82 items on the agenda, including a whole bunch about the LAPD and all of the budget items.
@christopherroth is here to live-tweet the whole damn thing. It's gonna be a long one, so buckle up!
Agenda and stream:

2. Use Meeting ID 160-535-8466 and then press #.
3. Press # again when prompted for participant ID.
4. Once admitted into the meeting, press *9 to request to speak.
#PeoplesBudgetLA has handy graphics for this!

@PplsCityCouncil should be fun to check out, you might catch an address or phone number dropping in there.
CM Wesson: 35 for an amendment - shifting funds around, seconded by CM Price
CM Blumenfield: technical amendment to 58 - seconded by CM Koretz.
CM O'Farrel - items 21 & 52 for remarks.
CM Buscaino - item 4 for comments.
CM Price - item 35 amendment as well, this is the third amendment on this item, hot damn, seconded by CM Wesson, also amends item 74 to adopt recommendations 1 & 3 from CAO and delete recommendation 2 due to report being suspended, second CM Koretz
CM Price - recuses from item 14 (cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkcon…)
CM Koretz - recuses from item 44 (cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkcon…)
Here comes the public comment! CALL IN NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY DONE SO!
This is going to be a long set of comments.
We're only getting 40 minutes of public comment.
Holy fuck.
"Clearly calling in to council meetings isn't working."
Calls to #DefundThePolice. Points out that by ignoring the calls from the public, the council forces activists to pursue other actions.
"Don't procrastinate. Do your jobs. Do your jobs. #DefundThePolice. Do your jobs. Thank you, I yield my time."
Concludes with: "We need peace in the city and that means you need to act on what the people are asking for."
"Thank you, I yield my time, fuck you."
Concludes with: "The people have spoken repeatedly, you need to listen."
"I yield the rest of my time to those who will never be able to speak again because of overly aggressive police actions."
Calling out Mayor Garcetti for his awful (and corrupt) appointments.
Calls for reinvestment into communities and a divestment from the LAPD. Concludes with "Let us heal!"
Calls to #DefundThePolice and adopt the #PeoplesBudgetLA demands.
And that's the end of public comment.
Council file is 20-0105 (cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkcon…)
Planning Department is urging the council to deny the appeal request. Planning is saying that proposed construction wouldn't impact bat habitats as there is no evidence of bats at site.
Applicant will get a minute to rebut at the end
47-50, 53 & 54, 56 & 57, 60...lots of items on the next vote, sorry I fumbled this one. 14 ayes, again.
14 ayes. I mean, they haven't finished voting, but call it a hunch.
I wonder how long it's actually going to be.
I set a fucking stopwatch this time.
17 minutes into the 5 minute recess we have the roll being called to make sure that CM Cedillo hasn't fallen asleep.
Well... CM Cedillo didn't respond to the roll call, so...
We're moving on to item 4 now, appointing John Jones III to the Board of Transportation Commissioners.

Item 14: 13 ayes, Price recused - "Affordable Housing Managed Pipeline projects applying to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee"
Yeah Mitch, how about you just log the fuck off from all council calls forever and resign. You'd be doing the whole fucking city a solid favor.
Council file 20-0731 (cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkcon…)
CM Ryu is asking if "this is the best way to protect and serve" in reference to the LAPD fuckery on May 30th.
Motion approved 13-0.
(CM O'Farrell has yet to log back on).
CM Rodriguez is now talking about item 67, council file 19-0513 (cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkcon…)
Bet you can't guess what the findings are!
Let's see where she goes with this.
I'm really hoping that she misspoke here, but this is deeply disgusting language to use when referring to our unhoused neighbors.
Weird fucking slip though.
The seconding on the motion from CM Buscaino is sufficient, goes to a vote: 14 ayes.
CM Martinez: "Item has been voted on, sir" (read: stfu)
He's getting them. 14-0.
Item 73, council file 20-0148 (cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkcon…) is adopted.
Great news for @hillside_villa and @ccedLA!
Item 52, council file 20-0791 (cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkcon…). They're looking to audit LAPD's compliance with Special Orders 4, 12 and 45.
Use of Force (Special Order 4)
Body Worn Video Cameras (Special Order 12)
Digital In-Car Video (Special Order 45)
He kept referring to "leaning in" on training and accountability for the LAPD, which means that he doesn't understand the problem is with the nature of policing, but sure, go off, you sack of shit.
Carries 14-0.
CM Bonin is pointing out that the LAPD lied repeatedly about their "restraint" during the protests -- he's using different language, but that's the basic run of it.
CM Bonin repeatedly points out the need for a comprehensive and independent report on the events of these days.
But I can't tell because the live stream just froze.
CM Harris-Dawson (who, we'd like to remind you, blocks this account for no fucking reason) is introducing Connie Rice (of the Advancement Project) to discuss the motion.
I somehow suspect that this study would be less than critical of the LAPD
Rice calls the amendment offered by CM Rodriguez a conflict of interests, says that the National Police Foundation is an arm of the LAPD and therefore cannot be trusted to conduct an investigation into this matter.
CM Harris-Dawson: "in this case, where the trust of this city, and the trust of this process is on the line, it's very, very important that we get it right..."
CM Harris-Dawson urges the council to reject the amendment and pass the motion as originally conceived.
CM Wesson is urging the council to accept Rice's recommendation, supports CM Harris-Dawson on the call to reject CM Rodriguez's amendment.
CM Price concurs with previous statements, agrees on Rule 16 move.
What is rule 16? Here you go!

CM Blumenfield is asking what the fuck is going on. City Attorney Fauble is saying that the logistics make Rule 16 impossible prior to the council going on recess for a month.
They're discussing a lawsuit regarding the city's cannabis social equity license application process. Fun shit.

They have not voted on item 48.
They have not voted on any of the Budget & Finance items.
Item 44 has a request for CM Koretz to recuse himself.
CM Krekorian is discussing items 44 & 45 now.
CM Krekorian says that item 45 delays the furloughs for a quarter of a year so that they don't start tomorrow.
Item 45 & 46 are up for discussion next. CM Martinez recommends that item 46 be delayed until CD14 has a representative on the council.
CM Krekorian is now talking about how hard the budget is to work on in the face of the economic crisis that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Council file 20-0600 (cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkcon…).

CM Krekorian is continuing to explain why the proposals in item 46 are better than the Mayor's budget.
There will be a confirmation vote on this tomorrow.
CM Koretz meant to recuse himself on both 44 & 45, is doing so now.
Motion carries 13-0 with CM Koretz recused.
CM Price is acknowledging the work of @BLMLA and other organizers for "keeping our feet to the fire" on these issues, pressing the council to reduce the LAPD budget.
CM Lee is, frankly, speaking out of his ass on all of this.
CM Lee is entirely beholden to the LAPD for his position on the council and it fucking SHOWS right now.
Better late than never to say this: Hooray! Progress... hopefully!
Co-presenters CM Harris-Dawson, CM Price, CM Wesson.
This is a very fucking big deal. Getting LAPD off the streets and removing them from traffic stops is VERY IMPORTANT.
Motion is seconded by CM Cedillo because of fucking course it is.
But it's fucking not.
We're coming for all of your jobs, assholes.
2022 is gonna be fucking fun.
@christopherroth will be back on here tomorrow morning at 10am for the final live-tweeting of a City Council meeting before the council GOES ON RECESS FOR 3 FUCKING WEEKS IN THE MIDST OF A GLOBAL PANDEMIC AND A LOOMING HUMANITARIAN EVICTION CRISIS.
Totally normal and fine.