This is a scenario
A horror story, if you will
It is plausible
Military parts are 100% accurate
The political parts, you decide
Trump makes this plausible
I am 100% sure, Putin has this as 1 option for Trump
#TraitorTrump #TrumpTreason #TraitorInChief

We know now, that Putin has paid Taliban bounty hunters to hunt US Soldiers in Afghanistan. And Trump knew this for 3 months, and did nothing. In fact, Trump tried to get sanctions against Putin lifted (re G7)
WHAT is GOING ON? Putin owns Trump...
Let's talk Alaska. Most Americans remember from History class, that Alaska was purchased (in 1867) from.. Russia. Yes, Alaska once belonged to Russia.
What most Americans do not know is Putin's concept of 'Novorossya' (they should). Alaska is part of it
They laughed at the silly little man Hitler for such outrageous promises, until Hitler annexed Austria. They laughed at the silly little man Putin for such outrageous promises, until Putin annexed Crimea. Nobody laughing now. Putin is rebuilding Russia
Since Putin was made Prime Minister, he has waged SIX wars, against four neighbors and civilians of his own, slaughtering half a million civilians (Chechens, Russian citizens). Russian troops occupy parts of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus & Ukraine today
Putin WAS elected President in an honest fair election (after his victory in the Second Chechen War). But Russia is deeply divided, most years Putin would not win re-election, about half of the nation hates him but he is now Dictator & elections are sham
Putin is using Mafia goon tactics to build his empire by stealth. The nations of Belarus & Kasakhstan are Russian puppet states with Putin stooges in control. Putin NEARLY achieved that in Ukraine with his stooge Yanukovich (assisted by who? Manafort)
But Crimea was diffrerent. Putin promised to RESTORE the empire. He ANNEXED Crimea from his neighbor. He flies the Russian flag there. That day when Russian TV showed the Russian flag raised in Crimea, Putin's national approval HONESTLY was over 70%
Like Hitler with the annexation of Austria, when Putin annexed Crimea, he converted many of his own citizens who had laughed at him. Maybe he is the real thing. Maybe Putin is the answer that Russia needs. This motivates PUTIN to do THAT again (& again)
Why should you care? Crimean annexation is the first time sinc the Second World War, that a country in Europe has snatched territory from the neigbor and kept it. It is by definition an act of war. Putin is ready to fight World War 3. West is horrified
Remember Putin is rebuilding Novorossya in any way he can think of. What else does he want? Finland used to belong to Russia (102 years ago). Estonia, Latvia & LIthuania were part of Russia only 3 decades ago. Alaska yes also is in Putin's plans!
Now my horror story scenario. How Alaska was betrayed. First, on a random afternoon, two Russian cargo ships dock in Anchorage to refuel. Their cargo manifest lists sealed containers of 'farm equipment' (tractors) headed to Peru. Nothing for US customs
That day at 9 PM Eastern Time (5 PM Alaska) Trump does announcement on all networks. He informs stunned America that he has just signed the international treaty that sells Alaska back to Russia. Trump claims the payment pays for half of US national debt
At exactly 5 PM in Anchorage, the two cargo ships open cargo doors & 200 Russian Armata supertanks roll out. Each has 3 crew, is 600 elite soldiers. Riding atop each tank 8 Spetsnaz Special Operations commandos for 1,600 more soldiers on Anchorage roads
Because Russian satellites have meticulously mapped the targets, these 200 tanks arrive at the airports, radars and anti-aircraft missile sites, Before Trump's televised speech has ended. Russia controls the air accessinto & airspace above Anchorage.
Inside the next hour, 100 Russian Air Force long range large cargo aircraft land in Anchorage. They had been flying for the past 10 hours. As Putin's special forces control the airports, no US jets take off to try to intercept. they deposit 30,000 men
Immediately before Trump went on the air, he issued an order to all US military serving in Alaska, to lay down their arms, and not resist. Alaska now belongs to Russia, US military must return to US soil as soon as they can. He is the Commander-In-Chief
Inside 2 hours, Putin has 32,200 elite troops in the Anchorage area, more than US troops stationed in active duty in all of Alaska. Russian tanks now speeding to take all of Alaska. Inside next few hours, 24 ships arrive bringing an invasion army
Already during the shocking televised speech, Congress rushes to protest. The Alaska Governor issues brief statement that he will sue, but he is mysteriously 'Epsteined'. US political world is in instant turmoil with numerous claims it must go to SCOTUS
Problem is, that Putin HAS Alaska already. There is a legal international treaty already signed, which handed Alaska to Putin (regardless of whether it has legal standing, and must be ratified by Congress - or not). So Sarah Palin can now see Russia
All of what I said, is possible - and I am CERTAIN Putin has plas like this. And he HAS his puppet in place
Chilling Reminder: Crimea was annexed WITHOUT SHOTS FIRED too
I continue in new thread here, what would happen next
#TraitorTrump #TrumpTreason

