.
After you login, you will be redirected to "My Threads" that lists the threads you unrolled, liked or bookmarked. You should also see a new tab "My Authored Threads" with all the threads that you authored. (if you don't see any, please go ahead and unroll!)
From there, click "Save as PDF" from each thread and it will be downloadable from "My Archives" page. (downloading threads from other authors is still a Premium feature. You can learn more about it from here: threadreaderapp.com/premium)
2) Publish your threads to blog using Micropub
We also implemented a way to publish your own threads to blogs that support Micropub. Just let us know the URL of your blog, authenticate us and select the thread you want to publish.
The part that may require some work is enabling Micropub on your blog. Some come right out of the box (like micro.blog although not free) but others such as Wordpress require installing a plugin etc.
But once your blog has Micropub enabled, all you have to do is click the "Publish to Blog" button or the "Your blog settings" button and enter the URL in the popup box. Your blog should be updated within couple of minutes!
We hope this is useful for all the Twitter thread authors out there! We built this app because we love reading threads and we want to help authors spread their work even more to a bigger audience. We would love to hear your feedback!
Hat tip again to @ChrisAldrich for the Micropub suggestion and for his detailed review on this feature!
New feature for our premium members! When new unrolls are available from your favorite authors, we will send you the thread right to you email inbox!
So, instead of just getting a notification that new unrolls are available from your favorite authors with a link to our site, you can read the whole thread right there from your email 😊
We made this change because sometimes we want to stay inside the email inbox to read threads especially when we are trying to go through all the other emails!
OK, we realize that asking you to hunt for Scrolly Tales without the right tool is a big ask. So we’ve come up with threadreaderapp.com/scrolly/recent
It’s a list of recently unrolled threads that we think may look great as Scrolly Tales. But the “may” here is doing a lot of work, because our 🤖’s guess is nowhere near perfect. So we need you to pick the most Scrolly-worthy Tales
As @Moratel_Entles mentioned, our Scrolly Tales software is just a start. We are chopping off parts of images, and some text-heavy images just do not fit the Scrolly Tale medium.