Her father, and four others in the city of Isfahan, central #Iran, may be executed any moment today, for taking part in the country's December 2017 & January 2018 protests.

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The execution could be carried out today but with enough support, we can push to stop it. Please be his voice.

Please be his voice.

Footage of a gathering held yesterday by the five death row inmates' families protesting the unjust rulings against their loved ones.
More footage of a gathering held on Wednesday by the five death row inmates' families protesting the unjust rulings issued against their loved ones.
July 30—Isfahan, central #Iran
Authorities have dispatched a large number of security forces outside the judiciary building where families of five protesters sentenced to death are gathering.
July 30—2am local time
-@netblocks reports "near-total internet disruption in Tabriz" & other parts of NW #Iran
-Similar reports from Andimeshk, Karaj & Mashhad, and Khuzestan province
-Related to tense atmosphere about #StopExecutionsInIran? Some say yes

July 29—Isfahan, central #Iran
Locals & families of five protesters sentenced to death rallied outside the judiciary to stop the executions.
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At least one family of the five death row protesters has been able to visit their loved one in jail.
They say security forces have threatened them to not hold rallies or talk to the media.
"It will cost you," they warned.

“Don’t hold rallies. It will cost you!” he warned.
He and four others have been sentenced to death.
Help us save them.
At least for these two...

Abbas Mohammadi suffered an anxiety attack & doubled his medication.
"If they execute him, I'll set myself on fire outside of the prison," his wife said.

Authorities have threatened their families to remain silent.