Many types of contraception available to try to best cater to everyones needs and specific wants:
- hormonal vs non hormonal
- long acting (5-10 years) and short acting (days - months)
- OCPs: the pill, taken daily in order to be effective
- DepoProvera: a progestin injection administered 3 monthly
- Jadelle: an implant in your upper arm which works for 5 years
- Mirena: a device which is placed in your uterus and lasts for 5 years
Side effects of hormonal contraceptives include:
Rashes, headaches, changes in appetite (not weight gain), altered menstrual flow, nausea
Each individual reacts differently to each FP and hormonal method, some suffer adverse side effects so much so they opt to stop using the contraceptive and for others it doesn't change much.
Many women are shamed for their weight gain through FP use +
- Condoms/diaphragms: these have to be used with every sexual encounter and changed after each use. Also the only method which offers additional protection from #STIs #SexuallyTransmittedInfections like gonorrhoea, syphilis, chlamydia, HIV.
Keep out of direct sunlight and heat, away from sharp objects, open with caution so as not to tear.
Worn at the right time and discarded in the right way.
Some side effects include: heavy or painful menstruation.
These are only 2 commonly used non hormonal methods which are available here.
Health centres around Fiji have family planning clinics with trained professionals to advise you on a method suitable for your preferences and are able to administer them
Using FP should be a choice YOU make and that no one FORCES you into OR away from. Your bodily autonomy is paramount
Hormonal: can be taken up to 3 days post encounter. They come in two different forms, either one dose or two doses taken 12 hours apart.
Non hormonal: the copper IUD.