This thread is ASSUMPTION of my first thread. Putin has suddenly invaded Alaska. Trump announces he's sold Alaska. Trump orders US military to lay down their weapons and return to US soil (mainland) as Alaska now belongs to Russia. What next?

Remember I said Trump claimed he has paid off half of the US national debt by selling Alaska. He's a con artist. This would be a total sham too. BUT it would sound 'fair' and some would LIKE it. Sell off Alaska, who wants it. We have much less taxes to pay
The instant uproar among DEMOCRATS would be ear-shattering - but NOT by most Republicans, not by Fox TV. Because they are now part of the Russia plot. Paid/supported by Putin (directly, or via the NRA). Some Tea Partiers would say was GOOD to sell Alaska
Remember no shots were fired. It is PHYSICALLY impossible to launch a SURPRISE invasion over an ocean. It is PHYSICALLY impossible for Russia or China (or haha Iran) to PHYSICALLY invade the USA, like Normandy in WW2. Would take MONTHS visible on satellites
But Russia knows well what US coastal radar can see. Russia knows whenever there is a US surveillance airplane in the air. COULD organize secret invasion fleet, coordinated to be 'far enough' away, and look like separate individual ships, to not be noticed
While POTUS can sign treaties, Congress has to ratify them. It is quite likely (not certain) that Congress would refuse to sign Trump's sale of Alaska. But then what? Russia has 200,000 troops stationed there. In one week Russia has 500,000 soldiers there
USA total active military is only 1.4 million soldiers. They cannot all be sent to fight a war in Alaska, else Kim Jong Un will invade South Korea, etc. But even if sent to Alaska, 1.4 million men will not defeat a defender of 500,000 in a forested area
It gets FAR WORSE for USA in a prolonged fight, because Russian standing army is only 900,000 - but it has 450,000 paramilitary forces = nearly 1.4 million. But Russian reserves are 2 million MORE. total 3.35M. USA has 1.4 active and 800,000 reserve = 2.2M
Then it becomes the war of attrition (favors defender in a forested area) and oops - CONSCRIPT ARMY. Every Russian serves in the military (2 year commision, mandatory). Americans DO NOT SERVE. They ended the draft. Do you want to serve via the draft?
Any USA 'invasion' of Alaska would HAVE TO GO through ... CANADA. And Canada, a nation of 35 million people, just witnessed Russia invade Alaska - and has an army of half a million poised on Canada's border. Canada might take a while to approve any US pass
Russia might lose a prolonged defensive war for Alaska. It might also win. If US won, it would take YEARS. And the current US military is not big enough.
The ONLY way US would be strong enough, is through the DRAFT, to build army of 3-4 million more.
Some obvious bits. Remember Crimea. Putin arranged an instant 'referendum' among the population, do you WANT to be part of Russia?
Alaskans would learn that 'they had voted' and 90% had apparently said yes, we want to be Russians haha (fake referendum)
So media? Immediate total media blackout. Russian Spetsnaz units take over TV & radio, shut down cellphones, internet. Total press blackout, until Russia Today arrives to 'tell the truth' of the new Alaska in a few days - no doubt aided by Fox #FixFox
The brave Alaska wilderness hunters? Would try to organize a rebellion. Would be ruthlessly hunted from armored Russian helicopters using heat cameras, as easy to kill as shooting Moose from an airplane by the hunters of Alaska today. Rebellion soon over
Last detail. It would take weeks, even months to organize such a sneak attack (on Russia's side). So Putin would need time to station his invasion army in the Kamchatka Peninsula well in advance, and then tell Trump when to do his TV speech