OK, we realize that asking you to hunt for Scrolly Tales without the right tool is a big ask. So we’ve come up with threadreaderapp.com/scrolly/recent
It’s a list of recently unrolled threads that we think may look great as Scrolly Tales. But the “may” here is doing a lot of work, because our 🤖’s guess is nowhere near perfect. So we need you to pick the most Scrolly-worthy Tales
As @Moratel_Entles mentioned, our Scrolly Tales software is just a start. We are chopping off parts of images, and some text-heavy images just do not fit the Scrolly Tale medium.
Big announcement! We just released a new feature on our site called "A Scrolly Tale" that lets you experience Twitter threads in a more visually immersive way!
So what exactly are Scrolly Tales? The easiest way to find out more about it is to experience it in action! Here are some of the gems we found:
1) Earthship by @rohindhar: Scrolly Tale works wonderfully well for threads with beautiful photos. Check out this stunning self-sustaining home in New Mexico! threadreaderapp.com/scrolly/135775…