Put simply, all evidence shows #TrumpKnewAndDidNothing about Russia placing bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan for over a year.
#OneVoiceVets #GeeksResist #DemCast #TRE45ON #TrumpKnew
Trump has NEVER supported our troops except as convenient pawns and props, but THIS was treason on a whole new level never before suspected.
#TraitorTrump #TraitorInChief
Could this be why the Trump regime has repeatedly ignored the death of American soldiers in Afghanistan?
20 Americans had been KIA since, and the #TraitorInChief had been pushing for Russia to rejoin the G7 AFTER he knew that Putin put a bounty on American troops in Afghanistan.
This would soon become the official stance for the Trump regime.
Only a fool would believe them.
None of those are good options.
From the Lincoln Project: #TRE45ON
#TRE45ON #TraitorTrump #TraitorInChief #TrumpTreason #TrumpIsATraitor
#TrumpTraitor #TRE45ON #TraitorTrump #TraitorInChief #TrumpTreason #TrumpIsATraitor
Russian bounties to Taliban-linked militants resulted in deaths of U.S. troops, according to intelligence assessments washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
This was treated as the obvious #gaslighting and lies it was...

Specifically, the U.K. and Australia.
Moscow accused of trying to give money to the Taliban as part of its campaign to destabilise America and its allies
#GeeksResist #OneVoiceVets news.sky.com/story/russia-p…
U.S. has intelligence that Russians offered Taliban bounty to kill Americans nbcnews.com/politics/natio…
Bounties paid by GRU are disclosed as U.S. plans troops drawdown, Taliban peace plan wsj.com/articles/russi…
We now had to question just how many of them were paid for by Russia. abcnews.go.com/Politics/russi…
Trump earlier tweeted that "nobody briefed or told me," Vice President Mike Pence or White House chief of staff Mark Meadows about the intelligence. nbcnews.com/news/us-news/t…
This claim was even more ludicrous.
#TrumpKnewAndDidNothing abcnews.go.com/Politics/white…
During the briefing, a reporter asked, “If he hasn’t been briefed, how is he certain that Russia didn’t put out this bounty?” washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/…
Members of Congress in both parties demanded answers on Monday about reported bounties paid by Russian operatives to Afghan insurgents for targeting American troops.
First, a source has stated that Intelligence on Russian bounty plot was included in the President's Daily Brief earlier this year. amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/06/29…
It is for Trump's GOP.
EIGHT sources have confirmed this monstrous travesty.
The investigation into Russia’s suspected operation is said to focus in part on the killings of three Marines in a truck bombing last year, officials said. nytimes.com/2020/06/29/us/…
Actually, top officials in the White House were aware in EARLY 2019 of classified intelligence indicating Russia was secretly offering bounties to the Taliban for the deaths of Americans.
#TrumpKnewAndDidNothing apnews.com/425e43fa0ffdd6…
Mull that over.
Russia is supporting and even supplying arms to the Taliban, Gen. John Nicholson, the head of US forces in Afghanistan, has told the BBC. bbc.com/news/world-asi…
#OneVoiceVets #GeeksResist #TRE45ON #TRE45ONpuppet #TraitorTrump
It is not a hoax. It is not "unverified." Do not let Trump keep #Gaslighting us.
#TrumpKnewAndDidNothing #TrumpKnew
2 things that seem to explain Trump’s ignorance about Russia’s bounties on U.S. troops
Cpl. Robert A. Hendriks
Sgt. Benjamin S. Hines
Staff Sgt. Christopher K.A. Slutman
KIA by an IED Russia may have paid for.
"That's just ludicrous," were my exact words not very far up this thread. Nobody sensible believes Trump's denials of knowledge. businessinsider.com/intelligence-v…
You know, to distract from Russia putting bounties on American soldiers.
#TrumpKnewAndDidNothing nytimes.com/2020/06/30/us/…
Usually he starts out declaring something a hoax, then claims he didn't know about it.
But #TrumpKnewAndDidNothing and we all know it.

Trump’s silence emboldens those who reject messages on wearing a mask, systemic racism and Russia