Stand by my earlier statement to @itvlondon on #Hackitt review
“It’s a bastardised wish list which may prove cost prohibative to implement”
Will be interesting to see the detail on Monday but THREAD with headline comments.
Reviews occurred in @ScotGovBldgStds of primary legislation in 2003
Concept of fire and building safety life cycle isn’t a new one see paper circa 2007/8

Why limit to residential high rise & not broader applications eg hospitals, offices etc
Why introduce “accountable person” when fire safety order establishes “responsible person”

Why within HSE & not a new agency (see Scottish building standards agency)

What costs will owners & operators need to pay
Or the tax payer?
Who will foot the costs & at what cost - @govuk make it clear new safety costs will be landing but not how they will ensure affordable.
New powers to legislate cost recovery?

Key point
Is @govuk scraping legacy “deemed to statisfy standards + concepts of managed risks”

No mention of failed building warranty schemes or challenges holding developers to account

No mention how recent or legacy cases will be treated or time frame for any of the new regime

With fire order 2005 + CDM regs 1994/2007/2015 why have so many opportunities been missed hold those duty holders or responsible persons to account?
How will this be enforced?

It lead to building, fire + health and safety being Asplit into three distinct streams
Building Act
Fire Precaurions Act
Health & safety Act
Housing Act is still poorly integrated
However poor overlaps with building, safety & environ health.
Necessary yes but what of the mechanics as @BRE_group + @BBAguru are now privatised?
Again this will cost money to set up - public money + material & product manufactures money & slide down to the consumer!

Guidance isn’t clearer is more confused - EWS1 + lenders & insurers risk adversion reflects this

But we didn’t see non-acm reports or additional necessary ammendements to ADB until may 2020!
Note many residents are not hit with second wave costs as a result!

When hundreds of thousands remain in unsafe buildings and many facing bankruptcy.

Is this back door privatisation or attepmts to wipe the slate clean
Who will foot the costs
How do we ensure safety until implemented